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Everything posted by WilliamSmits

  1. The good news: In Chinese press it is used to keep the tourists at home.. - beside the stories of abductions and organ harvesting. The bad news: It seems to attract more of the "quality tourists" that Thailand is looking for. (not visiting temples & shopping malls)
  2. The first problem is to find a balcony large enough to sit on. Most are less than 1m wide just for hanging laundry or filled by a/c units. If you are lucky the building has condos rearside, away from the road and with a view.
  3. Chinese colleagues asked me on the risk that children get stolen, organs harvested, kidnapping and getting drugged Fake news spreads fast on Wechat, if "approved' Seems there is an active policy to develop local tourism in China and keep the money at home
  4. I do not see that vote buying influences the outcome, it just gets more people to vote, increasing turnout. Family I have will not vote for someone they do not like just for 2- 3 bottles beer.
  5. The Chinese I work with are well able to get their own visa and book flights & hotels. They have no problem. This will limit the "tour groups" that are 100% managed by the tour operator, not leaving much $$$ in Thailand. Good news I think
  6. Maybe ask the gf what she in interested in? Most Thais are not great swimmers - start with a resort with a pool and tech her to swim.
  7. I feel safe at home is Isaan, nice house, great view (no wall) Neighbour has a dog, we stay away for months, nothing happened in 10 years. No cash or gold at home, no expensive car, not showing off & good relations will the families. Is safety a state of mind or a real worry? Why spend upwards of 1/2 million thb on wall, cameras, barbed wire & more to protect belongings worth less? Better buy some beers and be good with the neighbours
  8. Lots of males and other sexes online and looking for sponsors too. Demand for the female kind is just larger..
  9. Did Songkran in Isaan Day 1 with family Day 2 procession and partying in the village Day 3 the same at larger scale in nearest large town Now in Koh Samet for some peace & quiet time, rented a boat to visit few island & relax Back to work in BKK next week, retiring next year
  10. Maybe do some work on the sealing gaps between doors & posts and around the windows, ceiling etc.. Then maintain the airco's, fix the temperature at 27 degrees and provide a fan Or just close and open again in October?
  11. I think it's better than paying half of hotel nights or half of groceries. It's simple and villagers have ways to receive and spend the money. From what I see in the moobaan people travel together and teach others how to utilize support. Yes, richer people will get it as well, but keeping it simple is more important
  12. The most risk you run here are related to traffic or stray dogs. (unless you get drunk at 4am and pick a fight or refuse to pay your bill)
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