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  1. Probably on yaba for the last 3 days and fell asleep
  2. She looks to be 60s or more. At a guess I would say she's been duped into this, only a guess of course. Either way, she's gone to the cells for a long time. Won't be easy for her.
  3. Ahh it's good for us, keeps the imagination going lol. Must have been so much money it wouldn't fit in the safe
  4. she looks like that one who was in porn movies. Not saying she is... but you know
  5. Ahhh there best friends... Chinaaaaaaa
  6. Sounds like you need to do something deep, have you tried Iran? This English couple are having a great time in Iran. It may be more to your liking.
  7. Do some interesting stuff like have an ice cold Leo, eat some chicken wings straight off the bbq, get a (bj) <deleted> from the younger sister in law
  8. Strange that The Russian didn't notice all this going on.... I like this, the start of the first paragraph... 'A Russian tourist's dream escape to Pattaya ' escape from getting drafted into the army??
  9. Great photos and info. Thanks
  10. Different strokes yeah To be quite honest, I see very few ladies like they used to be 10-20 years ago. My infrequent visits to Pattaya 'hot spots' I see quite a significant percentage of the 'ladies' have become quite chunky. I guess it's the high carbohydrate intake in the diet now. When I first visited Pattaya in the late '90s there weren't many chubby ladies. But yes, I wonder how much the Africans pay to be able to 'work' here. They certainly aren't very attractive in my opinion and I realise that's my preference and not everyone is the same thank goodness. Well, you know.. they are all pink on the inside.
  11. Well, you know. They have so much to do lol 😉
  12. Lol yeah I remember them. One of my regulars told me they were fake. I always gave them a drink chit haha...
  13. Ass licking by both sides. Thailand has no shame in promoting relationships with the US, Chinese and Russian military
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