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Posts posted by ToddinChonburi

  1. Bang Saen is now very bad on weekends and Holiday's I moved just north to Chonburi city, many more choices for cheap food and the old Forum Plaza Mall is very close. Very good night market by the pier. Central Festival mall is at the corner of 3 and 361 you can see it on Google maps.

  2. Sorry buddy after 5 years of giving you are now screwed. She left one man for more and now she will do the same to you.. Wake the F.......CK UP !!!!!
    GET YOUR ASS TO AN ATTORNEY QUICK !!!!!! Strong legal advice is what you need and yes she is going to use the kid against you !!!!

    Sorry for the harsh words but that is what you need. You can not treat a women like a spoiled brat then cut her off without problems.

    Just to bad you did not see the warnings from the first guy.

    Good luck !!!

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