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Posts posted by Kaalle

  1. When I go to Indian restaurants in Thailand (first visits), sporting my white skin, when I request my curries VERY HOT AND SPICY PLEASE, the majority of times the food arrives very bland. That's racism too and I call them on it every time. When confronted they always admit they ignored my request because of my skin color / perceived nationality. I just bring this up as food for thought about how STUPID and OFFENSIVE it is to prejudge people based on skin color / race / nationality. OK, the food thing is trivial but still annoying as they still expect full payment for treating me differently based on skin color, resulting in not getting what a perceived South Asian person would expect even without asking.

    But rent to me, with my white skin, and I may just smell up your condo with MY cooking smells too. Gothcha, haters!w00t.gif

    Oh yes, Rosa Parks has nothing on you.

  2. The funniest part is the claim that farang men in Thailand are living a life they earned. Coming from Western countries where high salaries are paid in return for minimal effort and where real estate booms have turned ordinary baby boomer generation people into owners of extremely overinflated real estate. Very interesting.

    BTW I am not being a Thai apologist. I have been in Thailand long enough to be aware of the faults of Thai society. But I just thought it was a bit much to suggest asset rich farangs are financially comfortable entirely through effort alone.

    High salaries for minimal effort? In Thailand people are paid to sit on a chair. Try doing any type of manual labour in the west at the pace thats used in Thailand and see how long before you are let go. As far as non manual labour I imagine its the same.

  3. I assume they are on testosterone. That will help the muscle development and possibly enlarge the clitoris to mini penis size. The sex change opperation, known as an "addadicktome" is dangerous and often unsuccessful. I love the mix here but get jealous as it seems the Toms get the hottest GFs.

    No no, porridge and the occasional protein drink and a fair lady will end up looking like that.

  4. Transgender means you identify as the gender other than your birth gender. Physical transition is very individualized and is generally a long process. It doesn't necessarily mean ever changing the genitals. Hormone therapy is usual.

    So I could identify that I'm female, wear women's clothes, use the ladies lavatories, wear make up, talk higher pitched, compete in women's sport then every Tuesday night have intercourse with the missus, then her with me, I can do all this in the name of transgender?
    You want to do that? I reckon it's a very serious life changing situation to discover you're a trans woman. You act like it's a trivial whim. Perhaps get educated.

    Imagine you woke up tomorrow with a pair of tits and a vagina. It wouldnt be a joke then, it would probably feel like you were in the wrong body and the rest you can figure out yourselves.

  5. there's a similar thing going on over Muay Thai

    aka Khun Khmer, depends on where you are

    Jesus, they're fighting over Muay Thai?

    Have you *seen* Muay Thai? Let the Cambodians have it and good luck to them.

    A decent boxer would tear them apart.


    A decent boxer would tear up a thaiboxer in a kick boxing fight? That is as stupid as saying a plummer would do better at brain surgery than a brain surgeon.
  6. The Op has integrity and wants to do the right thing without causing a problem for anyone else.

    Obviously, some posters have no idea what integrity is.

    OP, I would report it to the store and not bring the receipt to avoid problems for the cashier , pay what yo owe,

    Then go home and sleep well.

    I respect yo for your honesty..and integrity.

    You think the supermarket has integrity and respect for you as a customer? The cashier is off the hook so no need to worry about her.
  7. You need to understand that the only way for the store to see that a pack of water has disappeared is doing a full inventory, in which case a small thing like this would be nothing out of the ordinary, completly natural, a cost of doing business with hundreds of thousands of transactions.

    I think you would be surprised.

    Many years a go someone I know bought a microwave, some other stuff, and a case of beer at Tesco.

    The microwave and the groceries were in the trolley and the case of beer was on the lower level of the trolley.

    The cashier didn't notice the case of beer, and the customer also only noticed that it wasn't on the bill when he arrived at home.

    A few weeks later he received a phone call from Tesco to ask if he maybe forgot to pay for a box of beer on that day.

    They had noticed from the camera above each check out counter who had failed to pay for a case of beer, and of course they had his details because he had filled in the microwave warranty.

    After working in a number of supermarkets for a number of years I kind of am surprised. The only way this was possible is if the manager was frantically watching the CCTV at the right moment.

    Again, the thing with supermarkets is the number of customers, the number of goods and she sheer number or transactions. Things get lost, the numbers get mixed up etc etc. And I cant imagine supermarkets in Thailand do a better job of keeping tally than in the west, with the risk of sounding rude.

  8. You need to understand that the only way for the store to see that a pack of water has disappeared is doing a full inventory, in which case a small thing like this would be nothing out of the ordinary, completly natural, a cost of doing business with hundreds of thousands of transactions.

  9. Think there is a lot more to this story than we get to hear....

    How she can distinguish that he is Finnish? she most likely know him.....

    Empty soda cans would not make anybody hurt.... maybe they where full?

    Finnish people are known for their Laplander temper when drunk, but they usually throw knives rolleyes.gif

    so this sound like friendly fire.........

    Laplanders are docile little creatures in colorful costumes, and only a minority of fins are Laplanders.
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