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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. I use it for all my grocery shopping and online transactions. Paid my BNH bill for my last endocrinology visit and then have used it for many other things. It is done by using my Coinbase Crypto Visa Card. I do get rewards also for using it of up to 4%. Sure there is a conversion fee from crypto to fiat for using other types of Crypto one has designated, but that in itself is offset by the rewards earned and then the fact I use my USDC funds then there is no conversion fee. Believe what you want, it is readily accessible and can be used anywhere a Visa card can be used.
  2. Most reports I have seen with what's currently on hand indicated that this next week would be when the supplies of Vaccines on hand would be gone with the way they have been vaccinating folks. Hopefully the anticipated vaccines from AZ and then of course the 12 million ordered from Sinovac arrive so that those of us scheduled for our second vaccinations coming up in September do not get left by the wayside....
  3. Great, lets just use it with the other leafy greens and create a salad for sale, like the marijuana laced foods being sold at hospitals or the Marijuana laced boba drinks......
  4. Nope it does not, but if the children and families are vaccinated then the possibility of the spread is lessened and the danger to the families elderly members is also lessened.
  5. You do love to Bait me. Ok I will bite. Nothing wrong with him using his money to get to the US and be vaccinated with a MRNA vaccine at all since he had Sinovac before. The issue is that he took a booster shot of Pfizer away from someone who could have really used it, and as he had just returned from the US a month ago after being vaccinated with his second Moderna vaccine. Did he really need the booster shot, or because of his Hi-So nature and status did he game the system. What good will the booster do for him since the Moderna he had been given in the US had probably not even truly kicked in, and someone in need such as a medic or elderly Thai person unvaccinated could have used it instead. One hopes he does not have any medical complications as time goes on.
  6. I believe they would usher them straight to the factories and bubble and seal them in....just my view
  7. As you say, tell me why then that they don't kick up the testing to what they can process each day at 100k tests. Afraid of the real cases they would find?
  8. Just watched a news story on Channel 36 of a Thai man who was vaccinated twice with Sinovac, then went to the US and was double vaccinated with Moderna, he then returned here and obtained his 5th vaccination, a booster of Pfizer. What the hell is wrong with people, 5 vaccines in 6 months. He must be really scared of getting the virus while many here still have no vaccinations, this is a sad reality and tells us that if you have money then you can do what you want and need to stay safe.....
  9. Cases versus testing metrics still show an abhorant positivity percentage. Ugh.
  10. Todays cases of 17,165 positive with 226 deaths makes me wonder how many tests were conducted via PCR and ATK. How many ATK positives are there that were not counted as an actual case. I hope that we are on the backside of this wave, but with testing being reduced it makes one wonder. The tell all is definitely how many beds are filled, how full CCU's and ICU's are and then deaths are also a metric. Of course locked in bubble and sealed factories and company's are becoming more and more frequent and those numbers just glossed over and out of sight out of mind. Woke up early this morning to partake of a video streaming of the memorial service for my Brother in-laws brother. I know I said I was taking some time off from the forums, but after a day of not reading or partaking on all OP's and not just the Covid Forum I returned needing the distraction. We each mourn in our own way. Life is tenuous and to get caught up in grief and holding on to it instead of letting things go is unhealthy, the same as intolerant posters who seem to enjoy trying to get under peoples skin. With that I will move on. To reduce the lockdowns is being earnestly looked at as we speak, but whatever they decide to do there are always two sides to the coin. Risks must ne taken, but then the risk needs to be assessed and offset by other measures. Children need to go to school, but then unless they are vaccinated or bubble and sealed the family risks the possibility of an infection being transmitted back to another family if someone in the family has covid. We know that children have a stronger immune system and can fight the virus better than the older adults, but then that is why all need to be vaccinated. Today the US FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine in whole and hopefully others will follow suit. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine While there are other studies being conducted that say the vaccines are dangerous. Until those other studies, and I will post who conducted it "Francis Crick Institute in the United Kingdom", are peer reviewed and verified as to the testing method used, one has to take everything as a whole and make their own informed decision as to whether a vaccination is what they want. Choice is tough as I have seen first hand what can happen to non vaccinated family members. Sure it happens to vaccinated folks as well, but not as high of a percentage have those breakthrough infections and pass on. Stay safe folks and cherish everyday you are above ground and with family.
  11. I agree, as if they end up being infected it will be brought back to the home and families.
  12. Never knew that what was already in place in many other locations that Thailand would ever follow suit......dumb as a box of rocks they are.
  13. 16 months more, well why not. Hell the case has been going in circles for almost 10 years
  14. Tada, they found the magic plan that will allow reopening. Rabbit successfully pulled from the hat. Wait, isn't that what needed to be done anyway.
  15. Still wishing and waiting for it to disappear are you not @GrandPapillon. Seems that it is here to stay unlike your view it will go away. Many in the Banking industry also agree. https://news.bitcoin.com/morgan-stanley-cryptocurrencies-asset-class-bitcoin-replace-dollar/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-05-22/cryptocurrency-is-likely-here-to-stay-as-a-kind-of-digital-gold-summers-video https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-is-king-of-crypto-but-ethereums-ascent-to-the-top-of-the-cryptoverse-seems-unstoppable-says-analyst-11629313818
  16. They must be sliding down the rainbows with the care bears to help in the deliveries as well.
  17. Still scratching my head on this statement. 3 to 6 million a month. 4 months left and at the best 24 million doses to come still at the lowest 12 million doses. How many have been delivered YTD so far from wither loans (Bhutan) donations (Japan), or sent from the UK by AZ itself. Not sure how they can claim 61 million doses to be received by years end.
  18. Wait, where have I heard this before "It may happen, It may not, we will just have to wait and see" or was it, "The end is nigh". oh yes that's right it was "It will be what it will be"........next up Prayut welcoming the first flights into BKK with water cannons streaming over the top of the planes and the first arrival being given a free 1 night stay at the Hotel Nana.....
  19. Reality is not a strong point in your post. Opening up the borders would flood cases of covid from the surrounding countries right into Thailand. That is a Risk I would not want to take if I was the Government here. Now if they were vaccinated and could be vetted as such then that might be another issue. Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia do not have very many of their populace, as far as migrant workers vaccinated. On top of that there are hundreds of thousands of Myanmar migrants in camps along the border where they are living as displaced people from a war torn junta led coup in their own country. Would you, if you were in charge just open up and let anyone and everyone into Thailand? Not a prudent or wise move at this point.
  20. So you came to this forum and op to wind some folks up. Covid is not all things debatable in this world.
  21. Just when were these Travelers who were polled here? 2019? There is no way that that many travelers who visited here in 2020 could have visited the below: More like paying trip advisor to stay at the top of the web views, maybe that's what working from home was done for so they could spam the Thailand websites for tourists and boost the numbers......
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