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Posts posted by Thingamabob

  1. 18 hours ago, RayC said:


    Showing your ignorance of London yet again.


    London is ranked 8th on a list of 31 major cities worldwide for safety. The crime rate per person in London is below the average for England as a whole. 


    If crime is rampant in London then many parts of England and other major world cities must be lawless.

    I've been mugged twice, once in metro Manila, Philippines, and once in Blackheath, South London, UK.

    • Confused 1
  2. 21 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    So the poularity of this rubbish is growing? If it is it wouldn't be by much. Vegans are nutters and a miniroriy interest/pressure group. Humans are animals of the omnivore variety. This is a scientific fact. Personally I like meat from an animal not fake meat made by scientists/chemists.

    Have you ever been inside a working slaughterhouse ?

  3. 8 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Always amusing to see how trumpers rationalize and justify illegality. The former so-called "law and order Party" has morphed into the "And you thought Popes were infallible Party!", where anything their messiah does---from paying off porn stars while cheating on his latest wife to stealing classified documents and lying about it, to pressuring a State official to alter votes, to calling his goobers to DC on a day involving a simple pro forma certification of an election, to sending his goobers to attack the Capitol, to sitting on his bloated backside and doing nothing while watching a gallows erected on the Capitol grounds and his goobers chanting "Hang Mike Pence"---is kosher (to be somewhat ecumenical with Popes and kosher). Any illegality in the service of their messiah is okay.


    In trumpistan, terrorists are "hostages and political prisoners" (you know, the ones who beat 140 cops, sh!t on the floor of the Capitol and rubbed the feces on the walls, smashed windows and doors, and tried to find the VP and SotH to do both severe harm), lies are 'alternative facts', truth isn't truth (Rudy), the 'best economy ever' isn't in the top 70%, and elections are "heads I win, tails you lose".


    LOL   "trumpers"

    What has this got to do with the topuc ?

    • Confused 2
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  4. 16 hours ago, Gandtee said:

    What is it in Thailand where just giving a toot on the horn to indicate you may cross in front of me. Thankyou for letting me pass or for any reason is considered a challenge to a duel. Using fisticuffs, pipes, machetes, or anything that comes to hand. Perhaps horns should not be fitted to vehicles driven in Thailand. Fragile egos can't handle them.

    Not just in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, novacova said:

    I’m sure ducks are farmed here, they get eaten every day here. Not all duck feathers are equal. I suppose the pekins are the most common in the region.

    Amazing, given that Thais claim to be Buddhists, that they eat animals, birds and seafood.

    • Haha 2
  6. 2 hours ago, rovinman said:


    In this day and age of AI and Electronic Money supply coming into being, and the ability to shut down anyone's Bank Account, if they so much as breathe incorrectly.

    It seems an Obvious Solution to institute an Electronic Green Card System, wherein Immigrants are admitted, { having previously brought all the necessary documentation, to the Border Control }.

    These immigrants are admitted, on the proviso of constant reporting to Immigration centres, { monthly or 3 Monthly }. so that their Green Cards can be updated, with work situations achieved, and residences acquired  !

    If after 12 Months { or other permitted period }, Employment has NOT been found, the Green Card, can instruct them to attend an Immigration Centre, or Freeze their Green Card, or any other Sanction, deemed necessary  !
    If ALL else fails they can be Deported, and their Green Card { which they keep }, will show this  !

    Immigration can ALWAYS, back check, should they return to a border Crossing  !

    Once they are in the USA many of them will simply disappear.

    • Agree 2
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