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Posts posted by Howiehotspur

  1. I am from the UK and 2 months ago did my 12 month 'extension of stay' ( which some people always call a Retirement Visa, but it isnt ) from my O - A ( Long stay Visa ) that I used for last year. It was simple and easy.

    First I applied by post to the British Embassy in Bangkok for an income verification letter. All I supplied was copy bank statements from my UK bank that I printed off on the computer. I am 54 and as of yet havent drawn my pension ( can do this when 55 ). I have a personal account in the UK in my name and a business account ( a limited company ) in the company name. The company owns a number of properties in the UK and the monthly rentals get paid in to the account by Direct Debit. I highlighted these monthly incoming amounts and stated they were my monthly pension. The total exceeded the 65,000 baht per month required for Pension.

    The thing to note ( in my opinion ), 1) they accepted funds in a UK account as proof of income 2) they accepted a limited company account that doesnt even mention my name? 3) they accepted money going into my account that technically is not a pension. I personally believe they just want to see evidence that you have the equivalent of 800,000 baht either in Thailand or in your home country at the time you make your application for visa extension.

    From sending the application letter to the Embassy ( by EMS mail ) to receiving the Income verification letter back to me was 5 working days. Cost from memory was 2640 baht ( 2500 embassy fee and 140 charge for bank draft and mail fee ).

    I then took this letter to Immigration at Jomtien along with the completed TM8 form and various photocopies required and the 1900 baht fee. Done and done in 35 minutes, no questions asked, and told to come back the next day for my passport.

    Went back the next day, picked up the passport with Extension of Stay stamp in, immediately then applied for a multi entry permit ( TM7 form i think plus fee 3500 ish, cant remenber exactly ) and 15 minutes later I got passport back and everything done.

    Hope my experience helps someone else who wants to do their own visa extension rather than pay some shop 20,000 baht to do it for you. At first I thought it was very difficult and spent a good few hours on this site trawling through the various posts and compiling what to do. In the end it was very very easy, and my great fear of never having enough funds in a Thai bank account or not having a pension yet where found to be unfounded.

    . That's very interesting mate , I too am British , and trying to contemplate what action to take , been looking at an ED visa etc , I'm now 55. , but my pension is very small about £440 a month ... I do however have 2 bank accounts both currently ofcourse in the uk , both with about £60k in each .. I want to apply and transfer into a Thai bank account , but ofcourse can only open this in Thailand when I'm there , then I need it in there 3 months , by which time my 3 month visa that it thought I can only get from London will be up ... So are you saying I take my current bank statements to London and apply on the strength that I will be using that money to transfer later and they trust that ? .. If true this will certainly be a good choice of route to take . Cheers
  2. Sheung , that's really helpful thanks

    My income will be very small , £440 a month .

    But I have a fair amount in two accounts .. Savings , aprox 80k .. And am in the process of selling my property and should have around 100k equity to also . I thought it was either income Or volume in ( Thai bank ) .. Ofcourse that was an issue too as to get that into a Thai bank for the required time ,

    So would you therefore recommend / advise maybe I just get a normal double entry visa , 3 months . And apply for a change to a pension visa .when in Thailand ?

  3. Thanks for the info , it's just what I've been trying to investigate as it's not clear as to how to obtain it .

    On the web site it states ...

    Proof of income with a minimum of £1,400.00 per month or £1,400.00 or £16,500 anuually for those who have been issue category O with multiple entries

    Medical Record

    Criminal Record check

    I don't currently have any visa , and have only applied for the usual 3 month one in the past .

    1. I have 3 problems here and hopefully you can advise me .

    I'm 55 , have money in uk bank but won't be able to transfer until i get to Thailand and open account , and then it has to be in that bank for 3 months ? ( do I just get downloads of bank statements , as currently they are in my online saving accounts .

    2. How do you get a medical record check .. Just go to your GP and request one ?

    3. How do you obtain a criminal record check , where Is your first port of call for this ? .. Agency that does them ?

    I live in Sussex and can go to Thai embassy easily , but guess you have to queue . Can you complete forms there or do you need to take everything with you .. And what would that be ? .. My girlfriend needs to renew her passport ( she's Thai ) anyway as it only has 3 months left , we aren't married , but she has been here as my partner since 2004 , is there anything she can do or say to help in the application , I'm guessing not but what do you recommend .

    Cheers Martin

  4. Thanks guys

    I don't want do anything illegal or apply for the wrong thing , maybe I'm worrying about nothing but when I'm not sure of the rules it concerns me as I don't want to keep mucking about . Or for that matter be panicking at the airport ! .

    It sounds like either option will work

    But are you saying a single entry could last 3 months , and in that time and 30 days before it expires ( and already making sure I've transferred within the first month 800k bht ) apply for a retirement visa .... And there will be NO health or criminal checks ?

  5. Hi sounds good , I'm a newbie on here as you can see , but I've been busy getting confused by the day as to how to obtain and what visa to request .. Quick bit of potted history , I've been going to Thailand every year for 20 years but normally only 30 day entry visa , I have a thai girlfriend of 14 years how lives with me here in the Uk since 2004 , she has residency here , works etc .. I've wanted to retire for some time now or semi retire ( I'm 55 ) .

    My other half though does not want to return , she has a good job and sends her wedge home every month , anyway because she's from krasang if and when she returns she wants to stay at home , I get bored shitless up there and prefer Pattaya . And because a bus journey would be 7-9 hours .. And a flight 12 hours anyway ,what's the difference ok stay in the uk . we've decided I'll go for 6 month a year alone , while she stays home in the uk ( I own my property ) . I can't seem to find a 6 month visa .

    Now here's my questions .... I plan to go in November and return in about May 2015 and do this every year , certainly for 5-6 years before I finally sell up and go hopefully for good . What info do I need to take to the London embassy ? .. Would it do any good taking my girlfriend ? ( she does need a new passport anyway ) .. What do I apply for ? .. If I go for a retirement visa , I don't yet have a Thai bank account and will to transfer money while in in Thailand to open that account , then it's got to be in there 2 months ,plus how do you get a health check ? And criminal clearance .. ? It might sound silly but do I go to a police STM and the doctors for them ?? ... Or do I just get 3 month visa and go to immigration in Thailand and get it extended ? .. Do I take bank statements to the London embassy ? I do draw a small pension already , but do have substantial savings .. I should know all things things but they seem to change the rules so often and there's so many different opinions .and when do apply as does that visa start as soon as it's issued ? .. I just want 6 months on .. 6 months off ..

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