When are you gonna have a crack down on the Taxi Meter cars that never want to use the meters or are the Taxi mafia to powerful for you , asking for a friend.
No its not over and when it will be over they will find a new area to dig up , this is the biggest and easiest money scam for the people behind it and them have office in Pattaya Nua if you wonder who they are.
I'ts funny how a government so scared of Covid and still is never seam to think the bad air that hit 3 - 4 months every year is a problem , Cha Cha is the biggest clown ever ????????????
Ohh wait until she have to pay the 400 baht nationalpark fee instead of the 40 baht Thais pay or to overpay for taxi that never want to use the meter and the boat trips that charge you 200% more if you are farrang and I could also mention the coorupt Immigration and police but I guess as a Thai you have no ide , ohhh yes I feel so grateful to recive this special treatment here....
Jepp 250 army general senators , I mean old general senators or was it army senators huh not easy this but we all know what the outcome will be , just cancel the election and save the money for education ups I mean the senators.
Just the junta boys that need a strong baht for the rest of the coorupt money them have stold from the Thai people the last 9 years and now gonna send it out of the country before loose the power inn May.
No wonder , not many other countrys want Russia tourist because of Putins war against Ukrine but in Thailand money is number one so here they don't care where the money come from.
I think him is many many weeks to late , no floding in Phuket but if you realy care you can head over to the Gulf of Thailand side and you will find more flod water than you need for some good pictures.