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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Wish I could buy the same vehicle I have in the US here, much nicer than a Fortuner and it is the big brother the 4Runner.
  2. No, been smoking the Shatter...look it up if you don't know what it is....
  3. Oh wow now he is just being a Korn in the side of the current administration....pun intended
  4. I once had a salad from a small shop across from where I was doing Muay Thai in Phuket around 2008. That was I the afternoon, by morning g I was connected to the toilet ND by afternoon admitted to the hospital. Later found out instead of cleaning the lettuce with bottled water they cleaned it with using tap water from a hose outside, no filtration, full on bacterial gastrointestinal issues, and I did not leave the hospital for 3 days. Best weight loss program I have ever had, not wishing to ever repeat it. So the leaves in her soup could have had chemicals etc.....
  5. It never makes any sense as to how the baht claws it's way back down .....manipulation possibly....
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