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MyFriend You

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Everything posted by MyFriend You

  1. I was hoping for an update on Nong Kim and the others that were injured in the fire, instead I got 'fire n brimstone' negative comments, unecessary bickering and shows of stupidity.............there is a time and place for everything, I just don't think this is neither the time nor place for negativity with so much attrocity concerning tnhios incident........................Peace
  2. You beat me too it, Yoiu can see he hasn't missed many free meals.........
  3. Actually a double rertiree, over 70, and will have a quiet life irregardless of who is PM of Thailand. I just enjoy reading all 'the sky is falling if this happens' preachers on Asean Now. Peace
  4. I'm trying to think of all the ways this will affect me......have come up with nothing......maybe if I was a business man, or something like that, it might affect me............if it is successful, then it gives him 2 more years to plan the next coup.....................Peace
  5. No, only based on kingstonkid's scenario above, I assume the 6 kids making all the noise in the back of the class are in a gang, and wouldn't hesitate to assault a teacher, farang or otherwise. Thats when the stick comes out as a teaching tool to make a point..................as for guns, I don't own one, haven't in almost 20 years and don't see a need for one now..............Nuff Said Peace
  6. My first thought was "send them out of class, with a note to parents, you want your son back in my class teach him some manners first'...........then I thought, it depends on where the school is ....... USA - I'd just call Securirty ...........Thailand, I'd have a big stick in my hand (fdor protection) and the note - give it to them, and step back. Yep, I'd probably lose my job. BTW I am not and never have been a School Teacher, but have taught Troops on all corners of the earth, some real badass folks - and learned the hard way, you sytand your ground 99.5% will back down, it's the other half % you have to worry about, like bringing a gun back to school with them. Peace
  7. No one is saying YOU can't discipline YOUR child, but NO Teacher or anyone else outside the family has the right to strike any child..............just because the Catholic School Teacher beat our azz with a paddle, pinched our cheeks, pulled our hair, doesn't mean it is right....................my uncle in law made the mistake of smacking my daughter across the face for refusing to get him a beer from our Fridge. He got a helluva lot more than he gave her - think I broke his arm, maybe a couple of fingers, we didn't see him for two years, and that was to put him in the Psychiatric Ward of the hispital.
  8. My feelings exactly, ever see the vehicles they ride around in, all very expensive Toyota Highlanders, and Misubushi Pajeros. Here is a read oit of their "Expenses" It appears they are worth approx $5,000,000.00 accoerding to Charity Navigator.com. https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/271600444 Soi Dog USA reported its three largest programs on its FY 2019 Form 990 as: **Combat and Eliminate Dog Meat Trade $2,000,799 Spent in most recent FY 45% Percent of program expenses **Support Ongoing Animal Welfare Efforts in Thailand $1,822,971 Spent in most recent FY 41% Percent of program expenses **Advanced Medical Treatment Facilities $500,000 Spent in most recent FY 11% Percent of program expenses
  9. They have specialized resturants in Belgium dedicated soley to Horse meat, not well adverrtised, but you will see a store with a horsehead over the door, or a picture of one in the window.
  10. If it sounds to good to be true?? It probably isn't. Peace
  11. ...........................and so it begins, another cash cow for the Malaysian's.....................next thing will be - charging them with possession of illegal drugs after testing positive. Peace
  12. Good one and approriate.................Thanx for rerurning my Friday to me............I can now enjoy the weekend without worrying about "Where is Rooster" Peace
  13. The article had me lost, quick check shows Nong Chim Chayaphum is directly Central Thailand, not North East Thailand............My first thought was "What is a Millionaire doing living in Nakona No_Where.............but it is a very picturescque area. Dollar to a donut says it was a jealous family member. They'll find them since the Thai Police are known to be fond of expensive watches.
  14. Hey, who gave Rooster the day off?? My Satuerday/Sunday morning reading has been interrupted without an article from The Rooster. How will I ever get through this week without a Rooster episode???? Hope all is well. Peace
  15. I agree there should be a degree of trust in marraige, but, and there is always a a 'but' sometimes it's not the wife's fault, they can be manipulated by family, especially older children, some fall into gambling w/o the spouces knowledge, loan sharks etc etc etc. - and there are plenty of unscrupulous lawyers around. I had a long term non-sexual association (5-6 years) with a Massage lady, very legitimate traditional Thai Masseuse, I loaned her 500,000 baht to purchase a home for herself in Bang Saray..........there was no hesitation on my part, as I trusted her. She still worked in Na Klua and eventually paid me about 50% of the loan, I forgave the rest as a Song Krahn gift. I visited her a few times at her home in Bang Saray, very nice little 3 bedroom cottage...........not far from the Sea - had I been smarter, I would have invested in real estate there 'way back when'. Think I'll pay her a visit when I get back..................Peace
  16. I will most assuredly be corrected - but aren't VPN's actually illegal in Thailand.........I seem to remember an obscure law that prohibits any sort of encryption or masking of data signals. What company in their right mind wiould allow remote work without a VPN Peace
  17. Sure it 'could' if the Baht went to a Thousand Baht for a Dollar................
  18. Out of the frying pan and into the fire would be a good place for this cockamamy idea.................Peace
  19. Sorry, I am addicted to Durian, and the smell is one of the things that keeps me coming back...............Eaten it in Thailand, Malaysia, Indiocesia, Vietnam., Laos, Cambodia and of all places - Hawaii................???? ???? ???? Peace.
  20. Sad to hear, we are all sure there is more to this story, 63 yo, jog's, drowns in two feet of water(??) could have been a heart attack, happens to the fittest of us humans, when it's your time to go, it's your time. RIP Mr Moorcraft. Peace
  21. To save money, they used the Pilot of the original crash as the Driver of the flatbed transporting the chopper to repair shop..............or maybe the Army has this problem?? The lack of skilled pilots is now causing chaos at our airports TIT
  22. Its made in Vietnam, works in Thailand, can';t vouch for PI but assume it will. My wife traded the A71 for the A73 since it has two sim's
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