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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 1 hour ago, scaldedfummy said:

    Been hearing spike of cases everywhere, some places in Asia, too. We're in this for a long time I think. Maybe 2 to 3 years more?

    Sadly this could carry on for years, everytime someone coughs the whole shibang will be closed down........  Fear's contagious and the figures being touted around at the moment have got most of the population hiding under their beds shaking with fear.....     You'd think the SS was banging on peoples doors.........  Rampant hysteria........ completely out of control and no one to stand up and give strength and guidance.....       

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  2. It's quite revealing listening to individuals who are scared senseless by something they've had no close contact with, it reminds me of a girl i once met who was scared to go to sleep because she thought she would die.......  She was a coffee sellers dream...........    It's all getting a bit weird, a bit like buying life insurance before entering a battlefield........    Can you imagine all this flip flopping going on for the next few years ?    Dear me........... Enough to drive you to Chang !  

    • Confused 1
  3. 11 hours ago, orchis said:

    yes they should hire the Thaivisa experts.

    Not such a joke as you'd think........ Do you think this site is not read by the powers that be...... ?   They'd do themselves a favour if they took some advice off TVF, some of it makes sense.........  I once needed to land a letter on a certain desk that there was no chance of doing it normally........ TVF, better than the Royal Mail...... Bang, problem solved......  10,000 views in three days and one of them was the desk required....... Ways to skin a cat come to mind........

    • Confused 2
  4. 16 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    For 2.5% it was deadly, especially if they had underlying concerns; for most it was a bad case of flu; for others they didn't even know they had it, let's not make a mountain from a mole hill.

    I'm finding that for a lot of individuals it's an excuse to justify their irrational fear of something most of them have had no close contact with.....   Scared witless by social media.......   



    • Confused 1
  5. Yeah right, and drilling holes in a rowing boat wil make it float better.........   Hasn't anyone realized yet that basically what's happening is that the government is applying the same policy with C19 as they did with Mr Red Bull........ If we don't do anything and keep waffling on about it, everyone will just get bored and forget about it and carry on.........  Every major problem in Thailand has been dealt with in this same manner........ Just forget about it, it'll go away........   " Kit maak, mei dee naa "...... 

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  6. 49 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    Izzy Friedman......... look him up......  There was also a bar full in the Madrid bar in Pat Pong, the spooks that ran SE Asia.......... You learn something every day eh .......... That's if you've been here longer than five minutes though..... 

    Update........ It appears he was even in Pattaya, amongst the bar fly heroes and Brigade of SAS.......


    Air Force pilot, Izzy Freedman, talks about going to Vietnam in 1963 as an advisor when only 12,000 troops were there. He recounts the work he did flying rescues out of Laos and Cambodia. When he left the Air Force he was hired by Air American and flew missions during the Vietnam conflict. Recorded in Pattaya, Thailand, in February 2014 as part of California Reads, War Comes Home, a program of Cal Humanities       Gerry Berry was the last off the CIA building but i'm sure Freedman was in the vicinity.......   


  7. 1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    I wonder how many old guys nursing a drink in a Sukhumvit bar were the pilot who flew the last chopper off the roof of the American embassy in ''Nam"? ????????????????

    Izzy Friedman......... look him up......  There was also a bar full in the Madrid bar in Pat Pong, the spooks that ran SE Asia.......... You learn something every day eh .......... That's if you've been here longer than five minutes though..... 

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