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Posts posted by halloween

  1. 50 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    What do you mean,they had nothing than a hut, no houses no cars no nothing.let them go back to their own culture. The white man thought them and they learned Nothing .Every business I have seen in Northern Queensland   that has been run by Abbos has gone under ,Same as Uluru The Abbos took charge of that and Stuffed it up and they hired the White man to save and run it.

    Walgett (NSW) Aboriginal Land Council bought the local pub, and their best customers stopped paying. IIRC it was about 3 months before they brought in experienced management.

    They also bought a property out of town, sold the stock, and were using it as a dry-out facility when their best customers got a bit wobbly. A million dollar drunk tank.

  2. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    YOU seem to be calling folk daft because of their choice of a fun ride...I can tell you that you are not a gear head, a petrol head, and if a bloke had a better ride than you you would be in turmoil..... :stoner:

    Turmoil, really? I have been riding bikes for 48 years, some of them much better than others, and ALL that time there has been somebody with a better ride than mine. You seem to have a problem when somebody points out that there are many motorcycles available that to everything a motorcycle should do better than a H-D. they must suffer 'mental turmoil', which I suppose is easier than trying to deny the truth of that judgement.

  3. 7 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


    Right, so once the dust settled they didnt actual own or control any land.


    The white australians have taken every turn at government based on race since they first landed in prison ships....really?...You didnt know that?

    The both own and control, they don't have the right to sell what belongs to future generations. Is that so hard to understand, or are you trolling?

    My question was, where else do different races "get a turn" at government as you suggested?  another attempt at trolling?

  4. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    My chum has a 1965 Aston Martin convertible, worth a fortune, he could not keep up with my ol' Pontiac, is his ride a crap mobile......?....Open your eyes to individuals fun, and not mine is better than yours cos of this and that.....Keep cool and think of others fun machine....:thumbsup:

    BS. At the time this was a new bike, and sold at a considerably higher price than new replacements for the rest of the bikes in the group. Why are we not allowed to compare the functions of the machines we ride, and make value judgements?  Google 'gormless', it is a term used for those lacking in discernment.

  5. Just now, onthesoi said:

    Right, so the land was handed back but they didnt actually own it....white Australia still in control?

    Actually it was handed back to the aboriginal people as a whole, not to the individuals who wanted to sell it. They claimed it on the basis of their ancestry - given that why should they have the right to deny it to their descendants?


    Where do government get to "take a turn" based on race?

  6. 4 minutes ago, transam said:

    You sound like you have no idea about an individuals choice of fun....:sad:

    I have every idea about an individuals choice of fun, and riding behind a Harley is nobody's idea of fun.

    I forgot to add there was another reason Jacko was always last. Combined with lousy fuel consumption, his bike came with a ridiculously small fuel tank, which meant he stopped twice as often for fuel, 3 times more often than the Moto Guzzi which had very similar engine specs.

  7. 3 hours ago, RigPig said:

    The death toll would be less!!  A set of handle grips for a Harley is $80 US plus tax and duty, I sure as heck don't want to pay for the repairs on either of my bikes due to a stupid accident!!

    Let me guess, they are visibly HD branded. which seems to be a licence to charge outrageously for often inferior products, much like their motorcycles. a friend had a Sportster, and agreed that on almost every measure (power, weight, handling, braking, vibration, lighting, instrumentation quality, price, fuel consumption, noise) his bike didn't match the Italian, Japanese and English bikes the rest of us were riding, but insisted that it sounded great. If he ever went deaf.............

    BTW we gave him a pass on comfort because it is a personal decision.

    BTW2 the lack of performance meant he was always last, because NOBODY  wanted to sit behind the noisy bloody thing - would make your ears ache after a few miles.

  8. Every Australian born in the country has as much right to the country and its history as any other. I call your claim to ownership, because some far distant in time relative lived there before colonisation, nothing but BS. There are plenty of aboriginals who have gotten over this victimisation fed to them by bleeding hearts, and made a success of their lives. There is plenty of assistance available to help aboriginals get educated, find work and own a home, moaning about the injustices of the distant past won't.

  9. 1 hour ago, leeneeds said:


    for those that drop the bike and can not pick it up,

    a free 24 hr number , plus sold with leggings  to keep the slight in the saddle at high speed,

    option to come with mini ape hangers for the gravity affected,

    go quick no stop, suit the thai riders to a Tee,



    Also recommended, streamers on the end of handlebars and/or frilled leather jacket. Stops birds landing on you when you're "cruising".

  10. Overseas manufacture is nothing new for H-D. I have owned one Harley - a 175cc 2-stroke made in Italy. Still got the workshop manual, somewhere.


    Might add the whole idea was a disaster, with the small exception that H-D actually competed in the 1975 500cc Grand Prix. I believe they may have even won a race, possibly the only time they ever beaten anything other than other H-D.

    BTW the company they bought and resold (Aermacchi) eventually morphed into MV Augusta, which H-D bought again for another financial disaster.

  11. 1 hour ago, heybruce said:

    "Can you provide a link to any subsidy anywhere that paid 50% more than current world prices?"


    I can do much better:


    "To protect its wildly uncompetitive farmers, Japan has erected one of the world’s highest tariffs: the duty on imported polished rice is 777.7%."  http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21590947-government-abolishes-previously-sacrosanct-agricultural-subsidies-political 


    That is a purely populist subsidy to buy votes. Do you think Japan would benefit from a coup?


    One person's populism is another person's legitimate government expense.  And policies that critics call populist are practiced all over the world without being used as a justification for a coup.  Of course only the junta huggers on TV are saying subsidies justified the coup, not even the military is that shameless.

    You don't know the difference between a tariff and a subsidy? There is nothing legitimate about a vote buying exercise that cost the Thai people 20 billion dollars and saddled them with a huge stockpile of degrading commodity. Nor was there anything legitimate about the tablet scam, a huge expense which achieved very little. Or the inflation causing minimum wage hike which caused only inflation. Policies drawn up on the back of a beer mat, probably by Chalerm, with no attempt to get value for money, they were buying an election without any cost to themselves.

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