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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. You can get a statement from any branch in the country and it's nothing to do with immigration which branch you opened your account with.
  2. Attached is a list of 'low risk countries' and also the 7 conditions for entering Thailand quarantine free. You should be able answer your own questions from these two.
  3. There should be no problem using the Abu Dhabi-Bangkok flight and as the UAE is on the list of 'low risk countries' I reckon you're good to go.
  4. How do you know that what they're drinking is real, undiluted tequila?
  5. If you want anything closer to home and reliable, then buying your own is I suggest, your only option.
  6. Air4thai is the one I use. I mainly refer to it on my computer, but does have mobile apps available as well. http://www.air4thai.com/webV2/region.php?region=0
  7. If one going to miss paying the premiums on an insurance policy, tell them so and explain why. I had problems with payments on an endowment earlier this year when I was changing my bank account. There was an issue with the new direct debit form which delayed payments by 3 months. But I kept in contact with the company and cooperated with them until the issue was finally sorted. But if you don't communicate with them, they are probably within their rights to cancel. An insurance policy is a contract and non payment is a breach of that contract.
  8. A lot has been spent on road improvements in the north east over the last 7 years that I've been here. The build standard is much higher than it used to be and I enjoy riding my motorcycle and feel quite safe on them. The high death toll is due mainly to poor riding standards, lack of helmets and alcohol use. Not forgetting, of course that there are an awful lot of bikers out there.
  9. From the internet: Penetration testers, also known as “ethical hackers,” are highly skilled security specialists that spend their days attempting to breach computer and network security systems. ... They do this by trying to hack into networks to identify potential vulnerabilities in the system. https://www.jobhero.com/job-description/examples/information-technology/penetration-tester
  10. Absolutely. I've been around a lot of dogs over the last few years and I've never known them to kill one another. They'll have a scrap over mating or territorial rites but they rarely do each other any harm.
  11. You said it yourself. The O/P did say major war. And I'm sure that we all know what he is referring to. Whilst all of the above were nasty (you forgot the Balkans and Northern Ireland by the way), they cannot be considered major when compared to the 2 great wars. There were probably more casualties at the Somme alone than there were all of the listed conflicts collectively. As far as warfare goes, the world is a much safer place than it used to be,
  12. Come to sunny Issan and enjoy some real clean fresh air. I'm already looking forward to my morning walk in the countryside. For the uninformed, blue is excellent and green is satisfactory.
  13. No. You just have to look at the photograph. If that doesn't convince you watch the video here It was his safety rope (otherwise known as restraining rope) that the lady cut. She cut it below him, so if he had continued his descent he would have been unprotected had his main rope failed. As far as I can tell they are using standard rappelling techniques for this kind of work,
  14. Lazada always say 45 days for a credit card refund. In my experience I've received it in 4 to 5 days. So don't despair.
  15. All that and you've yet to discover that there is no such thing as a 'retirement visa'.
  16. We actually live next door to a guy who organizes the cock fighting in our village. He keeps about 6 or 8 of his own and sometimes lodges guest birds down for the weekend's contest. I was a bit bothered about this at first, but I soon got used to it. I hardly notice them at all and it's true what others have said about Asians. They could sleep through a hurricane. The notion that cocks begin to crow at dawn is, of course, an urban myth. (as I've discovered) Country folk sleep right through the cacophony (should I say cock-cophony) and upon waking in the morning the first thing they hear is, well well, a cock crowing!
  17. Please explain how I can use my AC to cool the incoming water supply.
  18. 'Impeachment' the latest in the American Crime Series now available on BBC iPlayer. Streaming only. The title says it all really, it covers the scandals that swirled around Bill Clinton during those crazy years. The last two series from ACS, 'The Trail of OJ Simpson' and 'The Assassination of Gianni Versace' were both brilliant, so I'm expecting some good viewing this time around.
  19. The one thing that I really love about the cold season is that I can enjoy a really cold shower. I love them they are so stimulating. Apparently they are also good for boosting the immune system. 'Get ye behind me Covid!'
  20. It's too much of a coincidence to ignore isn't it. If you feel that you want to be helpful @JetsetBkk I'd suggest you find a way of getting to the attention of the banking system, but not as a printout. They would need it in its original digital format for it to be of use to them. Sorry but I can't help with an email address.
  21. And other peoples experience, mine for instance, they do. It was one of the first things my IO asked for when I first did an income based extension.
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