Well not maybe chopped up alive but if I not remember wrong I think 8 young activist have gone missing here and I don't think you will find them alive again eighter.
Ahhh the "Who do you think I am card" but joke a side it's look like I talking whit Gottrid !!! Good for you , not so great for all the people that not get help , I still think you live in lalaland if you think RTP realy care for the average Thai.
I know 3 diffrent people that have had somebody brake in to there house 1 Thai and 2 foreigner , the police in all 3 cases ask for money before them wanted to lift a finger , if you realy think them care about you you are living in lalaland.
Hackers are breaking the law 24/7 whitout the police care , the only reason she care to go to work was because she was the one get hacked , have you ever tryed to get some help by the RTP here before ?
Nobody here to see them work under covid , need people to see them work slow to justifi a 500 million budsjet for something that probably cost 100 million , I think in foreigner country we call it cooruption but here its called the Thai way.
Hey most Thais don't have a driving licence in the first place so how will this system change anything , and if you have lived in Thailand for awhile you will know that most of the new rules and regulations them come up whit never do anything since the police are to lazy to do police work.
Thailand one of few countrys that still have visa free entery for Russia , in rest of the world them are not welcome , as normal money number one in Thailand.
The hole friking city is become a disaster zone that not will be finit any time soon and all the dum dums inn City hall is telling the residents is to be patient , think if the dum dums would have had somebody working under covid when the city was empty but could not because nobody here to see it so not so easy to justify the redicalus amount of money them spending ( read cooruption )