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  1. That photo... Chubby. Activated. I had the first "programmable" model that had little cards you inserted to store your programs. It was heaven.
  2. Or Option #3: Ignore the subpoena and face contempt of court and its possible penalties.
  3. You mean on this typical 1980 mobile phone?
  4. Mansa Musa was the richest man in history, and much more "liquid" than Elon. Few of these modern rich people are quite as rich as they are portrayed. Remember that most of their "wealth" in tied up in the shares of the companies they founded/own. If Elon attempted to access all of his wealth, the required share sales would tank the stock price, wiping out a majority, if not virtually all, of their supposed wealth. It does provide leverage in terms of the debt to which they have access, but even that is limited. Anyone who believes that Musk, Bezos, or Zuckerberg are more consequential that the myriad other "players" on the world stage do not fully appreciate the "competition" that is going on at that level. Most of these folks are but one miscalculation away from ruin. Elon has accomplished some amazing things. He has demonstrated amazing buffoonery. In short, he is quite human. In the grand scheme of history, Elon is but a blip. There are much scarier characters out there, in my opinion.
  5. Since it appears that you are on a Non-B visa, or started with a Non-B and extended based on a work permit, you will need to convert that visa to Non-O. I do not believe you can obtain a marriage extension based on a Non-B visa. I believe the marriage extension requires a Non-O visa. When I retired, I needed to hop over to Cambodia overnight to convert my Non-B to a Non-O. There are some who claim they were able to convert their Non-B to Non-O without leaving the country, but I forget the difference that required me to exit and re-enter.
  6. Fake news has existed since WWII (and before). For examples, just look at the CIA's overthrow of the governments of Guatemala and Iran. The only difference now is that the government is losing control of their monopoly.
  7. When I asked my accountant about requesting the return of the WHT portion of the VAT that my company was paying, I was informed that asking for that money back was tantamount to requesting an audit.
  8. I see. And I presume the insurers will only deposit into a UK account. It is crazy to me how insanely difficult banking is becoming.
  9. The sad truth is that your bank has little choice in collecting this information. It is mandated industry wide. Just give them enough to satisfy their stupid request. "Living expenses" is probably a better answer, as "Family Support" likely does not compute. I entered "Buying a television". They were happy. Ridiculous.
  10. For sufficiently large and not frequent transfers, I always just wired the money.
  11. Here is a calculator that can help you estimate the transfer taxes: https://herorealtor.com/property-transfer-tax-calculator/
  12. The issue is Russian access via the North Atlantic. There are several key US bases that are strategically important for this.
  13. For some, this is true. But for others, it can just increase paranoia and anxiety. Drugs (supplements, whatever) are usually not the best answer, although sometimes necessary in the short term. For myself, it is my hobbies (playing guitar, trading, walking around new places) that helps calm my mind. If your mind is occupied with enjoyable things in the moment, it is not obsessing over the future.
  14. Another reason is that they are men. I remember seeing a tourist sitting in an ambulance getting treated for a gash on his head. He got into a fight with a ladyboy and the ladyboy kicked his ass.

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