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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. Hm,...I have seen Thais with R/C model aircraft's, and they where top notch !!!
  2. Apparently, many people are set up in this country, I heard many stories and This happened to the wife of a friend of mine as well,...Planting drugs and telling the cops (in some cases the cops are accomplice,..)
  3. Nah,...Confiscate the car and sell it !!! The proceeds would be used to help innocent victims of road accidents !!!
  4. ,....."at least 16 million foreign visitors to Thailand and 75 million local travelers, generating 1.2 trillion baht in revenue.",...!?!?!? where do they get all those numbers ???
  5. They will remember that western country's restricted there credit cards, Bank cards and air planes !!!
  6. Not really,...My point was the enemies from yesterday are now our good friends, and those that helped our enemies are incorporated in our societies. And are not punished for helping our enemies,...
  7. That's not how geopolitics work, Germany and Japan that started WW II are super economic powers now,...German scientists with Nazi affiliation were eagerly flown to The USA to help constructing there rockets and even head there space program,...They are all well remembered,..
  8. Correct !!! As a backpacker I have traveled around SE Asia multiple times in the last 30 years, I spend money in little restaurants, guesthouses, small shops,...and made great lifelong friends from al over the world. Learned to speak several foreign languages, and had the best times of my life.
  9. ..."Via TASS, Putin issued a list of countries he deemed unfriendly because of sanctions. In my view it was a badge of honor to be on it. Thailand, sadly, was not."... Apparently Thailand made the right decision and stay out of this mess,... that badge of honor, might be all you have if Putin is pushed far enough and decide to push the proverbial red button and pull the plug ! PS, I'm ready to be banned, couldn't care less,...
  10. I was waiting for a human response like yours,.. ! Respect !!!
  11. A country that has 50 kinds of toilet paper to chose from in it's supermarkets,...but only 2 party's to chose from as president !? has a serious problem !!!
  12. Indeed, And strawberries in Thailand have no taste,... compared to those I buy in Belgium or France !!
  13. Corruption: dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. !!! Corruption has nothing to do with salaries !!! In every country there are people with high salaries in a position of power that are corrupt as well.!!!
  14. Thank you for posting this link, I followed the story at the time. It's a great plot for a movie !
  15. Thank you for remembering us,...I followed the story at the time...It's a great plot for a movie !
  16. ..."Today he is due in court to sort out some financial matters in connection with his 680,000 baht bike that has already been seized"....
  17. Bu** shi*** article,...full of stereotypes,...."("Many Western wives meanwhile are obsessed with keeping up appearances")".... same goes for many Thai women,....Even more so !!!
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