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MyFriend You

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Everything posted by MyFriend You

  1. The Irish, Polish in New York preWW-II. German, Polish in Europe..........
  2. Slightly off topic, but my kids in Vietnam go to school 6 days a week, albeit only half days (5 hrs) because there are not enough teachers, too many children. They get one half day a month off for 'Teachers Time" two weeks off for Tet New Year, and this summer is rumored to be only 4 weeks, then back to school. When our Niece was in University, she went to school whole days, six days a week..............Peace
  3. Funny, I thought the post was about teachers cutting the hair of over 100 students, but now it is a rant about the benefit of wearing uniforms to school or not. I say it forms cohesion, but the cutting off some Childs hair as a form of punishment warrants assault charges............it is an assault, nothing less. I am surprised we have no comments from the "Cut my kids hair off and I'll kick your @ss crowd" Peace
  4. Aaaah, My Friday's have been restored, I once again have Lord Rooster to look forward too. Do take care of yourself, The mind and body have a way to let us know 'enough is enough' it's time for a break. I am proud to have been 'one of the ten' that inquired. Tally Ho, and Peace brother.
  5. Block off Soi's 2 thru 7 on Sukumvit, with the Army, raid every guesthouse, apartment residence and arrest every foreigner living there. Make them show proper identification, passport visa, work permit, unable to do that, confiscate every cell phone and computer for forensics. The only way to slow this down - notice I did not say eliminate - is to put on the steel gloves and come out swinging anyone found not guilty?? Apology from Police and let 'em go, otherwise, the rest go into the clink............Just Saying
  6. Sometimes "The Dragon" wins, just not this time..............Good on ya. Peace
  7. Dozens and dozens of taxi's from Swampy to Hotels over the years, never once happened to me, or anyone else I know..............guess I don't know any first time visitors to Thailand, and haven''t been told of this by anyone I happened to talk too...........Okay, now come on all the "Just because it never happened to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen"............. maybe I screw up by speaking Thai to the driver as soon as he shows up. Peace
  8. Rest in Peace Mr Mattias.................no further comment is necessary...............Peace
  9. Step in the right direction, maybe there will be a little peace and quiet for those that just want to enjoy the beaches.........Peace
  10. I started a stream about this last year, I now use DuckDuckGo.com...............but that is only part of the solution, change your settings to deny cookies, clear the cache on all browsers, and deny cross site connections.............Peace
  11. No, Texacan
  12. Mods; Puhleese bring back the 'Confused" avatar.........some of these posts definately deserve that category.......
  13. Thanx to all, based on your experiences, I think I'll just wait and purchase locally, I was wanting to buy a good quality bike in US and carry it with me.........there is a possibility I can arrange shipment of the bike & battery via commercial means. Will update when I get the information and post. Thanx again Peace
  14. I am wondering if it is worth it to bring am eBike to Thaialand with me as excess baggage and what do the airlines think about the battery. Or do I have to lug that 10lb battery as carry on. If it is brought on airlines as baggage, is there any customs charges. I did a search for this and got everything under the sun, exept the answer to this question. A top of the line eBike could cost upqards to $4000, I'd hate to see that stuck in an airport cause they dont like eBikes on their planes. Peace
  15. @ ten times the price in Thailand.................Peace
  16. Tks, ya beat me too it............they can't see he Foresst thru the Trees, it's right in front of their faces.........leagalize gambling and they reap the benefit............Peace
  17. Young lady running for office wearing baggy jeans will never get my vote!! I still say her Auntie is a lot easier on the eyes. Peace
  18. saying these activities include investment scams, call center gangs, and illicit service venues.....Okay, I'll bite, what pray tell, are 'Illicit service venues" exactly?? Peace
  19. Google Yeah, try having it translate Thai.........total disaster. Peace
  20. Pres Biden is going there as well, skipping Thailand again.............
  21. I stopped using PayPal 10-12 years ago, I still have $1.90 in it, has been there a dozen years............think the IRS will come kicking down my door?? Peace
  22. That's because he is an American citizen..........we have to pay Uncle Sam irregardless of where we live. Now there are some very good exemptions for certain people working overseas if their company qualifies..........but we digress??
  23. Standard Operating Procedure??
  24. Back in the early Seventies, the MP's on Samae San and Uthapao had permkssion to shoot any stray dog on compound and between the Bases...........that lasted a few months, then someone reported them to a newspaper and all hell broke loose..........my neighbor was an MP and said they probably shot 60+ dogs. Mind you, rabies was rampant down South, and people were dying........may not be the case these days...............>Peace
  25. 30 year lease in Thailand, you can own the house, but not the land. 50 year lease in Vietnam, you can own the house, but not the land - if you go with the leasehold option, Vietnam a few years ago approved foreigners can own approx 1 acre of land, IF and only IF, they immediately build a house on it. But I understand that has been on hold during the pandemic, as well as the one year Visa for US Residents - in time things will come back to normal........Peace
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