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Posts posted by mikiea

  1. Just now, vogie said:

    The only trouble with humour is, you can't buy it. 

    oh well , seems you cant get past this post , well i can , but not to worry  , i will place a call to a wa wa wambulance to escort you to a cool calm place far away and free from ants , have a good day sir ....

  2. On 11/13/2017 at 8:08 PM, coulson said:

    No surprise. And they get defensive when foreign media calls it a dangerous place to visit?


    Wake up please!

    china drivers some of the worst , 1.4 billion people and 20 times more cars than thailand = a much smaller death rate  . giving stupid people drivers licenses and allowing drunks and junkies on the road with little or no policing  . that is the thai way .

  3. On 11/13/2017 at 10:32 AM, worgeordie said:

    Boost spending,or deeper in debt. they want to do something about the high prices of fruit and veg.

    regards worgeordie

    bananas and oranges same price in the west as they are  here in thailand  , clearly a case of smoke and mirrors   if you understand the cost of shipping the bananas  thousands of miles to market . fruit in thailand cities is one big joke . the countryside is very reasonable . dual pricing by area or race  is a commie socialist  scheme to protect big business . (big c & tesco)

  4. On 11/12/2017 at 8:57 AM, KarenBravo said:

    Nope. There's a direct correlation between religion of the locals and the amount of stray dogs.

    Muslim = No stray dogs.

    Buddhist = Loads of stray dogs.


    Ao Nang and Krabi in general has a high percentage of Muslims. 

    or vietnamese 

  5. On 11/4/2017 at 4:46 AM, KarenBravo said:

    Have always had success with the spring traps (the one that doesn't kill them) using brown bread as bait.

    huh ? kill as many as possible asap . first try cleaning your home , rats only live where there is food . 

  6. On 11/9/2017 at 8:15 PM, Formaleins said:

    If you undersize or oversize you will risk the aircon not doing what it is supposed to do. It will not remove humidity correctly, it could be running inefficiently wasting electric, best to try and get it as close to specification as possible.

    true words ...undersize allows for constant running to maintain during hot times of day or season . slightly oversize prevents constant compression of coolant , both  motors run less (fan & compressor). under sized units will run constantly to keep up . oversize use a little more elect , but do not run as much .....close to a toss up on the elect bill if your dwelling is tight  and sunlight shining in your home is  at a min.  

  7. On 11/8/2017 at 2:05 PM, Berkshire said:

    I've never given money to a Go Fund page and never will.  I wonder who the heck would do that....especially to complete strangers. 

    bleeding liberal hearts would give money to close the gap the have created in their lives between azz hole's thumb suking finger pointers  .  ahh ...but it will not work  , they will keep trying  to shed  their image  .............


  8. On 11/9/2017 at 5:51 AM, stanleycoin said:

    This is no way to behave on the roads.

    Jail 3-5 years.,  no if's or buts.

    and a good kicking as well., scum bag


    for reasons already known to the readers ,  if caught this scum bag will face little or no time and maybe a 500 to 1000 baht fine .....the best part of this rager slipped into the crack of his mom's keester at time of conception .  was a stain  left on the banana  leaf's ........

  9. 8 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    "The sounds are obviously unbearable but fortunately the school is close-by, so my suffering lasts only about 4-5 minutes." :saai: 

    the dude or dudette needs to get out more ....sorry about gender ? , but real men could not care less if not their  child .

  10. 2 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

    Thailand has enough of a problem dealing with its own homegrown paedophiles - the last thing they need is farangs adding their disgusting impulses to the mix.

    When will action be taken?

    Story after story after story in which these filthy perverts from North America, Europe and the Antipodes are caught after ruining any number of children's lives.


    It really is time to get ahead of the curve and implement racial profiling

    The stats tell you everything you want to know - the farang paedos are the biggest offenders after the local ones.

    Subject every white male entering this country to a screen against an international database of sex offenders.


    It might not catch them all but certainly, those who've offended in their countries will be turned right back around and deported at their own expense to answer questions from law enforcement in their country.



    i agree with you , cut off their balls and feed them to soi dogs , but be fair about your persecution of pedo freaks . thailand has their fair share of home grown monsters which function with the approval of some government agencies (coppers) , this includes the massive young girl slave trade  that feeds the whore houses , and no one , not even you seem to care about . but on one thing we all agree , they need to be in prisons for life .

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