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About Chwooly

  • Birthday November 8

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  1. Yes, You are lucky, It would be a tragedy if you actually had to think about your responses. of course I am aware you use emojis in an attempt to be relevant. most find them ridiculous and juvenile. But hey you do you.
  2. This is just another of those "He is a nice guy, and he lost his leg and he needs help" "Please donate" Nowhere is there any information on the circumstances of the crash so while I appreciate the link it doesn't change my mind.
  3. I did look for it and couldn't find a single story about it, I tried using Krabi and Andy Davis as search words and the only articles I could find were dated Nov20 or later and as I wrote in the post you quoted "No it wasn't, the only information is "He is a nice guy, and he lost his leg and he needs help"" And since you won't or can't post a link to any article that gives details of the actual crash, I stand by statement that your comments about the accident being reported in depth to be a lie. Prove me wrong and I will most humbly apologize. Until then I will stand by what I said.
  4. I have over 400 posts, I am so happy that at least someone other than myself reads them. Thanks
  5. So now we see the other side, Before it was Trump will take away all your rights and install himself as a dictator, Now it is fear mongering on the economy. The amount of Trump will destroy the country rhetoric is astounding and yet those that hated him and did all they could to keep him from winning are now bending the knee to him. While those here that really have no skin in the game keep up the fear mongering and whining. The joy this gives me is endless. Please continue with this. My retirement account is doing better now after the election then it ever did under your hero and messiah Biden.
  6. Really Strange, You carry a camera but not your phone? I call bollacks on the entire encounter.
  7. That link gives no information except "Nice guy, lost leg, Needs help." Nothing substantive about the accident. Oh wait I forgot to add "His parents flew into Thailand" That article is just a dressed up go fund me page to get you to go to the Go fund me page.
  8. No it wasn't, the only information is "He is a nice guy, and he lost his leg and he needs help" No where is there any information on the crash so unless you can post a link stop your lies
  9. I didn't say we shouldn't help But since there is no news out there, Are there any other's that were involved that might be more deserving of help?
  10. I am to lazy too go thru all the posts but this number seems fake, Anecdotally I haven't seen a decrease of girls coming from Esan that don't have at a minimum 1 kid and most of the 25 and older crowd are still showing up with 2 or 3 kids left behind with Parents and grandparents. Of course like I said this is not a scientific study I have done, This is only my own experience with the girls I am finding on a popular st dating app. so this might not be representative of Thailand as a whole.
  11. Why I used "Probably" But also since there is no information on the crash, Not even time of day or if anyone else was involved it leaves it open to interpretation and conjecture.
  12. Call me sad all you want, I am not the one who feels a need to mention Trump and honestly no one I know views him as a grifter, The most famous one for me is Frank Abagnale. Not Trump. But if it makes you feel like a big man, Call me sad or another deragatory term that will let you fill your very empty and lonely life.
  13. And just like the woman in SF who had her U-haul stolen you will be the first 1 to whine about no police when you are a victim of a crime. Waa Waa Waa, Donald won how can we manage to complain about that in EVERY SINGLE THREAD FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS. Waa Waa Waa....
  14. Can you provide a link? I can't find it on their website Thanks
  15. Thanks I looked at their website and didn't see this offer.
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