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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. So Anutin, the health minister is not saying the same thing as the great leader PM. Is this a surprise? If I have 2 covid shots, and a PCR test on departure, why is another test and 1 night in an ASQ hotel still necessary, when it is well known that I will be in more danger than the Thai people. Land of Sandboxes is still not a great place to visit. Keep trying Prayut and Anutin, some day you tools may actually open up Thailand to foreign travelers with out the hoops and other rules. Maybe by December or January., because, If you mess up until February, your high tourist season will be over by half. It is time to quit being dim wits. Get your Thai people vaccinated, and quit the flip flopping with your rules and restrictions. Geezer
  2. Thailand seems to forget that most countries have been affected by COVID and many people do not have the money to travel far, even if they want to. Many people are struggling to pay their bills and although there are some who still can travel, will they. Unless Thailand gets rid of a lot of its restrictions, the numbers of visitors will be low. I think that by December 1st, the Thai government may finally see the light. Geezer
  3. Bubbles and Sand boxes, yup those are the real tickets. Tourism Thai style. Amazing Thailand. Yup Yup Geezer
  4. A warning well issued, so boys beware. I hope it was a cheap opener. Glad he had a doctor with a steady hand to have the opener sawed or snipped off without further damage. I guess his loss of face will be enuff. Geezer
  5. I wonder why TNT was not used for a building that size. Too expensive? Just wondering. Geezer
  6. Lets see, Thailand is s tropical country that many tourists go to from the northern hemisphere, and even from Australia and some southern countries. The Chamber of commerce, only thinks that a small amount of GDP improvement will happen, but how about thinking of how many out of work Thai people may get their jobs back . I guess rich people never think of that part of the equation. Lets call the whole thing off then. No International tourists until 2023, okay, sounds better I guess. Geezer
  7. Yup Thailand sure wants and needs its tourist dollars, or bahts. Offering China to come will maybe get some of the rich and doubly or tripe vaxxed richer Chinese to come if the Chinese government gives them the permission that they will require. I do hope that after December 1st the Thai government gets serious about letting in at least some countries without quarantines, and without more than a temperature check on arrival. I do agree that all travelers should have insurance for their stay, but to keep the other restrictions on is ridiculous. I guess we will have to see what December first brings. Geezer
  8. Thailand may want China to come back, but with its huge population, it will take China years to even get 50 percent of its population to have 1 vaccination for COVID. Russia is not all vaxxed up either, so I do not see that many countries who are ready to sent their populations away on an international escape vacation. Maybe Brazil with its 600,000 dead will have a few rich people double vaxxed that want to come to Thailand, hmmm. Thailand should just keep giving its population the COVID vaccines and get at least 80 percent doubly jabbed, including the children. Keep on jabbing, and good luck Thailand. Geezer
  9. I sure do hope that the Thai PM gives us all some concrete changes, so that we can get our selves over to Thailand for a Winter vacation, and we can enjoy ourselves as we have in the past. I will wait until November 15 before I even make my first decision whether I will go to Thailand either in December or January for a month vacation. Of course that would mean that I do not want 1 day of quarantine. I do not want a bunch of un necessary restrictions when I arrive in Thailand either. If there is even a hint of an alcohol ban, I will not be happy. The beaches will all have to be open and I do hope that there will also be a few operators of boats etc. , that have not closed for good. I will expect to see lots of closed shops and businesses this Winter as not all of them will have survived this long pandemic. I guess all of us travelers are waiting for a more positive future. Geezer
  10. Too much worry and stress can cause heart attacks. If the government worries too much, well.... Yes world oil prices are rising, so cost of fuel, gas or diesel at the pumps going up should be no surprise. If the baht value goes down a bit, well that is good news for almost all except for the people who are rich enough to save money and depend on that money as well. That would be the rich, and the elites would it not? Geezer
  11. Is the far south getting their vaccines, but not wanting them? I would like to hear the whole story behind the situation. If it is because they are Muslim and do not want the vaccines, well I guess they are all free to die, just like a few of my relatives that will not get the vaccine here in Canada. I will never understand why people have had vaccines as children for many diseases, but now as adults, they will not. Geezer
  12. In all my trips to Bangkok, my Thai family have never taken me to this street, is it just another tourist trap? I will have to ask around. Geezer
  13. The way these storms keep coming and causing floods, maybe opening up Thailand in December is a good delay. Good luck to all who keep being affected by the floods. Geezer
  14. Yes it is impossible to stop an extra high tide, and there are places that are always going to flood if they are too close to the ocean, and are not built up higher than the surrounding land area. like Nonthaburi. Geezer
  15. So banks are dreaming like TAT. Maybe by 2023 there will be better conditions in most countries, and some recovery will have started, but there will be some businesses that have already closed, who will not be reopening ever again. I am thinking that 2025 is a better year to hope for as a year that recovery is well on its way and the world will be in better shape, if some other big disaster does not happen. Being hopeful is a good thing, being deluded is not so good. Just saying. Geezer
  16. Well I had an aunt send all her children a letter. She asked them all if they remembered getting vaccines and needles for, TB, Typhoid, Polio, Diphtheria, and some other diseases when they were children. Then she asked them have any of you ever contracted any of these diseases. No, then get your COVID vaccine. My aunt did contract COVID recently and died of it, no one was allowed to see her for weeks and she died alone. Needless to say all of her children have gotten their jabs. My mother did give me some good advice about saving money, as well as getting to know someone for a long while before marrying them. She would also say things like a fool and his money are soon parted. She also said, that when married, you have to respect your other half and remember that you are two different people, and to forgive each other for things that you cannot agree on, so you can get through you life without killing each other. Geezer
  17. I will return in 2022. If most of the restrictions are gone, I may get my insurance and air ticket possibly in January, but more likely, I will not return until December of 2022. By then I expect that the rules will for sure be different than they are now. For now, I will keep watching Thai visa and other news outlets for Thailand and stay entertained and informed. Geezer
  18. I just hope that Prayuth, was looking into his mirror and doing his morning montra , so he would behave himself through the day. Thailand does not need this kind of leader, in government or in any capacity. Geezer
  19. In reading all the posts, there are posters who agree, and some who disagree. Then there is the poster calling someone's post stupid and thoughtless, and those could be considered as fighting words, or words of disrespect. Being that Thailand is a tropical country that gets international tourists almost all year round, it does need the foreign travelers and tourists. The domestic tourists to Pattaya and other beach side cities certainly help some locals, and that is good to see people going to the beaches again. It will be better for the big hotels and big businesses when international travel recovers as well. Answering the original heading, of Who needs foreign tourists, well nearly every country does, as the extra money helps a whole lot of people. Period. Geezer
  20. Hey. apetryxx, just read the world o meter stats for the USA Oct 11 2021 COVID, 733,575 deaths, and Brazil has now over 600,000 deaths. and the COVID virus is still killing people all over the world. On another topic, it is morning in Canada and the sun has risen for another day, how is that for another topic? Geezer
  21. Rooster, thanks again for keeping us up with the news. I hope that Thailand does re open for Tourists by December, and most of the rules and restrictions are dropped. I will keep waiting for your news up dates. Thanks. Geezer
  22. In all of my visit to Thailand, I have not seen the hoards of rich people doing very much more for Thailand, than the normal tourist has done in the way of spending. I saw a few rich tourists at Blue Port mall in Hua Hin, and all they they were buying was a meal at a restaurant. I have chatted with a few of my rich Thai relatives, and other than having a nicer house and car, they do not spend all that much money in a month. It seems that the rich stay rich by being cheap with their money. Surprise, surprise. Geezer
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