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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 11 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    The sentence is a bit over the top is what most are saying, i.e. drink drive and kill a cop, community sentence, 10,000 baht fine, 2 years suspended license.


    42 years for fraud, come on mate, get a grip !!!

    If you want to take the big gamble, expect the big sentence. Or do you think he should get the same sentence as a clerk stealing a few thousand baht?

  2. 50 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    On Yingluck's absence at the court yesterday, Joel Gershon: "She didn't know that she could be thrown in jail for carrying through a policy she campaigned on and that was passed through the government. She didn't personally take part in any criminal activity. It was a verdict in search of a case. The military have already seized a $1 billion from her. So really, there is nothing to be gained from her going to jail for her or her side. She can still be sympathetic from abroad and she can be free, which is more powerful. I'm sure the military assisted her leave or they were aware of it. If not, they seriously have their heads up their derrières".

    One shin sycophant quoting another, how nice.

  3. 8 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    30 mil. Just imagine. Times this pic by 3 and this will be going into a few peoples pockets. Then times it again by ? for her assets, bank accounts etc plus what they grabbed from Thaksin. They could buy the subs out of their own pockets.


    I once calculated how large B600 billion would be in B1000 notes for the g/f's benefit. Our 2 bedroom house would be filled to the rafters 4 times.

    Her brother's mate Apichart (currently in prison) was paid an agent's fee of B900 million for one 300,000t G2G rice deal. That's your picture times 90. Do you think she is worried about pocket change?

  4. 1 hour ago, dyertribe said:

    I think if there were an actual tally, you would find that far more red supporters have been killed by the elite and forces or mobs under their control.

    This topic has the ability to polarise based on personal views, but actual math can't be tainted by colors

    Note I said math, not statistics.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Strangely enough it can be tainted by colours. For the 2010 uprising to be considered a political success, there had to be many more deaths of protesters than RTA. I'm quite sure the MIB taking pot shots at the RTA inciting them to return fire were quite capable of massaging those numbers during the ensuing firefights.

  5. 11 minutes ago, candide said:

    Do you honestly believe that YL was not under watch  during this period of time? In another thread it is even written in the OP that a state official made sure she could leave the country. 

    Well if it's written in the OP it must be true! I have speculated elsewhere how she avoided her guards, a nice thick wad of baht will do it every time.

    but if you prefer conspiracy theories, go ahead.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Becker said:

    Well, if it really turns out that YL has left the country then even the most ardent junta supporter must admit that this is clear, unambiguous and irrefutable evidence that this whole thing is political.

    Because if they let her go (and they must have if she left) then that means they don't care about justice and punishing bad guys like some of the more gullible (I'm being generous here) junta supporter actually believe.

    Eat crow, guys.

    Criminals jump the border every day. what is political about an elected criminal doing the same?


    your supposition is not clear, unambiguous and irrefutable evidence of anything except your inabililty to tell fact from fiction.

  7. 3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Do you believe 42 years is a proportionate and just sentence? Are frauds and corruption within the current government being pursued with same vigour?

    Yes I do. This man was entrusted to manage the assets of the people of Thailand. He betrayed that trust and should pay with the rest of his life in prison. Some suggest a few years would be sufficient, and then to live like a king on the stolen assets he has concealed?


    I don't suppose we could have expected any better from a man appointed by a criminal to do his bidding. It's only a pity Yingluk has seemingly slipped away.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

    Correct me if I am wrong but at the time, Thailand was world No-1 in the export of rice.  The scheme was for the gov to pay for the rice and hold it to force an under supply and so drive prices up.  (as OPEC did in 1973).  In the event, other countries upped their production and so broken the under supply and the plan collapsed.  I dare say there were skimmers along the way but as an economic policy it is basically sound.

    But you missed the big flaw. Thailand withdraws from the market, pushing the price up, so then Thailand sells some rice at the higher price, and the price begins to come back down. It is no benefit to Thailand to have a higher price for rice if they are not selling.

    Meanwhile, Thailand has massively increased production because of the price they are offering farmers. How do they sell that while keeping the price high?

  9. It really is a shame they blocked all her supporters. Imagine travelling all the way from Isaan to stand around looking stupid (that was going to happen anyway) because Yingluk has vertigo, or taken a hike.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    Those of use that were here remember how it all started way back when with the Yellows. 


    They almost started an actual war with Cambodia over a Khmer temple.


    An actual war with Cambodia. Think about that for a minute. 


    Many people were killed during that exchange and I doubt anyone will remember their names.

    You've made quite a posts yourself hoping for violence. I don't suppose you realise in your frenzy to attack anything yellow that those involved were trying to keep part of their nation intact, which is a bit different hoping to tear it apart while attacking their fellow countrymen.

  11. 43 minutes ago, JAG said:

    A 42 year jail sentence merits you throwing a party?


    Extraordinary. How will you celebrate if one of them dies?

    Actually the 42 year sentence is just part of the celebration. If they manage to catch Yingluk, give her the same with no bail for attempting to flee, I might even be tempted to shout a few rounds. My cup of schadenfreude overfloweth.

  12. 3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    What were they holding back?  One thing is for sure, it would give peace of mind to supporters of all sides if she turns out to have left the country, most people do not want more troubles in Thailand.  

    But there are a small number quite happy to incite and be involved in political violence, even more so if they can be paid for it.


    There are even a few keyboard warriors on TVF hoping it will happen. Of course it's not them who might get hurt.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    She pledged 20,000 baht a ton and in 2008 the price reached over 30,000 per ton, the only reason it could never have reached the levels that year that it had previously was because of India vastly upping their own scheme and stockpiling much larger amounts to release just when Thailand wanted to go to market, something no one knew was going to happen until it was too late.  The current mortgage is 13,000 baht a ton and we have seen the price go down as low as 5000 baht a ton in relatively recent times, the juntas move is not very different at all, the difference is more in your prejudice than anything else.

    One small difference, the junta's scheme has a budget limit, apparently they abide by that limit. Yingluk exceeded the B500 million rotating fund limit by about 1000 times.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Well I am sorry, but when you never mention the reasons the scheme would not go well that year but instead bogus reasons the opposition party put out then you will appear as a simple chap.  I suggest you do some reading into rice mortgage schemes in other countries, Indias strategic stock pile being almost three times as big that year, and with a little lower pledge and lower operating costs they were due to out compete Thailand, the only hope for Thailands scheme to succeed would be to try to wait longer but they were not of course permitted any more time, and perhaps quite rightly as they had overspent and did not have the ability to pay all the farmers. The simple fact is that these rice mortgage schemes are standard practice, they weigh up the odds, take a gamble with how much to strategically stock pile and how much to release, sometimes it makes a profit and sometimes they have to absorb the loss, but they keep the farmers afloat, and that is the essential thing, something the junta also recognises and that is why they continue with the mortgage scheme.  I am not a fan of these schemes, we need support for farmers but strategic stockpiling brings uncertainty to the marketplace, Indias move was so big that year that the price crashed, killing Thailands export chances, ruining farmers all over the world, including in India where countless farmers lost their land.  The fact is that the future is bleak for rice farmers in Thailand, the prices are set to lower in the future not rise and the only hope for the farmers survival are subsidies, the government pledges 13 baht per kg this year which may well be more than it will be worth, not of the same scale as Yinlucks promise but it could well still be a loss making scheme.

    I am aware that rice pledging has been around for many years, and its aim. The difference with Yingluk's scam was the price paid, higher than market could ever have been expected to reach, which meant the government was BUYING the rice, the lack of targeting to smaller farmers who may need help, and the failure to limit the losses incurred.

    Are you aware the junta's scheme has a limited budget? So did Yingluk's - she ignored it and allowed the losses to mount, aka negligence.


  15. Trying to imagine how she slipped past security outside her house. In a garbage can? Nah, her butts too big. Boot (trunk) of a car? Not a hiso like Yingluk. Imagine if a photo got released!


    Then I realised TIT. A wad of baht out the window of the car made her invisible.

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