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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. I'm with you on this, ..."She called him a funny, normal guy but in the light of his arrest and her perception of his behavior he appeared to be a sex maniac and she was in no doubt there must be more victims"... !?!?
  2. These people (leaders) don't live by the same rules as we mere mortals,...
  3. Hm,...So,.. the only people ever to be punished in this massacre will be those CNN journalists !!!
  4. Hm,....Read this article !!! http://www.humanrights.asia/resources/journals-magazines/article2/special-report-extrajudicial-killings-of-alleged-drug-dealers-in-thailand/a-chronology-of-thailands-war-on-drugs/
  5. ..."Thai people do not like losing money"... do you know anybody that likes to loose money !?!?!?
  6. Hm,...I was a bar tender/waiter in the biggest discotheque in my town when I was young,...with all the bad examples I had there,...I never drank in my life, but tasted almost everything, just to know.
  7. With reasons like that, insurances can refuse to pay for there car driving clients who had a accident under influence of alcohol or drugs, that it was not intentional !?!?!
  8. It's soo easy to make money as a police officer in Thailand !!! but you have to work for it !!!
  9. Hm,..didn't a similar story happened on Samui just one or two years ago ??? Also Russian mafia extorting cryptocurrency from other Russians !?? I remember the gangsters fled to Malaysia !!!
  10. Unsurprisingly, Rooster has almost no friends and loves solitude and playing Scrabble against himself.
  11. It will take some time for the industry to make a full recovery,...!?!? Hm,.. and that might last longer than they think. They make it so difficult for tourists and expats to get a visa that many might look for other places. Some of my European friends have already switched Thailand for Spain or Portugal !!! As for the Russians?,.. Putin has announced this morning that Russia will in-store a partial military draft !!! that'll take away a lot of potential tourists away of Thailand !
  12. It would have made the Thai news yes !!! But Asian now is only Farang interest news !
  13. That's it,...blame the victim,...I have heard of many east European woman lured into Thailand by dubious persons, with false promises of a good job in tourism and end in prostitution !!
  14. Foreigners selling items like self made jewelry, paintings, bags, postcards or other stuff used to be no problem 30 to 20 years ago,...
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