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Everything posted by WilliamSmits

  1. Calling it bribe is a bit much at this stage - more often this is called a (negotiation for a) settlement out of court. There is not much to gain in court - except for the lawyers...
  2. 100 % of people that do not meet the financial requirements use an "agent" Few people that do meet the requirements use an agent just not to have the stress & hassles. The agent fee is lower if you meet the requirements. I did it myself, it's not hard
  3. Looking to make an appointment to visit the Dutch embassy there is the option to book a slot to get certified copies of pp and other documents.
  4. Not sure why the age difference happens more with the man being the old one. Maybe being lonely & divorced has something to do with it, and frequenting bars ... But richer women seem to marry younger guys too. It's part due to one side having money AND having time. Another aspect is that it's more common in Asia than in Europe and not limited to expat / retirees as I see several women in the village have much younger boyfriends.
  5. Talk to a local in Amsterdam or Venice and its the same. Too much spoils the fun, drives up the cost of living and foreigners open businesses, (guesthouses & restaurants,) and drive up rent, replacing the small local shops.
  6. Will the Thai boxing educational visa still happen?
  7. in BKK areas where taxis are known not to use the meter I use grab, MuvMi (tuktuk) or Lineman Even in MBK taxi line the first 5 taxis did not want a ride with meter. It will not change unless all refuse these taxis and use apps
  8. Last year my wife's mother died and we spent a week in the village and I learned a great deal more while taking photos and participating. The process is not outsourced as in the west. The family and friends take care of the body (washing and dressing up). The casket stays at the house (no funeral home) and is attended 24/7 until the funeral. Early morning is the serious part with monks and close relatives, then the cooking and music starts. Tents, tables, chairs and all more are supplied by the temple. All day people come, sit, eat, drink and share stories. It's the process of saying goodbye over few days, rather than in few minutes at a funeral home. The casket gets carried to the temple, speeches are made and the fire is lit. Next day the remains are collected and buried. Death here is part of life and not hidden away or outsourced and I feel it helps dealing with the loss in a better way.
  9. Watch Thai Amarin TV for a daily dose of shootings, car and bike crashes and violence in the villages
  10. At least they didn't scam some poor fellow
  11. Maybe apply for a visa at any Thai embassy? Chance on rejection might be less
  12. I am optimistic and think retirees will not get taxed on money transfered into Thailand. Alternatively, there are lots of ways to get money into Thailand without showing up in my Thai bank account. (like taking in out of ATM with foreign card, etc. etc) Just keeping 800.000 in an account is enough for immigration.
  13. We have fingerprint scanner and (or) face recognition before entering lifts area. Fire exit is also in that area. Makes it much harder for short term renters to enter as you need to do full registration at condo office.
  14. Getting up more, walking and swimming helps me, losing few kg helped too. Medicines are option 2. Operation if all else fails
  15. A coffee pod has just 5 -7 grams coffee. A decent mug of coffee needs 2 pods, otherwise its just like Starbucks water.
  16. Meanwhile in Phonsavan - Laos
  17. In general Thai will not know much about the western world. People from USA do not know much about Europe etc. Do not confuse knowledge with intelligence or being smart. Thai people that I know are smart and learn fast if given the chance.
  18. It is interesting to see that each day there is a story / rumour / complaint on this party Planned well, different persons, different angles, but with the same aim
  19. This is rolling out now, also for foreigners. My transfer of 50.000 thb was blocked and a message popped up to go to the bank with bank book & passport. Picture is taken, uploaded and verified with passport. (+ few copies and other forms to s8gn)
  20. 1. Ask to open bank account to transfer 10 million THB from abroad to buy a condo. 2. Bring a Thai speaker to translate for you If one approach did not work, try something else
  21. I receive email about once each week about closing account, missed payments, packages received, bonus payments and so on. Always there is a link or attachment ending at .shtml (Do not click the link as you will be tempted to do..)
  22. The usual quality database, 90% polution + some small fish
  23. Stricter rules will make no change unless corruption is addressed. I hope that there will be less talk and a bit more action on that side
  24. I see people traveling home to vote and spending much more than 1000 just to vote Getting paid might bring out more voters, it does not change who they vote for. (All vote for a different set of faces than what they had last years)
  25. Vitai Ratanakorn, president and chief executive of GSB, said the bank launched a special deposit product for a period of 111 days using a step-up interest rate, with the highest rate rising to 16.99%.. then: ..On average, the interest rate for this campaign will equal a fixed deposit rate of 4.23% per year.
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