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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. The sides will be used for fast motorcycles, and scared sh*tless cyclists. I doubt that any normal Thais would walk 5 or 10 kms, ever. Geezer
  2. What Thailand has southern hill billys. If the insurgents would quit shooting people and making the place dangerous, maybe more COVID vaccines would get distributed in that area of Thailand. Just my thought about the situation. I do have a family member who came from Songkhla, but is happy to be living near Hua Hin. Geezer
  3. Maybe the guys on the left are the off spring of the owner. You know the new generation. uncouth, unkempt, or unconventional. Geezer
  4. I guess my December 15th opening forecast is looking more promising, and maybe by January there will be more people wanting a bit of a Winter tourist season. Oh well it is only October 9th, so still 9 weeks until mid December. Geezer
  5. What was the robot in Lost in Space called. maybe it should say, Mask up or Die!! and pack a bunch of free masks for those who forgot theirs at home. At least it looks more useful for Thailand than one of those subs that the Navy want to purchase. Geezer
  6. There have been millions of people including children over 12 getting the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and I have not seen any news stories of bad news except for some heart issues in the younger boys. Raging hormones do not help that age group. It seems that people will some times listen to fake news stories and believe them, instead of getting some real facts, but I guess that is the modern human nature. There are younger people also dying from COVID, and especially the Delta variant, it seems that over 700 thousand have died just in the USA alone. This virus is still deadly and in my mind, may be one of the modern day pestilences. Geezer
  7. I wonder which cities have the most Chinese owned condos? Bangkok, then Chang Mai, then where? Until the tourist market opens up again, I can see many vacant condos sitting around collecting dead flies and bugs. Geezer
  8. spider mike, you do a good impression of the General PM. Mr. Khaki. What is with the south not getting their vaccinations? Is that something the Muslims do not believe in? Just wondering. I hope that all of Thailand gets their shots by December, at lest in the popular cities and towns. My Thai family have all has their first shots, and most have got a second shot of AZ as well. No Chinese stuff for them, they all took their chances and waited for the better vaccine formula. Now in Canada, I wished that some of my family members in their 30s and 40s would get the jab, but in the north they think that they will not contract COVID, and will survive if they do. I hope that is not a fatal decision for them. Keep on vaccinating, good luck. Geezer
  9. I am glad that Thailand and many other countries got off the red list before their high tourist seasons open up. When I looked at USA COVID death stat today, it looks like the eastern one third of that country looks buggered. There are still over 1500 people dying in the US each day, many states are spiking in cases, as there are still lots of anti vaxxing freedom seekers, looking to get sick from COVID. I read that even Alaska is spiking in their number of cases as well. I may book a trip to Thailand in late December or early January if the rules relax more and there are less hoops to jump through. The alcohol ban for tourist areas have to quit, as I do like to drink during my vacation. I do expect to see a dismal scene of Pattaya, Hua Hin and even parts of Bangkok that will still be shuttered and closed, as many businesses are gone for good. Next year may be a bit better as more of the population will have been vaccinated and dealing with COVID may be done without making everyone go to the hospital if they get a false positive test with the defective testing kits supplied from some bad quality places. Geezer
  10. Considering all the stuff in the water that affects your body, I am surprised by all the people in the picture, but then they maybe do not know what is causing those worm like things under their skin, like the tap worms etc. yup only in Thailand. Geezer
  11. What happened, did all the unemployed people get their jobs back? Did tourism return in full? What magic thing happened to improve the conditions? Exactly what restrictions were eased that caused this improvement? Geezer
  12. Wow with this good news, I will wait to see the new fantastic forecast from TAT. I can imagine they will be over the moon with their new numbers. Maybe by November 15, the Thai government will have to say that the alcohol sales will be allowed in at least some places in the country. That may be the day that a few more people will start to commit to going to Thailand for a holiday. Of course it would be nice if a lot of the restrictions, rules and other wise general headaches be gone for people who may want to spend a couple weeks or so in Thailand during the Winter months. Here s hoping. Geezer
  13. ukrules, thanks for the list of the 7 countries still on the red list. I am not surprised that Haiti and Venezuela are on the list, for sure. I can imagine that the Brit expats are relieved that Thailand finally will be off that list, as some will want to go visit family before Winter months show up in the UK. Geezer
  14. I would first check to see where these vehicles were fueled up at. Maybe if there was sand but into the fuel tanks, it is where this happened at. If the fuel caps were not locked or lockable, then South Korea should be doing the repairs to these vehicles free of charge. Or heads should roll in Thailand. Geezer
  15. If this is the end of Rainy season, it sure will be wet enough for a lot of Thailand. I feel sorry for all of the people who are suffering from the flooded areas. I sure hope that better weather is not too far away in the future. Geezer
  16. This may not be a record flood year, but it is still very terrible for lots of people who live in the flood areas, and with Thailand being such a flat country generally, there is a lot of flood areas. Geezer
  17. There are owners, and there are renters, and a lot of times these are very different people as far as responsibility is concerned. I have seen some renters leave their apartments in a similar state and say, oh well I paid a damage deposit. The do not even notice that it will take twice the amount of their deposit to just clean the place. I have notified the land lord to say, get over here and look at your apartment, as your renter is going to leave at the end of the month, and the place is an absolute mess. The renter did not know that the landlord went to the place and got pictures through the windows, informed the police of the state of the place, and they came with a drug dog who smelled some stuff, so got a warrant and went in took all sorts of pictures, and found some drugs. The renter ended up paying for all the mess and damage, and even did some jail time. I hope this young woman does not have a good future if this is how her karma is today. Geezer
  18. Thanks Iron Tongue, I am sure that many posters on here forget that, people are still taking 2000 baht for their teen aged daughter to leave home and earn them some money. Thailand is a developing country with issues, and this would still be one of them issues. Geezer
  19. I hope this jerk gets lots of jail time, and his parent, puts his clothes and such is some other place for storage, and outs him for life, when he gets out of jail. 30 and a druggie, what a shame. I doubt that jail time will make this guy any better of a person. Geezer
  20. In Thailand, just how many of the mid level to poor people can afford their children to spent 5000 baht for a 3 or 5 day trip, more than about once per year if they are lucky? Not all people in Thailand is rich, but this news article may have forgot about that FACT. Geezer
  21. I hope the people all get relocated to another up graded hotel for the rest of their stay. There has to be a smoke smell in that present hotel. Geezer
  22. Yes the case of some people who will not get vaccinated is their beliefs. That is a problem in many parts of the world. I know of some Mennonites and Hutterites, and some other faiths who are using their brand of religious beliefs as a reason not to get a vaccination. In my view I guess they all have the freedom to die of COVID. As long as they stay in their parts of the world and do not mingle with other people or travel, okay then. I believe that some variant of COVID will be in the world for the rest of our lives. Geezer
  23. Elephants eat a lot of food, just type in White Elephant in google and read all about it. They are not cheap anywhere in the world, to keep. Geezer
  24. So this COVID virus has been around for how long, and already there are experts on this forum who do not think that a booster will be necessary. Wow I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many experts. With all the variants that can make you sick or sicker than you may have been if you caught the original COVID virus, I believe that for the next while a booster that has been formulated to deal with the newer variants would be something that I would want. However with all the experts on the forum, what should I believe? My gut, I guess. Geezer
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