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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 1 minute ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    Chalerm was universally loathed by most and mocked at the time as I recall.


    The point is that Thai males of a certain ilk only seem to be good at bullying and threatening those weaker or more susceptible than themselves.


    Clear in both cases, as evidenced time and time again by their actions. Both show clear sociopathic tendencies. 

    "Universally loathed" but still gets appointed as DPM. What sort of a democracy do you have when scum like that and various other criminals are given high office via a party list?

  2. Just now, billd766 said:


    Perhaps his Dady tipped him the nod and explained the eeror of his ways in turning the spotlight on the family. For the last couple of years Chalerm has been uncharacteristically quiet and biding his time, though for what I don't know.

    I'm waiting for that pink Bentley to get confiscated.

  3. 2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    Birds of a feather.


    Both use bullying and intimidation to good effect it seems. 

    Yes but when one appoints himself as PM it is a crime and causes much consternation in the democracy lovers. When Chalerm was appointed DPM it is Thai democracy in action, despite him never receiving a single vote or answering to an electorate for his behaviour.

  4. 4 hours ago, Wiggy said:

    It's the former. Duang was the one who allegedly shot a police officer in cold blood at point blank range, in a night club, in front of many witnesses and orphaned a young boy. He then fled to the Thai embassy in KL. Alas the witnesses refused to testify. He didn't do it though. He's a nice kid.

    You forgot to mention that he was in the army at the time. Went AWOL for months while they chalermed the witnesses, and then was promoted on his return.

  5. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    I have no argument about a lower alchohol limit for young riders/drivers, who are not as used to drinking as older people. What does concern me is the inclusion of those "without a license", which is effectively going to mean every tourist, who can now be arrested after no more than 2 small beers, but are not remotely close to intoxicated. It will also impact those who live here but have held a license for less than 2 years, when the first "temporary" license becomes a full one.

    AFAIK a home country licence with your details in English is acceptable here. What I do know for certain is that the reverse IS true, that my Thai licence which has my details in English is acceptable in Australia while I remain a resident of Thailand. There is no need for an International licence unless your details are not in English, and it only serves as a translation.

    How do I know? While applying for my Qld licence, first time in that state, there was a processing delay. I was advised I could use my Thai licence until then, or when on holidays in Oz.

  6. 3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    No. China and India are two countries building coal fired power stations by the hundreds. At least they are producing carbon dioxide essential for plant life which ultimately supports animal life; which happens to include humans.

    In any cased the world will continue as it wants regardless of what people might try to do to change things.

    And where is their coal coming from ? Australia, which refuses to build coal fired power stations preferring billion dollar solar stations that produce close to SFA, but will sell coal and gas to anyone who can pay for it. Meanwhile the price of electricity there continues to soar. 

  7. 11 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    Another failed rice scheme that tries to circumvent the international market.

    No recrimination, no dereliction of duty, no compensation to the Thai taxpayer for lost revenues.

    The Democrat Party withheld this time any prediction of obvious economic failure.

    The Prayut government remains invulnerable and unaccountable.

    Finally Prayut found something that money can't buy - folly.



    Which "failed rice scheme" would that be? The junta are left with the hangover from Yingluk's binge, and every remedy causes someone pain.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Just listen to yourselves, look at your words and see what has become of party before country politics. You are actually endorsing and defending espionage. You are defending what your Fathers and Grandfathers would have deemed indefensible.  Since 1947 Russia has been trying to cut the link between Europe and the USA and last week, Donald Trump did just that. Trump sold the USA down the river to ensure the financial and personal kompromat that Russia holds over him remains secret. By your endorsement of Trump and his families actions you are displaying a level of anti-patriotism the likes of which has never been seen in the last 300 years. Putin is doing flip flops and Trumps supporters are oblivious to it all. The hatred for Democrats and anything none Trump is actually causing the very fabric of the USA to crumble before our eyes. I knew that the US 'Empire' would eventually disappear as all empires do, but I never thought I would witness it in my life time. Great job y'all.

    " You are actually endorsing and defending espionage."


    BS. YOU have a reading and comprehension problem. ALL my comments on this subject have been negative in regard to Trump and his co-travellers.

  9. 6 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

    In the version I read, the man had just got a bite on one of his lines and then the shark launched himself into the boat.  But it wasn't clear whether he had hooked the shark.  Anyone know?


    When I was young, my Dad would say to me "Don't jerk the line so hard, son, it could be a 200kg shark and you'll pull it right into the boat!"

  10. 36 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    It really is a shame that military coups, judicial bias, junta rule and martial law (or sec 44, whichever) has tainted any truth in what you say, and that any allegations or charges, warranted or otherwise, will always have more than a whiff of 'politically motivation' about them.

    Yeah, don't dispute the facts, just claim political motivation. Or google Siam Indica for another insight of the criminals at work.

  11. 3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    The ones that are making the most profit from the rice debacle,are 

    the godown owners,that's where most of the 1 Billion THB p.m. will

    be going to,and it seems never ending .they would be better giving

    the rice away free to poor countries,and clear all the backlog,start

    afresh again,and try and gain Thailand's reputations for quality rice. 

    regards worgeordie

    IMHO the "secret" meeting between Yingluk and the property developers was a heads up, boys. Start building rice storage because we are going to need a lot of it and will pay premium prices, and nobody's going to look too close if there's a bit of sleight of hand.

  12. 13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    With current rice prices for lower grade about 18,000 Baht a metric ton 13 million brought in 234 Billion Baht. With another 5 Million tons worth another 90 Billion.

    That is more than the rice pledging scheme lost, so maybe he will withdraw the lawsuit against Yingluck now.

    Oh, I forgot, that was politically motivated and had sod all to do with the money involved.


    Do you think that Thai accountants are so thick that they wouldn't take the value of the stockpile into account when assessing the losses? You have counted that value twice, do it a 3rd time and claim she made a profit.

  13. 52 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Who exactly is they? All muslims? Do all muslims engage in stoning people to death? Is that why this particular article is news? Because it's a common practice?

    Well it does give us some enlightenment of a strict interpretation of Islamic law. A 3rd wife, as far as she knew, an alleged wedding ceremony she didn't attend, and a religious law execution. But I'm sure if they decide they don't like Somalia, you would love to have them as neighbours.

  14. 2 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

    Show me where it says the owner did it,how many lambos could one have stolen before the UK police might think you're having unusually bad luck anyways? ..... :smile:

    Well what do you think caused UK police to start looking for stolen cars in BKK?


    BTW Lambos and similar are VERY likely to be stolen, though usually recovered. Now a friend of mine in Ipswich (Qld) had his 15yo Holden stolen twice, and both times it was used in armed robberies before he knew it was gone. You want to talk about police suspicion.......

  15. 6 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

    It's not a fraudulent claim 

    The owner lost his car and claim was legit

    To his knowledge when he reported it stolen 

    (unless you have information that he was complicit in the theft which is the only factor that would make it into insurance fraud) 


    Try to keep up. There are reports of any organised scam, buying luxury cars, shipping to BKK and reporting as stolen.

  16. 9 minutes ago, speedtripler said:

    Who is going to pay for the shipping? Lol

    Probly not cheap to send a lamborghini from Thailand back to the uk

    The paperwork and man hours  on both sides and third parties in the middle would exceed the value of the car

    Not to mention, the previous owner probably got a cheque from insurance so he might not even want his stolen lambo back if  he now has a new one... 

    Being nice low cars, you can put a floor in and ship 2 to a container. Checking TVF we have threads indicating price as B150,000 per container, with no import duty as car originally from UK. If you have a late model Lambo you would like to sell for B75,000, please PM me.

    BTW if the original owner got an insurance cheque, the car belongs to the insurance company. As the insurance claim now appears to be fraudulent.........

  17. 9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Of course citizens have contact with Russia. The cold war ended years ago. It's only an issue if in an official position.

    Any citizen with a high security clearance making contact with a foreign power should expect to be asked to explain the nature of those contacts. If it was discovered that he/she was asking for a secret communication channel unknown to his country's intelligence agencies, there is every reason to be suspect of his/her activities.

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