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ThailandRyan last won the day on June 9 2023

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    Eating my Lucky Charms under the Rainbow

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  1. You mean the Gulf of America, at least that's what Google maps show.
  2. I thought this was going to be a story of over-drinking of Singapore Slings at the Airport.....
  3. Yet, it is always a circle jerk with the government here, and still the Baht will strengthen.
  4. Ergo why my comment above holds water.
  5. Cue the legal team. Defamation lawsuit on the horizon.....
  6. He will need alarm settings that shock him awake...Mr sleepy he is
  7. And it's on the rise again because folks don't care and think its just a cold or the flu....but we know it's a very dangerous virus.... https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/global-covid-19-tracker/
  8. Can you give some verified examples.....
  9. Yes sir, and they have also lost face on the global front. Seems like the Military Red Shirts are truly in control....
  10. Thailand the Hub of Russian Military R&R
  11. Guess they were being dropped by spaceship directly to there hotels after the Space Immigration officers checked them in....beam me down Scotty.
  12. It's still relative. Just because a thread started years ago, new things and updates are added that keep it going and impart information to the members. Each province also dies things differently in what they accept as far as your paperwork. Some accept the pink ID card and yellow house book while others like In BKK want a COR only.
  13. His opinions are usually spot on, and this time he is on-point....imho
  14. They will pull Gavin Newsom up by the short hairs is my view...
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