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Posts posted by reargunnerph3

  1. 7 minutes ago, edwardflory said:

    I would think automation (??) would be more logical in the following order:

    1) Thai Citizen

    2) 1(+)year extension of stay holders - already have Immigration clearance files

    3) Visa on arrival countries

    4) Country that borders Thailand

    5) etc


    Just a thought

    Not much advantage using automatic gates if everyone can use them. Same long line without the happy, smiling, helpful IO

    • Haha 2
  2. Thai's don't stick to the speed limits anyway. Most don't follow any road rules. If your stupid with a death wish the speed limit won't make any difference. I drive like everyone around me is deaf, dumb, blind, stupid, drunk or retarded and try to stay safe. 19 years and only been rear ended at traffic lights once luckily by a drunk Benz driver so insurance and plenty of money to pay you know who.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mango Bob said:

    Yesterday I saw a BMW circle in front of others cars at a stop light that was red for 30 second and had another 30 seconds before it turned green.   He waited until he had an opportunity and drove through the red light as if he did nothing wrong.  They just don't care who they kill if they are in a rush. 

    Well it was a BMW, the same applies for all expensive imported vehicles.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

    I agree with your first sentence but must add for Australian visa you must also

    prove that you go back to Thailand need to have a sponsor also the amount of

    cash is not the important part of the visa

    This is not just for Thai's it's for all nationalities and even if you have a visa you may be asked to show a means of financial support for the duration of your stay.

  5. 3 hours ago, JWRC said:

    Are you legally married? or was it just a religious ceremony, if it was done legally you would have had to register with the Australian Embassy. if this is the case you are in the system.

    Legally married and marriage does not have to be registered with Australian Embassy.

  6. 3 hours ago, DUNROAMIN said:

    Hi, you say that you don't loose half of your pension if married to a Thai wife, however, you also say that you would not tell Centrelink of your marital status. Does this mean you have not told Centrelink that you are married and you are receiving a single rate pension.???


    I travel back to Oz a lot and my wife has Permanent Residence so they know I'm married and that's why I don't receive a full pension. I would not tell Centrelink if I didn't have to but a bit hard to hide when she is a Permanent Resident.

  7. 15 hours ago, Stevemercer said:

    As far as the old age pension is concerned, you will receive less if you declare your marriage.


    As an example, let's say your single pension is $500 per week. You then get married and the married pension is $750 per week (two can live cheaper than one). However, your Thai wife, not being an Australian resident, does not qualify for an Australian pension. Nevertheless, Centrelink assumes that she is bringing some benefit to the marriage.


    You new married pension is therefore half of $750, or $375.

    You don't lose half. I'm married to a  Thai and on a pension and I receive A$827.30 a fortnight which includes rent assistance the full single pension is A$926.20 plus rental assistance. Would I tell Centrelink I was married? NO. Is there any reason to tell Centrelink? NO. Will they find out? Probably not. If they did you would tell them you are separated and no longer in a relationship.

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