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Everything posted by Moonlover

  1. @Scrotobike is right IMO. I've saying this for quite some time. Vaccinate and protect the vulnerable then open up the country and allow the young to catch and spread the virus. Because that's route to herd immunity which is what the country and indeed the world ultimately needs. Stop hiding from it! I will point out that in our province, it was the old and vulnerable that were prioritized when it came to vaccination. I can proudly boast that I was the first person in our village to be vaccinated.
  2. Bangkok Bank's ID number is 002 Thailand Bank Codes If it's the ID or code number your searching for @MarcelV you should find it on this website.
  3. I think that this comment could be applied to just about every country in the world to a greater or lesser degree.
  4. Thailand, a failed state? What nonsense! Go visit Somalia, Haiti, Libya Chad or Syria. Then come back and try saying that again.
  5. Correct. In fact not even a passenger is allowed to drink alcohol in a moving vehicle. (to prevent temptation I presume)
  6. Not at all. The truth seems to be out now and there is nothing racist about calling an Indian an Indian.
  7. Well done. Much more helpful than my earlier correspondent! I have long suspected that the problem lay with the method that is used to make the in-payments, rather than a problem with Wise itself. A method that, is course peculiar to the USA. I think you could have nailed it here.
  8. No I am not wrong! The fact is that many Americans complain about the slowness of Wise. So how about you, instead of criticizing my valid observations, explain to your fellow citizens how they can help themselves to improve the service for themselves.
  9. That is a very valid point. When you read praise for Wise, it's often from the UK. There we can transfer funds into Wise in a matter of seconds. I can complete the whole process, on my mobile within 5 minutes and I always receive my funds the same day. I understand that it isn't that simple from 'across the pond' and we don't have an 11 hour time difference plus 6 times zones to contend with in the UK. It's bound to make a difference.
  10. Because every time you read that, the poster will be sending money from the UK or Europe, from where the service is excellent. Whenever I read on this forum that the service is unreliable my immediate thought is 'this must be an American' and I'm always right. I'm sorry, I know that's not very helpful, but I suspect that the most likely cause of these delays is time difference between Thailand and the US.
  11. That sounds good to me. Do make sure that there is sufficient 'padding' to allow currency fluctuations. However if one should fall below 40k, you can always use one of the Wise transfers to make up the difference. To prove that you SSI payments are foreign deposits you need to get an FET (foreign exchange transaction) certificate from your bank for each deposit. Good luck, I hope it all works well for you and enjoy spending your 800K. ????
  12. Isolation following a positive test, be it in a hospital, field hospital or hospitel is covered by Covid insurance. What they won't cover is isolation at home. I specifically asked about this when I bought my own policy earlier this year, however I do not know whether a standard health policy would provide the same cover.
  13. I have been using Wise (TransferWise) ever since the withdrawal of the embassy letters. Our IOs accept the Transaction Confirmations (downloadable from Wise) along with my annual pension statements as sufficient proof of income. But you'll need to have that confirmed with your local office as I have read that some IOs do not accept this method. (the notorious inconsistency that prevails here) However, if you have a single pension that will provide the necessary income of 40k/month deposited directly into your local bank, that will greatly simply matters.
  14. Love is dogs that stick by you no matter what and cats that purr.
  15. Sorry but you're making exactly the same mistake as the author is by confusing nuclear powered with nuclear capable. Sure, to drive a nuclear powered submarine (or any other vessel) you need weapons grade fuel, but that is a lifetime once only installation. Australia is not forfeiting its status regarding the Treaty of Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons because it is not acquiring any nuclear weapons, nor the means to produce them.
  16. The author of this piece seems to have got this issue completely round his neck. He writes: 'For decades, ASEAN has been urging all nuclear powers to accede to the Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone (SEANWFZ). Supplying nuclear powered submarines to Australia does not, in any way breach this understanding. A nuclear powered submarine is not a nuclear armed submarine. There are no nuclear weapons involved. He needs to go away and do his homework.
  17. That is probably situation that has been faced by 90% of the world's population. For the most part they have the choice of take it or leave it. And, of course that includes, for the most part, us as well. Glad to see that you are pragmatic about it.
  18. The omission of a 'fully vaccinated' choice renders this survey virtually meaningless as no one can interpret what an 'other' vote really means.
  19. Fully vaccinated with AZ, courtesy of the MOPH in Sakon Nakhon.
  20. Yes, it appears a lot of posters overlooked the 3rd paragraph. 'This is to help ease the burden caused by the pandemic'. (not to aid hard done by foreign guests) Parenthesis obviously mine.
  21. We went for our Kor Por 2 last week. They charged 1 THB. Yes 1. (She gave them 20)
  22. I use the Android 'on board' app for accessing Hotmail. Deleted mail goes to 'bin' within that app. It can be accessed from the menu at the top left of the screen. It does not seem to have a time expiry set up so needs to emptied regularly.
  23. Yes I know, but I've been looking at the photos. It looks like a dry, sunny day to me. Mr. Tanawas was the owner of a big bike parts shop in Sattahip, so I'm sure when came to tyres, he knew what he was about.
  24. There's nothing wrong with slick tyres in dry conditions. In fact they have better grip than grooved ones. Nothing wrong with the horse, shame about the rider.
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