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off road pat

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Everything posted by off road pat

  1. Must have been a real one with a false name, because he evaded French border police and they are very well trained !! Maybe he got it at the Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi. ??? this is going to be a very interesting story to follow if there is any follow up !?!?
  2. ..."Initially, when he was caught trying to escape to Loei Province, where he had been staying with his mother,".....there is a pattern in there ??? as they all run to there mother,...
  3. Hm,...To give you a 50% chance of survival !!!
  4. HM,...He might have the time of his life, Bar girls can really take good care of young people...and this is no intended sarcasm.
  5. Indeed...."Thanks to Thong Lor Police officers, the tourist – although bruised and shaken up – was reunited with all of her valuable stolen belongings."....great effective police work !!!
  6. I am really sorry for your friend,...this could happen to anyone of us,... Best regards.
  7. Indeed, it's a unwritten rule in Politics !!! Pragmatism !!!
  8. Great observation,...Thx for sharing this story, there is a good lesson in it....
  9. ..."happening all over the world's roads"...Hm,...Some country's don't have a easy access to guns !!!
  10. Hm,..He's a expat living in Thailand, they have him by the balls and are going to squeeze a lot of money out of him... I'm so sorry for him.
  11. Hm,...I get the sarcasm,...but let me remind you that those so called "superior minds" as you stated so well, have solved very complex cases in the recent past !! The RTP have there own ways of doing things for sure. but they can be very efficient some times ! Best regards.
  12. Rest In Peace Ubon Joe, you where a great wealth of information and one of the very rare people one could surely bank on any information you gave. "Asian Now" will never be the same anymore. My sincere condolences to family and friends ! You really will be missed. Best regards.
  13. Hm,...It has been proven again and again that the death penalty does nor deter the criminals. Those criminals always think they are smarter that the cops and that they have a good plan !!!
  14. heaven and hell do exist !!!,...but they are here on this planet. I have been to both,...
  15. True, about the fact that very drunk people left unattended could die in custody. But what would the police gain in killing him !?!? what motive would they possibly have ??
  16. The rest will get cough later, the Russians before they flee the country.....
  17. Not the same league,...the red bull guy has billions to his disposal,....with that kind of money you really can disappear from public view. !
  18. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/ten-years-in-thai-jail-for-tourist-grafitti-on-chiang-mais-tha-pae-gate/B3SXGKUPJSUF7MKGRHVBFU36FU/
  19. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/ten-years-in-thai-jail-for-tourist-grafitti-on-chiang-mais-tha-pae-gate/B3SXGKUPJSUF7MKGRHVBFU36FU/
  20. ,..."it possesses all the natural beauty of the two but lacked the crowds and noise",..... And now that every body knows it !! lets destroy it by sending hordes of Chinese and Russian tourists...
  21. ,... "Until somebody decides they can "do a Thai" on him, grass him up, shut him down, then reopen the business with a lazy nephew who cocks it all up, never to be found, "cannot" mentality". ....Exactly, I have seen this so many times over and over again !!!...
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