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  1. This is not true. Rental income would qualify (taxable). Royalties would qualify. Investment income would qualify. Even pension/retirement incomes can get taxed. For instance, my US Social Security is exempt. But if I received a pension from a company I worked for, that pension would be taxed. In my case, I bring my social security into Thailand, but nothing else, since it would get taxed.
  2. This is important. Most people in your situation have already been taxed. They will need to file the paperwork to show that, but they will owe little or no tax here in Thailand. In my case, I get 190,000 THB for being old. I get up to 100,000 THB as "expenses" computed against 50% of the income. And finally the 60,000 THB allowance everyone gets. In total, a deduction of 350,000 THB - in other words, I would need to report more than that to even begin to owe tax. Then I get to deduct the already paid taxes mentioned above. As @FritsSikkink mentioned, you are exposing yourself to a potential fine. How would they enforce it? If they get sophisticated enough the revenue department will inform immigration of people not paying their taxes. As @KhunLA pointed out, the banks will be reporting the cash flows. So, when you go to renew the extension....
  3. If I remember correctly, the last time I was in a shop, the bullion spread was 200 baht, and the ornamental 600.
  4. WOW! Talk about an AI model displaying a built-in bias.
  5. It is interesting how the Thai text on the ATM is complete gibberish. Still a challenge for AI, although some models are actually starting to handle it.
  6. More options for almost everything. The levels of insanity possible here are off the chart. Hospital and healthcare choices important to me. I actually like Chaeng Watthana immigration. I dislike the pollution, but it is not a show stopper. I almost never deal with traffic, so that is not an issue. The further you get from Sukhumvit, the happier you will be,
  7. An associate once said, "I wouldn't touch one unless I was wearing a wetsuit".
  8. This is the result of the legal system in the US. Due to the onerous demands of proof of guilt, police often believe they need to catch the perp in the act. Especially if they want to apply the most serious charges.
  9. My brother "extended his visa exempt for 30 days" at LakSi. I "converted my visa exempt to Non-O" at CW. So you are correct.
  10. It may shift. If it does shift, people will adapt. Nature plays rough. Wear a helmet.
  11. Nope. Happy with equal application of the law. My point still stands.
  12. Right. Let in millions of undocumented, god knows who, but kick out the guy who started SpaceX and Tesla. Makes total sense.
  13. I came to fall in love with a Thai girl. I fell in love with Thailand. For me, it is Thai people. That is why I stay. I really like them.
  14. I read AN on my laptop. The new newsletter looks really nice. Well done.
  15. Since you do not fully understand that gold is money and fail to see how the upside down chart clearly shows paper "money" losing value against real money, I believe it is you who will regret not getting sound financial advice. You are correct that "money is not dying" - the value of gold in terms of the paper known as USD demonstrates this. You are also correct that "fiat paper" is not dying, since it must continue to be used for transactions. It is simply that fake money is losing its value relative to real money. The answer, therefore, is to stop thinking of fake money as a store of wealth. Real assets, like real estate, gold, bitcoin, and many other investments, are for storing wealth. Paper money is for transactions.

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