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Posts posted by mikiea

  1. On 10/27/2017 at 5:44 PM, ThaiWai said:

    You're not too sharp with the reading comprehension huh?  In many aspects of life, if one is not legally married the partner is considered persona non grata.  This is because relationships recognized outside some form of holy matrimony are considered to be less then "real" or "valid" because of ancient history recorded in fictional texts written by cave dwellers who believed in magical men in the sky.  I do not support these beliefs or any laws made with a basis in religious mentality.  

    hahah hahah bhaha you just made up a b/s story . i think you like to impress people with your babbly-d-goog  , hahaha hahaha  , its ok , i enjoy reading it  ....hahah ghhaaahahaha

  2. 14 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    It's crass to brag about personal wealth hence I'm not keen to discuss the subject but I did indeed make quite a lot of money out of THB. I came here in 2004 when GBP/THB was in the seventies, within a year I bought my first condo which I lived in and also bought a new CRV, within two more years I thought I could see the writing on the wall so I imported my GBP wholesale, by 2011 I was almost all in THB however my income was in GBP. By that time I'd bought additional property and then I sold my condo, I did so when the pair were at around 50. All told today I have the same value of THB funds I started my retirement with in 2004 but but the GBP equivalent has soared massively, I also own my home and other investments in Thailand. The interesting part is I didn't set out to make a profit on any of this, it was all about survival and nothing more.

    yada  yada  yada ......

  3. 11 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Interesting to look at trip advisor , a fair share of negative reviews and the manager arguing with (even abusing the reviewers) the reviews. 81 reviews, and 18 say poor or terrible, and the manager arguing the point. Manager is saying the reviews are fake, they are not fake if someone stayed there and its their review.

    Basil Fawlty would be proud.

    true words spoken by peter .....all the boo hoo's and sad pics will not help . it is a dead dog , kicking it will only focus attention on  those other 18 soso reviews .

  4. On 11/4/2017 at 8:19 PM, simoh1490 said:

    Poster chiang mai (rest in peace) was whipped up one side and down the other for almost two years for suggesting 42 was possible, now you come along and suggest 39 might become a reality,  it's heresy and treason many will say! Personally, I'm thinking 35 (plus or minus 10%) is in order, almost certainly within five years!

    it happens ...i was sending USD to china as fast as i could 12-13-rears ago the street exchange was 8.9 to one  ...with little to none on inflation .  now chinese peeps have gone crazy with spending  ....the rate is clawing its way back . but that will not happen in thailand , these peeps also spend crazy but the put it on a cred cardit or borrrow , no gain there . chinese spend from savings ....

  5. 16 hours ago, mike888 said:

    Africans will not be stopped from coming to thailand, this is just more racist "black bashing" by thai media/police.


    Africa and thailand are linked much more than farang countries due to trade deals (ex. oil/rice/textiles/seafood). This leads to many visa loopholes.


    Obviously there are also huge black market links as well, thailand being a big producer and africans the best smugglers .


    African girls also popular in bkk amongst whites/arabs so they will keep smuggling humans as well lol.

    Dude wat u smoking?  Pass it on down the line........ 

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  6. On 11/2/2017 at 12:36 PM, worgeordie said:

    It's a Golden tree snake, Chrysopelea ornata, rear fanged,mildly venomous, 

    it's a wonder you got picture as they are so fast.

    regards Worgeordie

    Looks like it may be a old g/f of mine, wave some money at it.... 

  7. 7 hours ago, candide said:

    The issue is not how much rain fell in one year. It is how much rain fell during the flood period. Obviously, during this critical period, it did not rain as much as in 2011 and the flood was not comparable.

    Next it will be compared to noah's flood


    7 hours ago, candide said:

    The issue is not how much rain fell in one year. It is how much rain fell during the flood period. Obviously, during this critical period, it did not rain as much as in 2011 and the flood was not comparable.

    Will be compared to noah's flood next week 

  8. 3 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

    Not according to wide range of legal matters based on archaic laws based on "holy" books it's not.  

    huh ? you still read and listen to that crapolla ? be what you want to be , do what you want to do .... all is well as long as others are not hurt  by your actions .  oh , and i do not count prospective  butt hurt leach  in-laws . bada bada bing 

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