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Posts posted by charliebadenhop

  1. Met a guy who installs pools in the US. Has his own company. He says the prices to build a proper pool here in Thailand are about twice what he charges in the US. And for clarity, he has two Thai friends who have pools and they told him how much they paid.

    Is this because a lot of things for the pool need to be imported?


  2. Hi,

    Now that you have made it clear that you don't have extensive experience in any martial art(s) it makes what you write more understandable.

    Your thinking and my thinking are WAY far apart, and so be it.

    One obvious concern for me, with someone who thinks like you, is the seemingly obvious ethical and legal dilemmas you would need to deal with if ever faced with a real life situation.

    In most every country of the world, what you describe doing to protect yourself could easily be considered "assault and battery" and punishable by a term in jail.

    "No your honor the other person did not strike me even once."

    "Yes your honor, I twisted the other persons testicles, followed up by repeated hits to their various nerve centers, and then once they fell to the ground I continued to punish them until they showed no more resistance."

    "I state again your honor, the other person did not strike or otherwise physically assault me, because my attack on them was pre-emptive. It is what I consider to be self defense."

    Not a situation I would be wanting to face!

    All the best to you, and I hope you never need to implement your belief system in this regard.


  3. mmh8, I find your thinking SO interesting!

    You wrote-

    self defence is something else and is not the correct approach to violence with no rules. my point being that defence is the wrong mindset while attack is the correct one. thinking wait for opponent will get you hopefully only beaten but likley worse


    So are you saying here that if you think someone is likely to try and attack you, then the best thing to do is to attack the other person first?

    Then you wrote:

    if the op is asking for self defence then they should look elsewhere than coreographed aikido, karate, kung <deleted> etc etc etc.


    So what art are you suggesting then?

    Every martial art that I know of involves practicing basics over and over and over again. Most if not all martial arts also have as a part of their study, choreographed actions that are meant to simulate what is likely to occur in a real attack.

    So after a LOT of practice of the basics, and a LOT of coreographed practice, it is hoped the the practitioner will be able to perform spontaneously.

    You can think of it like you might have learned how to drive or do many other complex physical tasks. With enough training, you can perform in the moment without the need to think.

    ​By the way, and I think I might have asked you before...

    What training in martial arts do you have?


  4. I live in Chiang Rai, but I could likely help you. I have been helping people with such conditions for more than 30 years now.

    Come to CR for a few days, and pay me nothing if you get no results.

    I spent 30 years in Japan and my work is a mix of Japanese techniques along with various Western forms of bodywork.

    PM me if you have interest.


  5. I have first class insurance.

    I recently had an accident that was technically my fault.

    (I crossed over the center line to avoid someone speeding who was going to hit me at a 90 degree angle, and a motorbike then ran into me)

    I had a friend with me, an insurance person came, but no police.

    The insurance person drew a simple diagram as to what happened.

    He said "Technically this accident is your fault as you crossed over the centerline, and the person you were avoiding never stopped so we can't speak to them. Please initial the diagram and state it basically represents what happened. If you don't want to sign we will need to call the police and it will get complicated and I can assure you it will wind up being your fault when it is all said and done."

    My friend then called my insurance broker and she suggested that I sign the diagram, and that all would be fine, so I signed.

    Got my car fixed perfectly, no other fallout.

    I am assuming my insurance rates will go up a bit.

  6. Anyone have an idea- "In general" in the restaurant business in countries more developed than Thailand, how much does a restaurant hope to mark up the cost of their food when deciding on the menu price?

    Can it really be costing B200 or more to put out a great burger, and then the price perhaps becomes B4-500?

    I have now been twice to the Dutch baker that Donald mentioned.

    Truly exceptional bread, and a number of other goodies as well. And, as a little added extra, the baker is also a very nice person to talk with.

  7. Immigration here in Chiang Rai has been a blessing.

    Nice friendly treatment and the longest I have ever been there was about 30 minutes. (One anomaly- Once I had to go back again to pick up my extension because the person who has to OK everything had not yet arrived.)

    So if one doesn't live a long way from an immigration office and the office is well run and friendly... aside from going through the airport faster and maybe a ride to the airport and back in some cities, I still don't get the benefit vs. the price.

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