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  1. This terrible terrible policy has been tried and failed many times before. All it does it punish users with criminal records and jail time turning normal people into hardened criminals with few options in life. At present 800K, about 1.2% of Thais, are receiving drug treatment. Well done Anutin on turning most into Criminals - a failed horrible policy.
  2. Poison, guns, you cant take the killer out of a savage like this guy. They dont even know for sure his total kill tally.
  3. Its a war time - thanks to the kremlin Gremlin
  4. Ready to kill again. What will his next victims families say to the Nepalese govt?
  5. The Kremlin Gremlin sips champaign in his Bubble Wrap Fortress while he sends young men to die in his pointless war. Meanwhile Zelensky has the support of Ukrainians and the world. Well done sir.
  6. People really dont understand the dangers of Thai roads at all. You dont need to be going fast, you can even be wearing a helmet. The odds of getting hit on a bike or otherwise having an accident here are very high.
  7. Im not suggesting you take a swipe at him if you see him... but incase you have the inclination here's a more recent pic.
  8. Correct. Thailand is considered an upper-middle income. Although income in some rural areas is likely lower, the income rates in bangkok are approaching upper upper income. Anyone coming here should be aware of this and the budget implications.
  9. That should help attract more quality tourists and high net worth individuals!
  10. “When farang sends its people, they’re not sending their best, They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re <the R word>. And some, I assume, are good people." - build that submarine!
  11. Criticism is only "unfair" when its based on lies or misconceptions. The picture posted speaks for itself. Not nice after a 14 hour flight - or any flight.
  12. Its a good thing high quality tourist destinations like Pattaya are on offer then. Keep the criminals and low life's away. ????
  13. He knows if you keep the people stoned they wont notice bad governance ????
  14. Oh... I read the title as "Free Porn" - Not "Porn Free" - sorry Ill go elsewhere rather than listen to this puritanical dribble.
  15. Now all they need to do is get the police out on the roads issuing fines. Always an obstacle towards Thailand reaching rule of law.
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