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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Appears that they have set the bar for the new normal and have accepted the fact that the cases will be above 10k for the foreseeable future. We all know that Covid is here to stay like the many other viruses, we just need to get a leg up on this and start to move onward, knowing that people will be infected like they are with the others. Annual boosters may become the norm or like Hepatitis B after a series of shots they might find that the titer levels of antibodies stay in the body and will do the job. Think Tetanus, Flu, and a few others that have to have a booster either annually or every 5 years. Time to get the plans in place and once all cemented then time to reopen the world. I mean I don't get tested when I travel for any other virus, well prior to Covid I did not, and then If i arrived somewhere and became sick, I was either admitted to the hospital or self isolated and medicated at my place of stay. I guess what I am trying to say is that once plans are in place we need to get moving forward instead of being stagnant. I am happy I was vaccinated and have a fighting chance against the virus should I get hit with it.
  2. Yes millions upon millions had been made and China had them in stock, one wonders why, yes sarcasm.
  3. Looks like a slight bump upwards from yesterdays 10k+ cases. One has to wonder if they are not doing an ATK dump once a week and loading up the system with those numbers as in yesterdays number of ATK cases. Prison numbers seem to have dropped tremendously over the past week as well. IS this good news for the prison system, well I can only hope so. As far as the daily testing via PCR nationwide we know that that is not being done on a ramped up basis as it might show higher numbers then they want and then they only want to count those needing treatment in my view. Is that prudent, well in any other year with stats for another virus they only list those that are in the hospital and not those at home. Maybe it is there way of trying to regain some sense of normalcy. Just my view. Saw that the vaccinations of school aged children has been shut down by the doctors as it had not been FDA approved, yet this government went ahead and started the program already. Boosters elsewhere are being reviewed to see if they are also prudent and have been on hold as well, while Thailand still is is giving booster shots ahead of vaccinating those that have not been jabbed once. On the Phuket Sand Box saga, looks like they have dispatched 9 teams to Phuket to start testing en-mass. Now will that be done via PCR tests or the ATK Kits and if so who are they actually testing? Questions beget more questions. Of course this is my view, but It is something I would like to know more about. Wonder what happened to the plan in vaccinating with AZ first and then Pfizer second, as I saw yesterday that Starting October 1 Thailand will be vaccinating with Sinovac as the first jab and then AZ. Everyday another twist and turn, just like with the Opening up here in Bangkok due to Covid cases being one of three points that must be rectified before they say they can open. As always stay safe and protect yourself and families.
  4. Life is a mystery. We never know when or where the grim reaper will come calling and close us out. Either with insurance or without insurance the day will finally come and we will be no more. Insurance may save your life when needed or it may just create a prison where you are stuffed up on machines while the family grieves and decides how to proceed with your estate. Sure insurance is a necessity for some, while others choose to save the annual premium amount in the bank and let it gain interest and become self insured. Those days however seem to be farther and farther in the past as people who had saved now find themselves having used the saved money and now require that insurance. The insurance companies are the only ones who win in the end. Better to have a Whole life insurance policy that will pay for all the incurred expenses after you pass or better yet have a Family trust where everything is put inside and the family is not left destitute when the estate is taken to court. Nothing in the estate means that no probate is needed and there is nothing left for the vultures. Of course being here in Thailand YMMV. In the end as I said at the start of this post "Death comes for us all".
  5. They still have not yet decided if they will remove the emergency decree or renew it. The Communicable Disease Act which covers the same substance is also being revised and has not yet been approved. On top of that should they remove the emergency decree the CCSA will still stay on in some form under the bloated administration running the CDA and MOPH. Hell if they can not decide on this stuff then how can they even think about opening up the country as who the hell would be in charge of the programs needed...just complete duplicity.
  6. As I said ask the government, or could it be that fewer are needing that type of assistance because of vaccinations. You seem to be able to research things, and maybe you can do a better job than I have in looking myself, but in the end you still want to debate an item I have told you again and again that know one knows and to ask the government if it is that important to you. I have given you plausible answers to which you want to disagree with and that is fine. So with that I will not partake in this discussion with you further, as I am of no help to your agenda.
  7. As I said only the government can answer that question. There have been many folks who have been released from the hospitals and acute care facilities still using oxygen and needing medical support which is being handled via a facility which was set up to monitor those patients at home.
  8. I agree, as they are treated differently then those double vaccinated travelers who are travelling domestically. It appears they may be a source of money, or better yet they want to see if they were possibly infected here by either an unvaccinated worker or vaccinated worker in the Sandbox type area.
  9. If you want to count the field hospital or new facilities as an acute care facility as in it being an actual hospital then I stand corrected. I thought you were talking about just the Hospitals acute care facilities themselves. On top of that are they treating the migrants in the bubble and seal facilities and counting them in the critical care counts? How about the prisoners that are needing critical care, are those facilities being listed, and are they being counted in the stats? These unfortunately are all questions that only the government can answer.
  10. Please do not cut and quote part of a post to suit your agenda as it is against forum rules to take the quoted text and use it out of context like you have.
  11. Fair enough if that is the way you view it. I do know the numbers arriving really did not start to tick upwards until around 2011. Looking at the chart below around 269 million tourists in 10 years. How many of those were repeat entrants, like myself up until 2019 I came and left 6 times a year, and then how many are migrants entering the country. True tourists numbers will be an unknown as far as the statistics go, https://www.worlddata.info/asia/thailand/tourism.php All data for Thailand in detail Year Numberof tourists Receipts % of GNP Income per tourist 2019 39.92 m 65.08 bn $ 11.96 % 1,630 $ 2018 38.18 m 61.38 bn $ 12.12 % 1,608 $ 2017 35.59 m 57.06 bn $ 12.50 % 1,603 $ 2016 32.53 m 48.46 bn $ 11.72 % 1,490 $ 2015 29.92 m 44.85 bn $ 11.18 % 1,499 $ 2014 24.81 m 38.45 bn $ 9.4 % 1,550 $ 2013 26.55 m 41.77 bn $ 9.9 % 1,573 $ 2012 22.35 m 34.57 bn $ 8.7 % 1,546 $ 2011 19.23 m 30.92 bn $ 8.3 % 1,608 $
  12. It is crazy that vaccines given in Thailand are not recognized for travel to the UK or other areas. How do you know where the vaccine you were injected with was made and how can you verify such an item. How do we know if the AZ vaccine we were vaccinated with was made elsewhere and not here in Thailand and even though jabbed here in Thailand does it mean that if it originated and was shipped from the UK it is still not good enough. Boggles the mind actually.
  13. Well lets see the OP says the data going back 10 years for those entering Thailand was taken pretty much says that anyone who has entered during the past 10 years has been exposed. Of course that is just my view from reading the OP and article. "An unsecured database containing international travel records dating back 10 years was left exposed on the web" The personal details of more than 106 million international travelers to Thailand were exposed on the web without a password, Comparitech researchers report. The database included full names, passport numbers, arrival dates, and more.
  14. I was told that the rules in place under the CCSA will cease but new rules will be put in place by the Group overseeing the Communicable Disease Act which will be the new power player and run by MOPH.
  15. Is that not obvious?, the cases are trending downward as far as people needing that emergent care, but the numbers are still way to high for comfort in my view and it would not take much to kick the cases upwards again. Could it be that vaccines are actually working here in Bangkok? or is it also because the bubble and seal campaign is still in effect and which is not discussed but hidden these days. Are those folks being treated at the new Hospitels and newly created ICU's such as the one at Suvarnabhumi airport and Don Muang? We will or may never know because they have stopped in updating those. Hiding numbers is the name of the game and always has been. However, that is just my view and you know how I feel about the lack of transparency and true testing outside of what has been shown.
  16. It unfortunately comes down to finances and desperation for the economy and peoples livelihoods at this point and apparently they are willing to take the gamble and huge risk that Covid will not explode in the country.
  17. It was not long before this current wave as you say. It only stopped around the end of July, if you would do some research, and then you can see that that is when they added giving them medicines as well for in-home use such as the green Charia and Favipiravir . They then started with the ATK kits and isolation shortly thereafter as the numbers climbed. Read the article to understand more Sir. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/a-comprehensive-guide-to-home-and-community-isolation-in-thailand/
  18. Ar one point if you remember that once a person tested positive they were admitted into a hospital. Once the hospitals started to fill they then introduced field hospitals. Have you forgotten already.
  19. Care to explain your comment to add to the conversation and topic. After all what is being discussed is the use of the vaccines they have purchased, the way they will use them as in Sinovac first with AZ second starting in October and then if that may or may not be prudent in order to keep the population safe. Mixed vaccines are also not recognized for international travel by some countries which can and may produce problems leading to being revacinated with those they have approved and forcing folks into quarantine upon arrival at additional costs.
  20. Just a strumming band of minstrels bringing happiness back to the people as the Good General instructed. They just wanted to be seen as the new Hero's of Thailand.
  21. Theft has increased all over Thailand with nothing being safe from being stolen and sold onwards. People need money but this Government has not done much to help the lower rung of society. Yet today the BOT is asking the Government to borrow another Trillion Baht to help the economy. The problem is where will that money go as we see from the past so little gets handed downward.
  22. Talked with a friend who is in mall management here in BKK. He indicated that the Malls he is associated with will be ramping up the Christmas decorations and outdoor lighting shows as they are expecting to have visitors from all over arriving for Christmas and New years. I asked him where they were getting their information from and he indicated that it was from the expressed numbers given by TAT that they were relying on. I told him that that could be potentially fraught with issues and could cause a loss of money should they go all out. His statement to that was that it was out of his control as the upper management had decided that there will be a big push to welcome in visitors.
  23. Does that put your view of the Country opening up because they reach 70% vaccinated in jeopardy possibly? Adequate is adequate for whoever decides it is enough and Anutin has been very reserved with his words of late. Not sure if that is a good thing or another play on words by Anutin, just like his 1 million vaccinations a day starting in August, which never happened, and now they want to hit 1 million on this coming Friday. One has to wonder if they will be using the new under the skin method starting this Friday with the million they want to vaccinate in order to save vaccine, to test it out for the start of the new Vaccination procedures with Sinovac being the first jab given starting as the OP says October 1. Not seeing any studies that say that the process has been peer reviewed elsewhere. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1118997/ Injecting a vaccine into the layer of subcutaneous fat, where poor vascularity may result in slow mobilization and processing of antigen, is a cause of vaccine failure1—for example in hepatitis B,2 rabies, and influenza vaccines.3 Compared with intramuscular administration, subcutaneous injection of hepatitis B vaccine leads to significantly lower seroconversion rates and more rapid decay of antibody response
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