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Posts posted by TacoHell

  1. ...nowadays always a good idea to ask ......'Who was on the plane?'......

    Point taken, but I think the more pertinent question would be, "Who was flying the plane, and how many flight hours did he/she have?".

    Al-Ghaith insists the captain, Aristos Socratous, was a highly experienced pilot with over 5,700 flight hours and that the plane was new. Manufactured in 2011, the aircraft passed its latest maintenance on January 21, 2016.


  2. Both recorders found and weather looking favourite.


    The landing speed of the 737 if it is light can be down to not far off 100 knots.

    A 70 knot wind up the rear would easily cause a catastrophic stall with no time to recover.

    incorrect, a tailwind only increases ground speed. The only way a tailwind could induce a stall is pilot error by reducing the indicated airspeed to compensate, bringing the aicraft to stall.

    Furthermore a big tailwind will dramatically increase the required.distance to land but has absolutely no variable on the IAS needed to put the plane on the ground.

    Large aircraft are especially at risk for running out of runway simply based on their mass.

    The effects of horizontal wind shear on an aircraft close to the ground can either increase or decrease the aircraft performance depending on whether the wind is increasing or decreasing.

    An increasing headwind will have the effect of increasing the indicated speed. A increasing tail wind will have the effect of decreasing the indicated speed. You have to therefore be very careful close to the ground with reducing aircraft performance.

    I was speaking of tailwinds not wind shear in regards to the post I replied to.

    But since you want to talk about about wind shear, the 737-800 (and most all commercial aircraft) have wind shear detection and radar, both of which would of gave the pilots ample warning if encountered.

  3. The landing speed of the 737 if it is light can be down to not far off 100 knots.

    A 70 knot wind up the rear would easily cause a catastrophic stall with no time to recover.

    incorrect, a tailwind only increases ground speed. The only way a tailwind could induce a stall is pilot error by reducing the indicated airspeed to compensate, bringing the aicraft to stall.

    Furthermore a big tailwind will dramatically increase the required.distance to land but has absolutely no variable on the IAS needed to put the plane on the ground.

    Large aircraft are especially at risk for running out of runway simply based on their mass.

  4. you're really asking this question?

    You do realize that to become a Thai police officer you need to pay some serious money?

    I got another one for you. Why do bank robbers, thieves, and murderers in Thailand always wear a full faced motorbike helmet whilst in the act?

  5. Form the footage you can see that the weather was fine at the moment of the incident. So bad weather as a reason for the crash shouldn't be taken seriously.

    Well there appears to be a very intense thunder storm going on.

    The footage with the thunderstorm has nothing to do with the crash. That's not even Russia.

    The visibility during the crash was 6 km with gust winds up to 19 m/s. Experienced pilots shouldn't have a problem landing a plane in these conditions.

    While I will agree with your initial assertion in regards to weather conditions as stated by ATC, there's a few issues.

    1. Nearly all 737-800 pilots hand-fly descents on instrument approaches because of oscillating decent rates up to 3000ft per minute (50 ft per second) mostly for the comfort of passengers.

    2. The aircraft performed 1 go around before attempting a second which would indicate deteriorating weather conditions, in which case they may have done an auto pilot approach down to the decision height for another go around. They would have had 2-3 seconds in the worst case.

    3. ATC is communicating in both Russian and English on the same frequency (totally legal). There were several planes ahead of them that chose to divert. If those communications were made in Russian, it would be lost in translation creating a dangerous situation. Listen to the audio, its confusing to say the least and couple that with the high workload of landing a plane, well.

    Above are pretty realistic scenarios.

    I would put my money on a go around too late for whatever reason, a panicked effort to ascend perhaps. stalled the plane.

  6. A retirement extension or non-b extension has no risk if you're above board

    Lawyer up. Save yourself the hassle if you're legit. Sit back and have a Chang and a let a power of attorney letter deal with it. 10k per year, yet some of you would rather get tossed around for days on end at immigrations amusement.

    Rule #1 about extensions of stay: In Thailand, never go to immigration, ever.

    Rule #2 See #1

    I have not set foot at an immigration office for 8 years. It is totally legal. Just sign a power of attorney allowing your lawyer or accountant to act on your behalf only for certain things.

    Amazing the things people will go through here to save a few baht.

    I dunno, being retired means I have plenty of time on my hands. Ripping up 10k just to stay at home watching TV seems a bit silly

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    I fear you've been out of the loop for some years now. There is no power of attorney required for a proxy at immigration. Perhaps you are deep in the "village"?

    ThaiVisa may help to keep you up to date.

    yep way out of the loop, you know preferring to give certain legal obligations to be performed on my behalf to a competent individual and documented on paper with clear specifics. Im so far out dude. I can't believe I am so stupid, before I signed blank A4 paper to my local vegetable reseller.

  7. since his business is closed, Im sure there's no reason he can't post his financial audits for the past 2 years and make a good case for Thailand screwing him.

    Oh, and also show he has 4 legit Thai employees. (he has no wife in the company anymore)

    He can really make a case here.

    We should all take this matter seriously cheesy.gif

    Complaining to scandasia? Does he not have an accountant and a lawyer?

    A request to change your sign is a polite way of telling someone to F%$k off in Thailand, especially when your business name is FBI.

    poor fella

    Are you having trouble answering my direct question to you? I replied to your post.

    You sound angry for some reason.

    I would reply when you have a basic understanding of registered Thai capital and how that's achieved, employee requirements, tax requirements, business licenses, VAT registration, and all the responsibilities that come along with having a work permit and a legitimate business in Thailand :) But as you said, you don't.

  8. I can only quote one case I know similar to TACOHELL's reporting system. A neighbour of mine had a lawyer do all his paperwork for over 10 years untill a few months ago and it all suddenly stopped. The lawyer did not want to know.

    The neighbour is still here but is now doing the reporting himself at immigration.

    I also know the Visa "agency" across the road from Friendship supermarket in Pattaya that did "everything for you" including pretending that 800,000 was in the bank but it wasn't really is all boarded up and the locals that ran it are gone.... can't say where !

    Unless you are here for two weeks full board holiday already paid for,,,, you ain't welcome any more.

    that's not what I said at all. If you are above board you have no problems.

    The people who cheat the system should have somewhere in the back of their mind they will get caught.

    Furthermore, they should not cry when they do.

    Clear now?

  9. A retirement extension or non-b extension has no risk if you're above board

    Lawyer up. Save yourself the hassle if you're legit. Sit back and have a Chang and a let a power of attorney letter deal with it. 10k per year, yet some of you would rather get tossed around for days on end at immigrations amusement.

    Rule #1 about extensions of stay: In Thailand, never go to immigration, ever.

    Rule #2 See #1

    I have not set foot at an immigration office for 8 years. It is totally legal. Just sign a power of attorney allowing your lawyer or accountant to act on your behalf only for certain things.

    Amazing the things people will go through here to save a few baht.

  10. since his business is closed, Im sure there's no reason he can't post his financial audits for the past 2 years and make a good case for Thailand screwing him.

    Oh, and also show he has 4 legit Thai employees. (he has no wife in the company anymore)

    He can really make a case here.

    We should all take this matter seriously cheesy.gif

    Complaining to scandasia? Does he not have an accountant and a lawyer?

    A request to change your sign is a polite way of telling someone to F%$k off in Thailand, especially when your business name is FBI.

    poor fella

  11. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/obama-bans-us-imports-slave-produced-goods-37174907

    An expose by The Associated Press last year found Thai companies ship seafood to the U.S. that was caught and processed by trapped and enslaved workers. As a result of the reports, more than 2,000 trapped fishermen have been rescued, more than a dozen alleged traffickers arrested and millions of dollars' worth of seafood and vessels seized.
  12. If anyone knows his name or how to contact, please PM me I will buy his air ticket home.

    Just a couple weeks ago, you outted a farang in Phuket for begging, using his daughter (or some young girl) as a sympathy prop. You put him on ThaiVisa. How did you know his plight wasn't genuine and wanted to warn the world about him?

    Now you are Mother Theresa for this random guy, who you've only seen a photo of?

    What gives? Or has someone got your TV login and is having fun at your expense?

    A guy escorting his young daughter around a nightclub at 12am to beg is despicable and damaging to the girl. It's child abuse plain and simple.

  13. hi, I have the credit card. Nobody knows this guy? We can pay his way home and do not want any credit.

    Why havnt you already done it ? this is what you do..... you get on the net... get the tel no of thai immigration police at swampy... call them and tell them you will pay the ticket and call back in an hr when they have found him.... then you arrange what airline etc etc and book his ticket for him and pay whatever fine for him as hes probably overstayed too.


    well done you, respect wai2.gif

  14. I bought an Ipad air 2 in November of 2014 and all of a sudden the battery would not charge despite it recognising it was being charged.

    So, instead of bringing it to where I purchased it, I brought it to the authorised Apple service center, Phuket Alpha.

    10 days later, brand new ipad, no fee of any kind.

    I only post this because I've had several other warranty issues in Thailand for various things from automobiles to air-condtioners where no matter what, some type of fee or denial is attached.

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