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MyFriend You

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Everything posted by MyFriend You

  1. Same here, having lived thru the 19/22 baht per $$, anything over 25 is good for me............last January I predicted the Baht would go to 40 baht per $$. @ 33 now not far to go hey??
  2. I live in both Thailand and Vietnam, have properties in both countries and bounce between the 2, when I tire of living in the Mekong Delta Region, I fly to Pattaya and go to my condo in Jom Tien...........best of both worlds. Health care is much better in Thailand, but Vietnam is catching up. Banking is much easier in Vietnam than in Thailand.????
  3. This is exactly what happened to Polynesians in Hawaii, hundreds of seasonal workers and holiday folks were stranded for better part of a year, luckily Hawaii has a good social welfare system and gave them money to live on, finally their Home Islands started letting planes land after some 10 months. Fact: Tonga is one of the few countries in the world that had Zero cases of Covid...............
  4. I used to have a major problem with food getting "stuck": in my throat, turned out it was a Polyp on by vocal chord that would stop food from going down. Have not had a 'stuck' food episode since they lasered out the polyps - they were benign. The Dr that did it, also said to drink a can of Coca Cola, not too cold, the gas in Coke helps dislodge the food, from top down and bottom up. I would see an ear, nose & throat specialist - they have some good ones in Bumrungrad. Good Luck
  5. "New Thailand" what happened to the old one?? Did I miss something?? Sorry just woke up.
  6. I teetered between the two 1. The Sandbox is ultimately a failure and threatens to spread the virus. 2. It's time for Thailand to pivot away from dependence on tourism .and decided to select #2. It WILL spread the virus amongst otherwise healthy tourists, it is inevitable that tourists and locals will interact together, one spreader then you have ??? many. and after the 'quaranteen' period is over, and the tourist is able to travel 'anywhere in LOS' - it surly will spread even further. The sandbox idea is just something to placate the rich hotel owners in Phuket and Ko Samui, and on surface, put a few Thai's back to work, or are the hotel workers all Migrants as well?? I read 3 online newspapers a day about Thailand, and am amazed at how many Thai's are "Out of Work". starving, when they import hundreds, thousands(?) of migrant workers in the construction business. Oh, I forgot, the Rich also own all the construction companies and it's cheaper to hire 5 Burmese than 2 Thais.........it's always about the bottom line isn't it?? Lest I digress, it''s time for Thailand to move slowly but steadily oiut of the tourist business dependency. Mi Dos Centavos Peace
  7. I was able to select all three..........wonder if all three counted?
  8. It's still open - until 9PM I would guess............Great Bread and I have seen Carrot Cake in the case, pretty sure they can make cup cakes to order...............now I am hungry for their chocolate eclairs!!! I can only buy a couple cause I will sit there and eat them all.
  9. She has dimples in the right place............????????
  10. Our Condo has an electric golf cart to take up to nine people to the Beach, it is plugged into a normal 220 socket, I suppose these will do the same
  11. Just wondering if she has the clout to close Walking Street, Soi 6, Soi Buakao, and all then other sleaze bar areas.........until then, Pattaya will never be the "Singapore" they want it to be...........I will have reincarnated in the next life before that happens. Gambling will be voted in, the place will turn into a playground for the rich, and a hunting ground for the bad guys w/the BIB's hands out. TIT. Peace
  12. The scourge of Pattaya - Cell Phones should be banned from the bars, then the girls would pay more attention to the customers
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