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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. I am only going by my experience. I opened account with Bangkok bank and never had a problem. I decided to go hunting for a better interest rate for saving and either got you need a work permit or we do not know how for farang. I had the Thai GF with so no communication problem. Last place I went into was GSB bank, open account with my passport and Thai drivers License with double the rate of Bangkok Bank and no taxes. Now this is just a saving account not a fixed rate. Seemed to be best option the after tax looked to be about the same.

  2. I will also add that Thai food is everywhere and Forum Plaza has a KFC , Pizza company is out in front. Central Festival mall same as Pattaya. This is not a tourist area so come live like a Thai or stay the F,.,.,.,. ck home !!!! LOL

    This city has it all from the modern coffee shop to the bitchy old bat that sells phat c eew to the lady boy that makes an excellent bowl of noodle with 2 big pieces of chicken. Papaya salad, watermelon, 15 baht smoothies.

  3. Traffic is bad in the morning and evening and yes Holidays. You travel towards the pier and nice place to ride. If you look at google maps you can ride from the city to Bang Saen then out to the zoo. I do this on my motorbike. nice walking park near the pier and also night market. As for the ladies they are everywhere. Maybe not your Pattaya breed but but bring along a rag to clean the dirt off your tounge from hitting the ground. Central Festival mall , 2 big C's , Forum Plaza . Look between 361 bypass and 315 and we have everything. Rent is 3600 to 15000 baht with a/c Hard to find people that speak English but you speak Thai so come on up and inspect the place. Bang Sean you will pay tourist prices.

  4. Why would you buy now while the baht is tumbling ? Hold onto your money outside the country until

    It steadies off. Once it does go to the owner and offer half of what they are asking . Land is only worth what some one will pay for it ! as long as you don't tell the neighbours what it sold for the seller will save face , honestly though land in thailand is more expensive then decent farm land in the USA you work that one out ?

    USA money So $1.00 was 33 baht and now 35 baht and this is bad ? I am hoping it goes to 40 soon .

    Thai's believe what Thai's believe and they do not like to negotiate. The price will only go up. Just look at how many condos are for sale and they are still building and adding projects. Condos in the building I am in have been empty for over 4 years. Humidity slowly destroying the furniture in the rooms. The room I rent, the TV stand is starting to fall apart, pressed wood crap.

  5. I always write reviews for the places I stay they are very helpful to the next person looking at booking . many picture are from years ago when hotel was new or remodeled and the place could have turned into a dump. You should be able the tell 30 days after you check out that the points are available to use.

    Keep a close eye on your point, had to call them and make the lady add them up to admit she was wrong. The GF likes to call the hotel to make sure we are getting the best rate. Agoda does a good job so far. Sometimes just 100 baht.

  6. Traveling at night without eye protection. Eyes watering and unable to see the truck. OOOOOPS !!!1

    I no longer feel sorry for these stupid people. I watch a motorbike going the wrong way in a parking lot run smack into the middle of the front end of a car. Did the genius on the motrbike think the car was going to move? They twist the throttle and go hoping Buddha will get them there.

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