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Posts posted by Thingamabob

  1. 9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    What a ClusterF**k.


    The UK is divided. Political parties are divided. The countries that make up the UK are divided. Parliament is divided. Business is divided. Civil Society is divided. Labour unions are divided. Academia is divided.


    Yet, when the UK is divided in each and every sector, some say that that you MUST implement the most divisive public policy decision in 50+ years and/or go back and renegotiate with the EU. BTW, just why would the EU decide to re-negotiate? Why does anyone think the EU actually would give better terms? I wouldn't and can't think of any reason to think they would.


    Never in my wildest thoughts could I have imagined a country would screw itself over so badly.


    When a country is this divided, the only logical course of action is to keep the status quo and scrap the whole thing; perhaps, try again in 10 or 20 years. Sorry to the Brexit supporters, but your country is waaaaaay too divided to do this.


    Have the courage to say that this can't be done now. Forcing an uncontrolled hard Brexit down the throats of an unwilling populace will only cause division and discord for generations.




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  2. 7 hours ago, keemapoot said:

    I guess we will all soon know how big a threat to national security Trump was in May 2017, and remains today when Mueller makes his report, which I now suspect will happen sooner than expected, in fact, very soon.


    Meanwhile, Trump's legal team has swollen to more than 40 lawyers, recently adding 17 more, to fight Mueller's release of facts, to prevent release to the public and to House Democrats, so expect to see a big legal war by Trump to block the release of Mueller's report to Congress based on Executive Privilege. But, the Attorney General makes the final decision of what can be shared with Congress and with the public and that is the key trigger now in this drama.


    Because AG Rosenstein is departing, and is known for his sense of duty to the country to know the facts, and Trump's AG replacement pick (William Barr) confirmation hearings start next week, I expect we may have the Mueller report being released in a surprisingly quick fashion before Trump's guy has a chance to be installed and quash release of damaging facts to Trump in the Mueller probe.


  3. 12 hours ago, Spidey said:

    No. The culprits are the knobs who voted leave. From the beginning, we were always going to end up in this mess no matter who did the negotiating on the British side.


    Did you really think that the rest of the EU membership were going to let us leave quietly and amicably?

    Wrong. The problem has been created by UK's clueless civil service negotiators. Or maybe they were under orders to be clueless ?

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