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Posts posted by samsensam


    Avoid using cars at suspicious businesses like gas stations and entertainment venues.


    OP; care to expand on this genius thinking?


    why are gas stations and entertainment places suspicious?


    ok, i should avoid using gas stations, where do you suggest i buy gas for my car?


    entertainment venues; so i should avoid going to the cinema? and others who drink should avoid going to bars?


    maybe engage brain before typing... something like; dont avoid these places but if in doubt carry and use cash?


    a good friend of mine's family is involved in this industry, they are well covered by lining all the right pockets so be very careful who you report them to.


    to be honest for most of their customers they provide a valuable and reliable service, the terms and conditions are very clear, and as long as you're smart and ensure you can keep up with repayments you're fine. but... the best advice, the same as in any country; dont use them.

  3. Based on the Thaivisa Expat reader, 87% of expats have at least one dependent child living with them in Thailand and 36% have two or more. It is quite likely this is a typical reflection on all expats living in Thailand given Thaivisa is used for multiple reasons by a wide range of demographics.


    OP; could you give the source for these statistics because many expats living in thailand are surely retired, sure some have younger partners with children, but '87% of expats have at least one child living with them' - i'd suggest is complete nonsense, but i'm happy to be proved wrong; OP please provide supporting evidence.


    went to buy my first iphone se from carphone warehouse in the uk. the staff helpfully told me it would not work in thailand as it had been encrypted (she said encrypted not locked) to uk networks (due to people buying iphones in the uk and selling them abroad where they are more expensive). so i didn't buy one.


    they said i could buy an iphone se at an apple store (where it is £70 more expensive) that would work in thailand.




    if i bought an encrypted iphone se would i be able to get it unencrypt it in thailand?


    if i bought an iphone se from the apple store would it not be encrypted and therefore work with a thai sim card?


    thanks for any advice

  5. 10 hours ago, LivinginKata said:

    Not just Chinese. We once had a younger Russian lady stay for a month. She was a Time Share sales person and would leave the apartment all beautified (and was a good looking  woman). Yet when she checked out the apartment was disgusting, especially the toilet. She had caused a blocked toilet yet kept on using it without telling us. 


    agree, back in student days a friend of mine worked as a chamber maid for the summer, uk hotel, uk guests, most were fine but some were shocking. one of the worst was a well known, at the time, snooker player


    picking bad examples and generally applying them to nations/cultures is never a good idea.

  6. 6 hours ago, DukSiam1 said:

    Finally someone who knows to film in horizontal view not vertical. I wish more would learn.


    haha! i agree! i'm not a smart phone user but  i never understand why people use portrait and not landscape when videoing  i thought maybe it was a technical thing to do with the phone because common sense says use landscape; tv's, cameras, cinemas, lcd advertising panels, etc. all in landscape...

  7. 3 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    Poor girl, those third world bus marathons are a nightmare, thankfully she has made a full recovery. Sitting anywhere for 14 hours is unnatural, and dangerous to your health. Our bodies are made for movement, and plenty of it. Never take a bus if a train is an option, try to get an aisle seat on a plane so it is easier to walk around. loosen your belt and other tight accoutrements. 


    i very much doubt she was sitting in her seat for 14 hours, buses stop for breaks every few hours and she would be out of the bus and walking at the border for sure. people need to make use of these breaks to get up and walk around.


    hope this girl makes a full recovery.




    all marriages, and relationships, have their problems, their ups and downs and it's up to you and your partner to recognise this and work together as reasonable and responsible adults (good luck with this bit) to resolve the issues and get through the bad times.


    relationships aren't made easier when you marry into a different culture and speak different native languages but equally such differences can make a relationship rewarding.




    5-8 years ago the online dating scene was awesome, since then the quality of females dating online and their attitude is awful, to be honest it's more hassle than it's worth; too many expect money (rare in the past), too many are simply 'checking their rating', too many seem bored with their lives and just want the ego boost of messages from guys, too much lying and game playing (the girls who state they hate lies and games on their profile are usually those most likely to be lying and playing games..)


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  10. 7 hours ago, Ks45672 said:

    Native English speakers would not work for 34k 



    qualified and experienced native speaker teachers dont need to work for 34K, unqualified and inexperienced native speakers may accept a teaching job (though it's debatable how effective they would be in the role) for 34K as they would stand zero chance of being employed by any professionally run school

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  11. 7 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

    Just brilliant. Never any thought to fitting the punishment to the crime. Just fill up those already overcrowded jails and violate every human rights treaty ever conceived.  TIT


    and violate every human rights treaty ever conceived.  TIT


    really? thailand is not perfect but what evidence do you have that thailand has violated 'every human rights treaty ever conceived'? amnesty international would not agree with you.  you should send your evidence to them i'm sure they would be interested .


    ...or are you simply making a generalised negative thai bashing comment?

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