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Heavy Metal

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About Heavy Metal

  • Birthday 08/01/1947

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    Udon Thani, Thailand

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    Udon Thani, Thailand

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  1. I wonder if he continued his paedophilia while he was living in Thailand and if there was a constant stream of thick brown envelopes covering up his evil activities?
  2. It wasn't passing because Trump DEMANDED his Republican minions in the House refuse to back it as Biden would get the Credit and it would harm Trump's Election Campaign. He's just a Low Life who puts the benefits to himself infront of benefits to the Country.
  3. I really can't get my head around the idea that about 75 million Americans are so incredibly stupid that they are considering voting for a senile, misogynistic convicted rapist and fraudster, with multiple indictments for theft, Treason, inciting a riot, Election interferance and others , to be the President of the USA. The guy has increasing Dementia He wants to destroy the much vaunted US Constitution His only intended Policy appears to be the Deportation of all Immigrants, even though he is married to one He intends to be a Facist Dictator from Day 1 if elected. He threatens to arrest all his Political enemies and those who openly dislike him followed by imprisonment and possible excecutions. Breaking away from current Allies and NATO to align USA with Dictatorships like Russia, Iran, North Korea, China and Hungary amongst others. Defunding of Social Security and Medicare Increased Taxation on Middle and Working Class whilst reducing and removing taxes for the Rich and Super Rich like himself and his Donors. Redirection of Government Departments such as Education to result in the dumbing down of US citizens. Removal and replacement of key positions in all Government Departments with Trump Loyalists and family members. Abolition of Presidential Elections The concept of Democracy will no longer exsist as the Government of the People will be a vehicle to benefit Trump and his Favoured Few alone. America will be in Total Chaos lead by a brain dead narcissist who does'nt know where he is or what he is doing and constantly soils his diapers. Even worse though he could be forced to hand over to the emotionally challenged J D Vance, the man with the charisma of a rusty doorknob
  4. The Royal Pardon I believe commuted Thaksin's Sentence to 12 months to be served in Prison. As Thaksin did not serve a single day in Prison he is in breech of the terms of his Pardon and an affront to 112 and should be hoiked off to serve 12 months actually in Prison
  5. Thaksin is the person who called for all the buses to use Compressed Gas as he had shares in the companies providing the products. This tragedy would not have occurred if he hadn't been so intent on lining his pockets and bugger the consequences. Thaksin is at the pinnacle of responsibility for this tragedy and must be held responsible.
  6. Bruce Springsteen Married to Julianne Phillips 1985 - 1989 Married to Patti Scialfa 1991 - Present Donald John Trump Adultery too numerous to mention
  7. Are Americans that f**king stupid?
  8. If this gets acrimonious we could see another Military coup taking over with another exit for Thaksin. More probably a swift moving of chess pieces and reorganizing of Coalition partners to move The People's Party into Leadership contention fulfilling the Thai people's overwhelming choice in the last election. The CC would probably throw that idea out and we go back to another Coup. TIT.
  9. Give her a chance and she rob you blind
  10. That was just a Red Herring to get the necessary votes while Thaksin used his magic to clear the path for familial succession. Now cast aside without a care. I doubt if the Thai people who have already spent it, in fact or promissory note, will be greatly enamoured of the sleight of hand shenanigans.
  11. There is no Right of Appeal against any Judgement by the Constitutional Court. Kangaroo?
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 162 seconds  
  13. Trump doesn't have any "Points" he just has stories about sharks, batteries, flushing toilets and dinner with his BFF Hannibal Lector. No cogent thoughts just a word salad thrown out at random. Weird!
  14. Not much use to him in Prison!
  15. Doesn't that constitute a Breach of Parole Restrictions? Expecting to hear the sounds of multiple sirens as he is hoiked off to prison to complete the remaining 7 years of his sentence. Not.
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