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Posts posted by TacoHell

  1. Bulldozer Dawn makes sense. The decrepit old man in a Chang singlet means nothing, nada. The really attractive girls have so many options, including going to a bar/nightclub where the decrepit old man in a Chang singlet can't afford.

  2. Firstly, nice hotel, great views, restaurant was above par, service was also great, and very good amenities.

    The place was basically empty, no surprise being the low season.

    When I checked out, I assumed I could just request a taxi/driver from the hotel at that time.

    The hotels private transport was not available when I checked out, so, ok no problem, just send one of the multitude of taxis parked around Nai Harn Beach to pick us up at reception.

    I am not really sure if this a good or bad thing, but was told that we would need to walk to the road and arrange our own transport, about 300 meters.

    As I live in Phuket, my conclusion was they do not allow outside taxis/drivers inside their facility.

    This was not a big deal for us, as we only had hand luggage, but imagine if you were a family with several bags and were told to walk to the street?

    Very odd situation.

  3. I only read the headline, not the article, and nor the replies.

    The little guy does have the power. You just need to know how to see it.

    I see great posts daily on facebook, one today was a mafia type at the airport trying to prevent legit honest taxis from taking honest fares, dresses as police. Full photo of this <deleted>.

    That's the advantage of being a sexy girl on facebook. Lots of friends, and lots of good information in your timeline :)

    It's not just young Thai people, many old school Thais feel the same way :)

  4. I have an update to this.

    The 2 people are being deported, and not by my doing or request. The system is working better now I think.

    Kudos to the Thai authorities.

    I am kind of in the loop on deportations, only because of my business partner, and you would not believe me if i told you how many people are deported from Thailand. It never makes the news maybe for a reason.

  5. I can thank my scottish lawyers for their help, but I would most like to thank the Thai employment office for doing their jobs.

    I'm embarrassed I have complained in the past about the immigration/employment office.

    Job well done Thailand.

    I don't quite understand that. No labour office would accept an application without these documents. Actually I don't think the office was even involved, you got contacted by a "lawyer", not the office.

    I don't quite understand either :)

  6. I have an update to this.

    The original lawyer/accountant was not complicit in this, maybe stupid but most likely misled.

    The 2 people in question had no address and no employees for an actual business.

    I can thank my scottish lawyers for their help, but I would most like to thank the Thai employment office for doing their jobs.

    I'm embarrassed I have complained in the past about the immigration/employment office.

    Job well done Thailand.

    • Like 1
  7. I did not read any of the replies to your question, but I do have a strong suggestion to your query. Use Fiverr.com to translate the documents and hire a Thai that lives in the USA or other country to translate the documents. The cost is usually $5usd per 500 words.

    Theres an app called scanner pro for iphone and android that will take photocopies on your phone. If they can't deal with that, well........

  8. Business owners with the fortitude to survive and change through this temporary crisis are licking their chops. Competitors closing.

    This downturn will see huge and hopefully the right kinds of investment in Phuket.

    If all the sex bars closed in Phuket, does anyone really care? Not really.

    Spoken like a true management consultant.

    Temporary crisis? You think?

    2-3 years.

    The big pink elephant in the room and nobody talks about is the immigration issue with foreigners on dodgy visas. Rightfully so.

    Do you think the landowners give a toss? They don't.

    Can Thai people wait it out? Yes.

    Can Farang? Not many, but some will.

    Phuket has needed an attitude adjustment for a long time. Hopefully, it will be for the better.

  9. Business owners with the fortitude to survive and change through this temporary crisis are licking their chops. Competitors closing.

    This downturn will see huge and hopefully the right kinds of investment in Phuket.

    If all the sex bars closed in Phuket, does anyone really care? Not really.

  10. The story said a 6 wheeled truck ?

    Will the reporter PLEASE open their eyes and try to be smart

    Unless you count the steering wheel and a spare tyre the truck has single wheels

    So its a 4 WHEELED truck

    Sorry for being picky but please do your job with some professionalism

    Blind Fred and the local dim wit can tell the difference



  11. Another popular Thai bashing theme that never seems to get old.

    All farang good. All Thai bad. If all Thais had the mental capability of many TV posters the whole country would grind to a halt.

    Seriously if you're that desperate for some reason to feel you're better about yourself, your race or nationality as a basis is a thin claim to fame and starting yet another thread that's bound to descend into a Thai bashing marathon is really getting tired.

    you high or something? This is an American comedian taking a a toss at American drivers. Nothing to do with bashing Thais.

    Ah, that's why you posted on Thai Visa and said it is applicable to Thais as well.

    BTW, the video is correct and it is applicable worldwide. But of course you're asking for Thai bashing here.

    Butt-Hurt? LOL

    Please point it out how it is "Thai Bashing"

    An American Comedian Talking about American Drivers.

    And yes, it is totally applicable to Thailand in not a "bashing" way. :)

    Enjoy your day, sir.

  12. Another popular Thai bashing theme that never seems to get old.

    All farang good. All Thai bad. If all Thais had the mental capability of many TV posters the whole country would grind to a halt.

    Seriously if you're that desperate for some reason to feel you're better about yourself, your race or nationality as a basis is a thin claim to fame and starting yet another thread that's bound to descend into a Thai bashing marathon is really getting tired.

    you high or something? This is an American comedian taking a a toss at American drivers. Nothing to do with bashing Thais.

  13. To simplify the question, There is a tourist map company in "insert any location" Thailand, that is selling the right to be on the maps which are distributed in front of hotels and 7-11's etc. It is being sold by foreigners, who I am almost certain have no work-permit.

    Where does the liability lie in the case that this "Company" is caught. Are the companies on the map in any trouble legally speaking?

  14. This is a decent question I think.

    Often times my business is approached in person by mostly foreigners seemingly employed by advertising companies that offer tourism guides, magazines, or other related services.

    Before you answer this question, please note I am aware there are very easy ways to check the validity of such companies (The DBD, requesting VAT receipts, etc.) I have never used the services of suspect companies also.

    So, the question is, If a legitimate business in Thailand inadvertently works with a such a company, real or not, that employs or is run by a foreigner with no work-permit, where does the fault lie?

    Is there a risk to the legitimate Thai business using the service of such people physically located in Thailand?

    A perfect example of this, would be we often times buy small things, like cleaning supplies etc. from a local mom and pop shop. Of course we know this is a Thai run business and we do not expect a VAT receipt. But what if the table is turned, and a legitimate Thai business pays money by accident to what they think is a real Thai company to a foreigner that seems legally employed but is not?

    I've already found out a great way to easily get rid of the pestering, Ask to see their work-permit, but in some cases that's not always applicable as it might be rude to someone you know for a long time.

    Your feedback is appreciated smile.png

  15. No, they don't keep your passport. AFAIK you can normally travel abroad, no issues at all, but to be sure, check in the 'visa in Thailand' subforum.

    I have always had the extension renewed after the 1 month waiting period BTW. I have always presumed this period was connected to the extension being based on marriage.

    We are talking about Non-B extensions and workpermits, not that you have money in the bank and a wife.

    They check a lot documents (taxes, staff, company is profitable, its an actual business and not a shell)

    It gets worse every year.

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