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Posts posted by Aforek

  1. 1 hour ago, heroKK said:

    Macron is a con artist, he's worse then Sarkozy. the candidate of the wealthy elites and Bankesters, he was working for a well known banking family, seen his young age. He has neither personality nor any solid political experience, he s the perfect submissive puppet for his real banking masters. If the French don't Elect Le Pen this time. Expect France to plunge into real chaos leading to a balkanized civil war.

    Le Pen is very dangerous , and I am glad she will never be elected ; after the election ( or before ) she will have to go to  justice , she is as rotten as the others ; leaving Euro ? cost for France : 190 billions euros; retired at 60 years old ?  she is the only one in the world who proposes this

    Euro and Europe have a great future, only a minority of people ( among them some Thaivisa members ) don't think like that  ( BTW, I am European and French )

    Macron is in the center, young and modern and I'll vote for him

  2. Everything has been said above, so I don't say anything more,  but when you say " For example: I like to see the different architecture of temples, the colors especially since they are the complete opposite of European churches which tend to be just gray. " , you are wrong


    it is known that cathedrals in Europe, when they were built,  were coloured but with time ( several centuries ), the color has faded and now is gray

  3. On 16/02/2017 at 10:55 AM, Bassosa said:

    Wow, Pattaya was a dump even then!


    On a serious note, each time I watch old Thailand videos it strikes me how little has changed.

    For Pataya, the changes occur in 1976, before, when there were GI , no tourists, it was certainly nice; as I told, in 1975 it was still a sort of village

    many things changed in Thailand! you have not seen videos of 1957 ? there are some on the Internet ; at that time , very few ( and rich ) people could travel around the world , no tourists yet

  4. 6 hours ago, meatboy said:

    i have had the same fixed acc.the past 8yrs.never touched it,but yes i have been asked many times what do you live on,so i always have a current acc.book with me showing monthly amounts going out,with a transfer once a yr.going in.

    which fixed account do you have ? which bank, with interest? You have it for 8 years ?

    I am at SCB, and I see they have fixed account for 3 years only ( many possible to renew it , I must ask )

    I want a long term fixed account, with possible withdrawal


  5. I think that humankind can resolve many problems, like in the past, but for me, futur ( for next generations ) will be more difficult ( surpopulation, many old people with small income because less people to pay for them , many unemployed because machines will replace human, and of course global warming )

    a world war ? Not necessary , just a difficult life , more difficult than ours, babyboomers

  6. 22 hours ago, Stocky said:

    You can do it over the phone 1100 - you'll need the following ready to hand, plus a large dollop of patience:

    • The number for the modem unit, there should be a sticker on the top left by the engineer
    • Your TOT account number (see top of bill)
    • The ID number of the account holder 

    After the engineer checks your connection will go to the new speed they'll switch you over, usually done the same working day. They warn you that if you've not been on the existing contract more than 12 months there may be a Bht1,000 surcharge. 

     What the modem number looks like ? I have an Edimax modem ( TOT fiber ), no sticker on the top  but I see several stickers  under the device

    Also I have a ZTE device, is it for fiber ( the guy who install it told me one is for fiber ,  and one for wifi ) ?

    I think I go soon to my TOT shop to get the promotion


    5 monts so far with TOT and they are very good

  7. 10 hours ago, OmegaRacer said:

    People kill, have road accidents and become violent due to alcohol abuse, yet it is legal. Ever heard about such incidents from smoking pot? No, I didn't think so.

    It's about time the laws change. Long long overdue.

    I have smoked ganja almost every day during 20 years, in Europe and Asia ( Thailand, too ),  now I have stopped for 20 years, and I don't agree with you on one point ; driving ( car, motobike etc ) is very dangerous when " stoned ", because ganja makes dreaming, thinking much and concentration and attention are very  low, totally inadequate with driving, which ask to be attentive to the surrounding ; when smoking ganja , you are in the clouds, not on earth

    several road accident have happened, because the driver was under the influence of marijuana

  8. Besides the people who will vote for her ( 30 % ) , a majority of French are attached to Euro ( the currency ) and don't want a Frexit


    as said above, " The rest of her program pretty much copies Trump Donnie's and is just as populist and unrealistic, to keep it polite.  " totally "démagogique " retired  at 60 years old ? impossible


    her model is Trump  555 !   she will lose versus Emmanuel  Macron

  9. 5 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

    In the U.S  a large minority if not a majority of families can trace there origins back to another country.

    My family is from England on the mothers side and French-Canadian on my fathers side.

    If you know your history most of the native born Americans are from immigrant roots.

    we as Americans  hate to admit it but our country was built by foreigners since the 1500's.

    I know that is not popular now but it is in fact the truth.

    Now that our society has  become fat, stupid, and lazy we want to forget the fact that we are all immigrants from somewhere.

    Fear is what breeds irrationality, and now Americans are afraid.

    that is why we have Trump as president, irrational fear.

    That is my opinion, whether you like it or not.


    Apart what we call Indians ( Sioux, Comanches etc ... ), we can say that 100 % of American people have foreign origins, not a " large minority or a majority " , idem for Australian, New Zeland ...

    If I am wrong, what other origin than outside America ? USA is a country of immigrates ; first, all of them came from Europe, then from Africa  ( slaves ) and Asia and South America

    the American race doesn't exist

  10. Of course he did  pay her ( we speak now of almost 1 million euros ) ;

    don't forget Le Pen, the one who says she is clear

    EU asks her to reimburse 300000 euros, because she has paid her collaborator ,  (who worked for her party, not for EU) , with the european money ; of course, she refuses to reimburse                all rotten

    the big favourite now is Macron , young and modern

  11. On 31/01/2017 at 0:43 PM, cooked said:

     I will be buying a Garmin that's for sure. (Probably from Lazada!).

    You are right, both are good ! I  bought mine from Lazada, I live in the country side, and two days later, they brought it to my door ( transport free because it's a small item ), but buy it and pay on the arrival , you will not lose money with change currency , I mean don't buy with a credit card, buy cash

    Lazada is good, today they brought to my door an AC/UNIT

  12. Very dangerous man, I am sorry for American people ( and the rest of the world , because USA is the leader of the world ) to have a such man as president

    thinking only of "give job to the American workers", without thinking of the consequences for the rest of the planet, is very short sight , especially for climate issues

    I don't forget also  his anti abortion views ;   so old fashion in a highly technologically advanced country

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