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Posts posted by mikiea

  1. On 12/16/2017 at 8:12 AM, darksidedog said:

    Once again the Government show themselves to be utterly spineless and to allow a murder to go unpunished. They clearly don't have the intelligence to realise that by doing so, they are doing nothing to prevent this from happening again. Their is a mindset in the military that is totally wrong. This was an opportunity to address that, but clearly honesty is not and never has been a strong point for the Junta.

    to the mother i feel pity for, i know she will never have peace because the truth may never be known . RIP

  2. On 12/14/2017 at 5:04 PM, Sheryl said:

    Stop applying anything until all the redness and peeling has resolved.


    Fake product is possible but so is allergy/hypersensitivity if you have not used these products before


    Suggest Clinique products, hypoallergenic - their Moisture Surge is very good, I use it myself


    If you arrive/leave by plane can get it in the duty free, otherwise department stores

    true words spoken , only buy from upscale dept stores or DF , 8 years ago i visited a   cosmetic factory in shenzhen to look at their stock (past life wholesaler). 5 gal vats of crisco shortening and glycerin were blended together with pimp oil fragrance and injected into small tubes .  all the major brands were on these tubes  , same garbage in all of them . to the eye looked good .

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/15/2017 at 8:07 AM, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    The chanotes that are investigated as a rule encroached on forest or beach land. Always have the land office resurvey the land before a purchase. You can also ask the forestry department if a specific piece of land are under investigation or not. Talk to people staying in around the land as they will know whats going  on about the land.  

    they are only as good as how bad your wife's divorce lawyer is .

  4. On 12/15/2017 at 9:39 AM, realenglish1 said:

     She is using you Leave her No need to stay

    if you stay just picture thin your mind ....she is buying him tall cold glass's of san mig light while he  gets re-acquainted with his four old daughter .  ( she has known him for 5 years) . dude he banged his english class student she popped out a kid and you are supporting all 3 of them ....gross and tacky at the same time , also it is the stankie skanks way of doing things  , you are blessed , now run as fast as feets will carry you ......haha haha haha   

  5. On 12/14/2017 at 5:46 PM, sirmud63 said:

    you can take the girl out of the bar , but you carnt take bar out of the girl . 

    pull the pin mate .

    she is 22 going on 47 .... pick up your feets and put down as fast as you can  only 22 and a 5 year relationship with JODY ?  dude  are you still here ?  ....run....

  6. On 12/15/2017 at 5:28 AM, Smiley Face said:

    Since so many Thai driver don't bother with a license anyway I don't see this as being a tremendous advantage.  Thailand still needs a real police force to enforce laws in the first place.  If anything, it will only serve to encourage larger bribes to the BIB to turn the other way.  Certainly Thai driving is a problem but lack of effective, honest policing is a worse issue since it lets the reckless Thai drivers go unchecked.

    the pecker head driver on yaba or the sxit for brains bus or truck driver operating on 6 hrs sleep in the last 48 could care less about this new set of rules , it is toilet paper to them . take the fines out of the coppers hands , make them do what all policemen do all over the world ---ARREST BAD GUYS-----   make drunk drivers go to jail mandatory .  cars ,trucks , buses towed  and impounded with a hefty storage fee . make the pain of getting caught with a DUI hurt so much it will serve as a deterrent , pull license's  one year suspension mandatory no exceptions , make it hurt . in other words  be POLICE MEN  .

  7. On 12/13/2017 at 5:37 AM, ezzra said:

    The problem is that, should  Prawit, who's as in high position as you can  get, be found guilty of unexplained wealth, it will bode not well on his close mates, who are themselves very big wigs in the Thai government and society, 

    with the adage that goes 'tell me who's your friend and i'll tell you who

    you are' might put his close buddies in a negative light as well....


    On 12/13/2017 at 6:11 AM, Bluespunk said:

    Seriously, peasants, I’m warning you. Stop criticising your betters, no matter how corrupt they are. 

    true words ......shameful and pathetic ,weakness is at the core of this thing that is called a junta 

  8. 57 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    That's exactly what I have been confused about.


    Off the top off my head, I remember Libya was way ahead of Thailand at 70-odd deaths per 100K population and Thailand was second at 36. Those were listed as WHO figures from a couple of years ago (2015?).

    How come Libya has disappeared from the top ten? As the post above suggests, maybe they haven't yet been added to the list, or have gone ex-directory due to their high ranking.

    a war  a invasion , a constant state of siege ......

  9. 1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    It never ceases to amaze me how many (Expats?) TV members are so critical of the Junta and any progress it makes.  That the EU should take this step is a positive step-  whatever way you look at it.  And yet most of the same TV members that are always so critical of  the Junta are also over-critical of Thais and Thailand, and they often state how 'silly, selfish, corrupt, bad, incompetent' things are here.  Thailand has always been 'less than efficient and organised' (except at times of wars or celebrations) and corruption has always been here, and the people are very under-educated - all that is true as so often stated by some TV members.  And yet these same TV members want the Thai people to vote for a new Govt that will be just as (if not more) silly, selfish, corrupt, bad, incompetent, than all the previous Govts (both elected and Military).  It seems to me that they are 'Junta is bad' no matter what happens, and 'Democracy is good' no matter how bad it was. Which to me smacks of their inherent belief that everything is 'better' in those countries they come from - themselves included.  IMO the Junta is doing a great job, and they are as bad, and in many things are much better, than all the previously elected Govts.  And IMO, just like the Junta, I dont think the Thai people are ready yet to elect a fair and decent Govt - and I dont see a large amount of candidates that would deliver that either.  What I see is a lot of candidates willing and ready to get back on the 'gravy train' - which will then result in yet another Junta takeover in the future.


    Clearly some TV members need to read up on Thailand's political history, and then they may realise that it has never been perfect, and that at the very least the Junta stopped the outbreak of severe violence between the fanatics, which IMO would have destabilised the country and resulted in disaster - especially following the events of the last year or so. 




    elvis has drank the kool-ade ......nuff said

  10. 17 hours ago, z42 said:

    This is horseshit. It doesn't say what these people were doing in Thailand (and hence their suitability to give honest answers to all questions).


    My guess would be that most Americans visiting Thailand on holiday would be clueless about who Prayuth is. And those who do know he is a junta leader.



    true words spoken ........

  11. On 12/9/2017 at 11:50 AM, smedly said:

    and of course you could have avoided the wheel - I would get a posting holiday if I really said what I want to say to you - shame on you


    There was no possible way for this young lady to avoid this horrific incident, the fault is clearly with whoever is responsible for the maintenance of the truck


    As usual Thais blaming everything but the actual cause

    corn-man is in a bubble all by himself on this one , for shame on him 

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