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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. Hm,...Looks like Thailand needs another coup !?!?
  2. Yes indeed,...but he has enemies as well !!!
  3. Irrelevant,..The interesting thing is that everybody has a price ! Specially in this Thai government !!!
  4. Hm, according to my wife, this is the center of the story !!! it will evolve later !!!
  5. Land and houses are a smart investment !!
  6. You will never know, nobody knew who he had upset the last time he was put aside !?
  7. Or , he is getting far to close to some wrong toes !!!?
  8. Hm, maybe they try to discredit him trough his team, it's always possible that one is/or has been involved in something dodgy !
  9. Hm,..Remember, just a couple of years ago, he was put aside !?! rumor was that he got far to close to some very big shot !!!,..He still has powerful enemies that don't like it when he does a very good job that gets too close to them or there friends !!! personalty I think he is far to smart to get involved with on line gambling !
  10. Hm,...Thai food is a whole lot more varied than Rice and noodles !!! In fact you could eat a different Thai dish every day of the year !!!
  11. At Graysorn Plaza Bangkok !!! 1991
  12. And don't forget Stalone, Willys, & Swarzenegger and Planet Hollywood restaurant that was a huge flop as well !!!
  13. Integrity !?!?!? in Thailand ??? you are dreaming !!! no such thing exist here !
  14. Hm,...Everything they do will be in there own interests,...not the passengers interests !!!
  15. Now will be the hard part,...find shelter, find food, keep hiding,...find a escape route to get outside the country !!
  16. Hm,..."Nor should he be. Never had a fair trial",..!?!? ...Niter did the +/- 3000 victims of Thaksin's war on drugs !?!?
  17. Hm,.. A coup ?? ... Possible,..But I don't think so, because the military are still the real power !!
  18. Hm,..Indeed "the engines are superficial!" But the Thai navy still have to show results !!
  19. Hm,..those who matter often change position and are replaced by new people who matter,...and they would have there cut as well....it a vicious circle.!
  20. Hm,..The real scum are the ones that tricked those women in to it and make the huge profits !!! These girls are just tricked into it !!
  21. ..."Impunity for the rich is the very reason why the rich have supported the suppression of democracy in Thailand".... Absolute BS.!! The rich and powerful don't care what kind of government rules, They make sure that they have the right connections with any kind of Government !!!
  22. Hm,...Asians and alcohol !?!? When I was traveling several times to the Philippines There were almost daily articles in the newspapers about best friends killing each other when drunk !!!
  23. Yeah, Such a classic scam !!! I think I read something about those 20 years ago, and it still works ! people still fall for this old scam !!!
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