I really can't get my head around the idea that about 75 million Americans are so incredibly stupid that they are considering voting for a senile, misogynistic convicted rapist and fraudster, with multiple indictments for theft, Treason, inciting a riot, Election interferance and others , to be the President of the USA.
The guy has increasing Dementia
He wants to destroy the much vaunted US Constitution
His only intended Policy appears to be the Deportation of all Immigrants, even though he is married to one
He intends to be a Facist Dictator from Day 1 if elected.
He threatens to arrest all his Political enemies and those who openly dislike him followed by imprisonment and possible excecutions.
Breaking away from current Allies and NATO to align USA with Dictatorships like Russia, Iran, North Korea, China and Hungary amongst others.
Defunding of Social Security and Medicare
Increased Taxation on Middle and Working Class whilst reducing and removing taxes for the Rich and Super Rich like himself and his Donors.
Redirection of Government Departments such as Education to result in the dumbing down of US citizens.
Removal and replacement of key positions in all Government Departments with Trump Loyalists and family members.
Abolition of Presidential Elections
The concept of Democracy will no longer exsist as the Government of the People will be a vehicle to benefit Trump and his Favoured Few alone.
America will be in Total Chaos lead by a brain dead narcissist who does'nt know where he is or what he is doing and constantly soils his diapers. Even worse though he could be forced to hand over to the emotionally challenged J D Vance, the man with the charisma of a rusty doorknob