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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 9 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    No, it is you who suspect corruption, I called it cronyism like it was, and actually deals like that do go on between old friends every day, the bribes being your embellishment to the story, all over the world old boys help each other out without want for payment, have you never done anything for a friend without receiving a cash payment?  And as there are no anti monopoly laws in Thailand, the deal he recieved, like deals CP has received along with countless others in Thailand, are all perfectly legal. Cronyism alone is in no way considered corrupt in Thailand, just ask Prayut.  Anyway, I now see that you were calling something theft that actually wasn't, it was just the monopoly, not much point in having a monopoly if you not going to milk it, but that does not equate to theft in any ones mind but the desperate to disparage.

    So, kissed by the Lucky Fairy is your version. Here mate, I can see you're in debt for B50 million, here's a 20 year monopoly on the fastest growing industry in the world worth billions of dollars. Would I like to be DPM?

  2. 1 hour ago, Mansell said:

    She was an elected Prime Minister ousted by a military coup, then put on trial by the same military......and would probably have been railroaded and found guilty by this same military. If it was me I would be long gone. This is not justice at all, but a lynching. Happy she left. Funny how they can put her on trial, but Red Bull boy cannot be found or put on trial, and he murdered a policeman while drunk with his Ferrari. Double standard.

    You missed a bit in your time line. Yingluk was no longer PM at the time of the coup, having been dismissed for trying to stack the RTP, a Shin SOP.


    " On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court unanimously dismissed Yingluck from office in consequence of the unconstitutional transfer of a top security officer, Thawil Pliensri, as National Security Council secretary-general in 2011. Thawil was removed from the post in September 2011, paving the way for then police chief Pol Gen Wichean to replace him. Pol Gen Priewpan Damapong, the brother of the former wife of Yingluck's brother Thaksin, succeeded Pol Gen Wichean as police chief. "  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yingluck_Shinawatra#2014_corruption_investigation

  3. 25 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    He was born into one of the richest families in Northern Thailand, his mother a princess, his ventures while in the police all failed and left him in debt, he was later granted a monopoly on a telecommunications business from a friend in politics which become AIS and obviously was massively successful.  Sure, his success was bolstered by nepotism and cronyism, but when did he steal money from the Thai people, what are you referring to?

    Well you skipped the corrupt computer contract and went straight to "granted a monopoly" like that happens every day, without corruption and bribes. Well done. Now if you accept that there was corruption involved, rather than being kissed by the Lucky Fairy, then look at the overcharging and over-pricing for handsets, you might get an idea what I am calling theft. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:


    What evidence are we talking about. How does one prove beyond a resonable doubt that one is "negligent". 


    Yes she might have been a lousy organizer of the rice scheme, but that is something different than facing ten years in jail for being "negligent" 


    This is a witch hunt, nothing more and nothing less. If found guilty, no-one outside of Thailand will take the verdict seriously, no country would extradite her back to Thailand. That much is certain.


    I have seen you posted and responded on claims that those trials are politically motivated. You seem to think that this is just an excuse used by the Shinawatras, but the way these trials have been conducted gives them this perfect excuse. It is the Thai Justice system after all, where some are tried, and others will never seen the inside of the court room because they are either connected, or have given themselves amnesty, such as the NCPO folks...

    She was warned about huge mounting losses. to prove she wasn't negligent, all she has to prove is that she did something about it. all she can say is she suggested a price cut, which proves she knew of the problem, and then caved to political pressure and did NOTHING.

  5. 1 minute ago, sjaak327 said:

    Oh you know the verdict already ? Did you told her to do a runner.


    I told you before, you need to open your eyes, you are in Thailand, not Australia. 100% guilt yeah right. 100% <deleted> more like.


    Stop the pontificating, and give me one thing she did to reduce the losses from her rice scam? There aren't any, which make the guilt and the verdict 100% sure.

  6. 43 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    "she will face a lifetime ban from politics"


    Did the 2007 constitution have this clause ? After all she was PM under that constitution, so she should be judged using that constitution not the one "approved" last year.


    Somehow a guilty verdict is 100% certain, they might as well just read it now.



    Of course it was, and she knew that there could be no other result given her 100% guilt.

  7. 1 minute ago, mark131v said:

    Nonsense this is a blatant stitch up and is politically motivated


    They are all corrupt and I doubt a single person involved in Thai politics has anything other than self enrichment as their prime motivation but the junta are a step up from the rest


    They have taken it to the next level by blatantly committing treason and stopping democratic process, they then have the brass neck to grant themselves a blanket amnesty and forbid anybody investigating their own misdeeds


    Absolutely shocking but sadly unsurprising.... 


    Which part of the evidence presented don't you believe? Or do you simply dismiss all evidence because it doesn't fit your bias?

  8. 1 minute ago, Becker said:

    So in other words when you called what I wrote BS, it was BS?

    Have the Shinawatras been convicted of multi-billion dollars of corruption, or is that BS? And when you admitted that the junta leader is guilty of "penny-ante" stuff, exactly how do you define penny-ante? Several hundred million Baht sure is a pretty penny-ante!



    If I didn't know any better I would say you are full of the stuff you were raised on (by your own admission).

    You'll have to wait until next month, wont you, because she took a runner. But there Boonsong, a Shinawatra appointee, and Apichart, close Thaksin associate and highly preferred rice agent, just gone down. And there is the KTB court case waiting defendant#1 currently abroad, along with many other cases. Just BS right, nothing to do with your little tin god?

  9. 1 minute ago, jayboy said:

    If you agree King Power, CP, Thai Bev and many others  are "stealing from the Thai people" then your argument might hold.I don't agree.Truth is all have legitimate businesses with real assets and P and L accounts doing useful stuff.Same applied to Thaksin.Yes Thailand business tends to be too monopolistic and business ethics are dubious.Corruption isn't uncommon.That's not the same as stealing from the Thai people.I suggest you focus on  bureaucrats and military people who have massive assets and tiny incomes:that's stealing from the Thai people in my book.

    You are trying to divert and obfuscate with "Little Johnny did it too!" argument. His deals were corrupt, he got wealthy via corruption, and at the expense of the Thai people. Put lipstick on the pig, it is still a pig. And this one STINKS, because he continued his corrupt practices after taking office by buying his way to the premiership.

  10. Just now, tomas557 said:


    No he didn't.


    Everyone has to declare assets, except Prayuth and cohorts.


    When some journalists asked some difficult questions at the time he sold the land for hundreds of millions, he warned the journalist to stop investigating.


    All this is well documented on this forum and elsewhere

    Sure. But let's get this measured to scale, are we talking the multi-billions of Shinawatra corruption or penny-ante stuff.

    Yes, we are talking the same sort of crime, but getting robbed of $10 hurts a lot less than getting robbed of $10,000.

  11. Just now, jayboy said:

    I have no illusions about Thaksin's business ethics.Where you are in error is to have convinced yourself he isn't representative of a very common type of Sino Thai tycoon.And if you believe any dope could have exploited the opportunities as Thaksin did, you will believe anything.Of course the reason why the elites hate Thaksin is nothing to do with corruption at all - they themselves are deeply corrupt - but because he undermined their power base.

    But you just claimed that the corrupt computer contract and the 20 year mobile monopoly weren't stealing from the Thai people. He was near broke before then, after he had billions of baht, so who's money ended up in his pocket?

    Are you stating it's not corrupt or not theft because other's do it too (aka Little Johnny)?

  12. Just now, jayboy said:

    Oh grow up.We all know Thaksin changed the rules to suit his interests but his ethics were no different from the Sino Thai business tycoons that backed the yellow mobs and the Junta's coup.Thaksin was at least an astute businessmen who acquired a fortune flogging mainframes to the RTP before multiplying his wealth in telecoms.But he did not steal billions from the Thai people and his wealth at least is explainable.This doesn't absolve his corruption but don't cloud the issue by silly bar talk.If you want to go after unexplained and unusual wealth there are plenty of army top brass generals to go after.

    Oh yes, but you forgot to mention the details didn't you. In the contract with the RTP he was the officer assigned to write the contract specs, while his FIL was CoP. Amazingly he won the contract, where any anti-corruption measure would prevent that. Nothing corrupt there!

    Then he was amazingly "given" a 20 year monopoly on Thailand's mobile phone network. With high charges and overpriced handsets, any corrupt mug could have made billions, and DID! Nothing corrupt there!

    Not to his sycophants anyway.

  13. 6 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Buying things from farmers for more than they are worth happens all over the world, opposition parties may like to criticise it by calling it populism but other praise it for how it keeps the vital farmers afloat.  The EU does it in the form of subsidies, one in five of the biggest subsidies going to someone on the Times rich list.  Anyway, did Thaksin line his pockets with billions?  I recall him starting politics already a billionaire, an attempted confiscation and the courts giving him back his money that turned out to have been his all along!

    You recall him starting politics already a billionaire, with money stolen from the Thai people.  Why don't you recall where those billions came from?

  14. 49 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

    You are good at criticising with hindsight but you fail to understand the initial economic theory.

    I am quite happy to discuss supply/demand elasticity theory with you, are you familiar with it? There are quite a few other good reasons why it wouldn't work, eg.

    higher price will encourage other suppliers into the market, farmers elsewhere will grow more or switch to rice. That there are so many suppliers made this inevitable

    other foods are available, and suppliers may drop prices to encourage consumers to change

    many consumers are poor, with price increase they will buy less (you know, STARVE)


    But you knew all that, right. Try looking at The Economist's view of the scam, BEFORE it started, no hindsight, no bias, just a suppressed giggle.

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