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  1. Not all Japanese, those with the highly whitened faces pretendind to look like dolls are just plain ugly, plus the Japanese preference of looking like school girls is off putting, for me at least, but to each his own i presume!
  2. The strange thing to me is you see Thai people working outside they put on more clothes not less and not even break into a sweat, i understand the bit about not turning their skin black but not seemingly to sweat at all, seems to be a genetic built in trait i suppose, which us whitey's don't have even after living here for years!
  3. It was in one of the daily papers Mail, or Express, or one of the other quality rags!
  4. Not according to ex-President Obama unbelievable statement!
  5. Wonder if Bob Smith (bs) is reading this he apparently owns two villa's and countless condos be interesting to hear how he gets aroung it!
  6. Buy the site back George FGS swamped withh ADs now hopeless!
  7. Just quoted to another poster, read "And What Do You Do" by Norman Baker (ex MP) about how much the RF actually cost British Public with plenty of references in the back, Charles being one of the greediest along with his brother Andrew. The everyday hounding of Harry (who seems pretty thick) is pretty ridiculous, petty and boring, MSM throwing everything they can think of on a daily basis!
  8. Worth reading "And what Do You Do" by Norman Baker (ex mp) about how much the RF actually costs the public (free in kindle book etc.)
  9. If she was then a few months after being fired he had a baby, (gleaned from another forum she joined)
  10. You forgot she did all that well within one year, trod on a few toes upset a few egos then fired, hard record to beat that!
  11. True i was born in Paddington W2 which comes under the City of Westminister, i certainly would'nt have classed as upmatket or posh by any stretch of imagination then, don't know about now though!
  12. In his quest to be the very first poster to answer any topic, you don't always have time to read the full article you can do that after posting maybe!
  13. Seems that way, just like yourself picking holes in other people's posts never posting anything significant yourself, it is a type of trolling more than helpful comments!
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