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Posts posted by Kaalle

  1. Take a look at the picture again, looks like he had a haircut not to long ago. Seriously doubt he is a street person. Ones again my bet is valium and alcohol which he probably enjoyed in his hotel room, then things went downhill and he wandered off and did a very stupid thing which he wont remember.

    That sounds like a legal defense by some sleazy lawyer.
    Hmm I just think its what happened. The circumstances are not the least bit mitigating, that was not my point, quite the opposite. If he is mentally ill he doesn't deserve a harsh punishment or some street justice like the keyboard warriors in the thread are suggesting.
  2. This shows it is not only old farangs going after and marrying young girls.

    Must be his good looks she is marrying him for.

    for every thai old man that does this there are 250 old whites dudes doing this. exception do not make the rule irrelevant.

    Can you find an example of a 70-year old farang marrying a 17-year-od? I doubt it.

    I used to have a neighbor who lived with his 16 year old thai girlfriend who was badly hooked on yabba.

  3. Unless you hold a First Responder certificate and you intervene in a medical emergency and that person dies, you can be held liable, regardless of whether Thai or foreigner.

    I used to live next door to an american paramedic who went to see the ambulance guys on the soi to have a chat and check out their work situation. Apparently they dont even know first aid.

    Did this American speak fluent Thai ?

    Nope, but do you honestly believe emergency personnel have adequate training here? Maybe the ones in the expensive hospitals but I wouldn't take it for granted.
  4. Unless you hold a First Responder certificate and you intervene in a medical emergency and that person dies, you can be held liable, regardless of whether Thai or foreigner.

    I used to live next door to an american paramedic who went to see the ambulance guys on the soi to have a chat and check out their work situation. Apparently they dont even know first aid.

  5. She is probably adopted and most certainly identifies as swedish and acts and thinks every bit is Swedish as I do.

    And ones again she was in no danger, it would be absolutely crazy for them to start beating on her. Its not the way they operate.

  6. What a disgusting piece of low life shit. I don't know how she got into the movies. It sure wasn't by her looks.

    Her white skin and western features. Thais have a different perception of beauty.

    As far as the sentence or lack there of, surprise surprise.

    In other news the company that manufacturers Imodium has apparently bought the rights to the post crash video footage.

  7. Haha guys come here and date girls way out of their league and who´s main focus is money and then precede to declare millions of Thai women are incapable of love.

    Look outside the dating sites, the nightclubs, the bars etc etc. There are hordes of girls and women who have their own money and on top of that integrity and pride, they are looking for emotional stability in a relationship, not economic stability provided by a boyfriend/husband.

  8. Who is the lady? Can be anybody. Could be Eritrean.

    Swedes are very nationalistic and don't deserve to be infiltrated from all kinds of not wanted folks.

    Only recently the PC folks have come out the closet.

    Mostly all Europeans agree to the helping of people from Syria who got bombed out of their houses and left to die.

    Europe can't and simply won't house all the poor in the world. Mostly all agree.

    Swedes are hardly nationalistic. In fact nationalism and patriotism is viewed as something quite primitive there.

    And I fail to see how the lady was brave. Huge police presence and its not like they would beat her badly or something. Its not the streets of Berlin in the 30's.

    And lastly the people demonstrating are in fact neo nazis. They perceive jews to be a bigger threat than muslims, on a greater scale.

  9. Sure I do!

    I have a kindle that I have been using for a couple of years but now im thinking about starting with regular books again, somehow it feels like a more genuine experience. Ebook readers are great though, since its free (sorry) and you can get virtually any book.

    Right now im reading "People Who Eat Darkness". Well worth a read.

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