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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. Sounds like small town USA to me, everybody knows every bodies business. Kinda sad you know. They would print the speeding tickets and DWI's in the paper. Imaging going to church on Sunday after the husband got a DWI . YOUR WIFE IS FINDING OUT WHO HER REAL FRIENDS ARE !!! Hopefully she can rise above this and move on with her good friends.

    Jealousy is a sad sad thing. Good luck.

  2. The people of Thailand know about there government but feel helpless. What are they to do ? Corruption from the highest level. who do you call one of the corrupt cops ? Maybe the Mayor or Governor can help. NOT !!!!!

    The Bombing has hit an Artery and no one knows how to stop the bleeding !!!

    Thailand answer seems to be, get closer to China. Well lets sit back and see how this works out for them.

    Tourist numbers continue to fall and no one has a clue how to fix it.

  3. Right buy 36 there is a place that works on buses, grease all over sidewalk and road. Maybe they can help you find it.

    Going north on the west side of road. 3 and 36

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