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Posts posted by Pepper9187

  1. 18 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    Wonderful!!!!  Load off your mind.

    Sure will do !


    Anyone know (off topic question) in case of passport renewal, do i have to transfer my current stamp on my new passport (changwatana again) or can i just cross the border with my 2 passport and they'll stamp the departure date directly on the new one ?


    Couple of years ago i did a stamp transfer but i think i've heard they could just stamp your departure on the new one when you leave the country ?

    Not sure if i dreamed it or somehing.

  2. On 7/31/2018 at 3:26 PM, ClareQuilty said:

    No manual. Just an old car I picked up super cheap from a local a couple of years ago. Engine, transmission, suspension all sound and strong, but like most cars - the electronics are its undoing. 

    BTW to those who assumed I'm in Bangkok - in fact I'm isolated in Isaan. I do see 405s on the road up here, and only about half have Toyota engines. Guess they're just lucky - maybe carbureted models. 



    I got access to the servicebox too (i guess that's what you were talking about commie ?) ;


    Anyway just drop your VIN and i can find your OEM part reference, i found some unbelievable new OEM parts on ebay for my 605 (these parts are no longer produced since 10 years at least).


  3. 7 hours ago, JackThompson said:


    Actually, "used to stay too long a couple of years ago" is not a legal reason to deny entry - even if "too long" had ever been defined, which it has not.  Even the special rules for Visa-Exempts do not include anything that would apply to deny entry in your case - you were not making a "visa run" in/out, clearly aren't holding down a job here, and they could not get any info from your GF to use against you.  But, of course, they don't need a "true reason" when they can simply lie and get away with it. 


    Perhaps, they don't like it that you have a GF here - putting down roots.  You might get married someday (though that is more difficult, lately), and who knows what THAT could lead to.  Maybe the IO whom another unfortunate fellow encountered was involved...




    ... That fellow was denied entry.  Clearly, the IO involved wasn't concerned about him "illegally working," "not having support-money," or some-such silly excuse.  That verbal-exchange exposes the real face of what is waiting at some airports and Poipet - and it has absolutely nothing to do with the wording of the denial-stamps being issued.


    I know, it's what they ended up telling me, get married, do a non O visa or next time you won't go through (the good thing is that they didn't stamped any kind of warning on my passport)


    They cornered me, so far i could handle my girlfriend regarding the "getting married situation" but now i'm fighting against the immigration AND my girlfriend, i'm SO done ?


    I just saw another post where a guy was just sent back to his country, just reminds me how close i was to be shipped back to FR, very glad they didn't.


    • Like 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    OP you tefer to having a VOA.

    Was it actually a VOA or a visa exempt arrival? They are 2 different things. Doubt a farang would need or qualify for a VOA.
    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Woups sorry for the confusion ;


    When i said VOA i meant the "30 days (or 29) visa exempt.

  5. 4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    But the following was possibly another red flag?


    Was that working in Thailand between 2011 and like 2015?


    If I have misunderstood and this work was in your home country, then there may be questions of how a 30-something is getting by if he stopped working maybe 3 years ago and has subsequently spent a fair chunk of time in LOS.

    I was working in Thailand like 4 years until, not sure, i think the end of 2015 and I've been sitting in between France and Thailand ever since.

    Of course it was with WP and visas, no fancy illegal stuff.


    I feel like i'm being dragged in a "you were wrong" and that i'm supposed to argue "i'm not", so again : It was a feedback, not trying to convince anyone or persuade myself that i was right.


    At the end of the day, they let me through so they must have finally understood i had not spent much time in Thailand the last year and half + and that they were no "tricks" from me, otherwise i would not be sitting in BKK right now, i would have died form an earth attack after a 48 hrs trip :D.

  6. 9 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    And maybe that is what triggered the red flag this time?


    I mean that was ONLY 2 years ago.

    Could be, probably.


    Where does it ends ? 3 years ? 4 years ? Are they gona check if you stayed too long 5 years ago !?


    I think it was a whole package : Too many stamps, stayed too long 2 years ago + we don't really understand the lasts "in and out" stamps so you're screwed !

  7. Okey, i'm officially having a hard time following all the questions / comment ?


    Somebody asked me my overall P.O.S during august 2015 and august 2018, i'm not quite sure for 2015 it's on an old passport somewhere, but i can say for sure :


    31 July 2016 => 31 December 2016 : France (5 months)

    31 December 2016 => 9 June 2017 : Thailand (5 months +)

    9 June 2017 => 14 December 2017 : France (4 months)

    14 December 2017 => 4 April 2018 : Thailand (4 months)

    4 April 2018 => 3rd August 2018 : France  (4 months)

    Number of visa on arrival : 2 (including the one i had yesterday).


    So yes, i used to stay a long time in Thailand, mostly 2 years ago, but at the end of the day I've only done 4 months in Thailand since June 2017, and only 1 visa on arrival yesterday (the first one was somewhere in 2016).

    I got it, if they can kick you out of Thailand because you used to stay too long a couple of years ago, it's probably their right, i thought it would be more focused on the "recent activity" and not some period of stays 3 years earlier.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Tanoshi said:

    The bigger question and not one that I expect the OP to answer, but will almost certainly be an issue to Immigration, will be how someone so young can spend so much time visiting Thailand if he has a full time job in his home Country.

    That will raise suspicion he may be working in Thailand to finance his stays.

    Don't worry about my financials ?


    Kidding apart, they did not even asked me if i was working in Thailand, not even a single time !


  9. 5 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    You fit the profile.


    33 years old. (Big negative)

    4 months in Thailand last year (Big negative)

    Coming in on a visa exempt (Big negative)

    Previous long stays in Thailand in earlier years (Big negative).


    This is the new normal.


    In future, the only one you can change is the visa you come in on. If you plan any airport entries in the future, have a visa.

    I don't know ;


    I don't find that 4 months on tourist visa within the last 14 months to be excessive, but that's just my opinion...

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    The vast majority of people in similar situations to you who are stopped and interrogated and eventually denied and sent back, unlike you who eventually gained permission to enter, seem to be those flying in from nearby countries such as Laos, Malaysia or Cambodia.


    I wonder if the fact that you had flown in from Europe worked in your favour in that :-

    1. It shows you do go back to your home country

    2. you did not do a quick turnaround with just 1 or days outside of Thailand and

    3. Thai immigration may get more pushback off airlines if they are arbitrarily sending people back onto long haul flights at the airline's expense or at least last minute booking/seating inconvenience.


    This is my theory.


    But again, i only spent 4 month in Thailand within the last 14 months !!


    Really !?!?!?!

  11. 14 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    @Pepper9187 Were you flying in from France?


    ... Lyon, why !?


    9 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    I think the main reason for that is because of the indiscriminately placed entry/exit, Visas, Extension and re-entry permit stamps placed in your passport. There is rarely a continuous flow of stamps in page and date order.


    Yep, there was no discussion possible :

    Me : I hadn't been in Thailand within the last 4 months : Him : too many stamps

    But i just stayed in Thailand 4 months within the last 14 months !: Too many stamps !


    But, but .... TOO MANY STAMPS !!


  12. 13 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    Yes but you were stopped and questioned because of your frequency and length of time spent in Thailand.


    On the other hand there are those who frequently visit on Visa exempt entries and spend several months a year in Thailand and never get stopped or questioned. There appears to be no consistency with Immigrations policy of entry.


    It could be the colour of your skin, your nationality, or your attire that draws more attention, not simply the amount of entries.

    Many Thais do discriminate on grounds of ethnicity, religion etc.

    Could have been !


    No self flattering but i'm a "good looking" 33 yo farang + i was well dressed (no cheap charly backpacker), they could have thought i was illegally working in Thailand but they did not even asked me if i was a teacher or anything, really it was just about "too many visas" on your passport, we don't care about the dates, there's just too many end of discussion.


    Between august 2017 and august 2018 i was in Thailand only :

    14 December 2017 until 4 April 2018. (i said it was 2 April before, checked and it was 4th).


    August 2017 until 14 December 2017 = France

    April 4th until August 3rd = France


    I admit, in 2016 i was in Thailand like 8 months ... but i mean that was 2 years ago !


    Bloody hell, right !?

  13. 1 minute ago, Tanoshi said:

    If it was simply a case of 'to many' Visa exempt entries, then why are more not stopped or questioned.


    Wasn't really the case.

    I had only 1 visa exempt entry within the last 3 years (maybe even 4 years) ?


    5 minutes ago, Thian said:

    They should make it clear and just write on the website how many VOA one can get in a year and how many visa's.


    For the stamp i would just act like i hadn't seen the mistake...why would this have to cost another day at the immigration?


    It seems they are tired of farang who come often, maybe they only want westerners who come ones on a holiday and not every year. I also am always stressed when i need a new visa even when i know i can easy jump all the hoops.


    I don't think i'm gonna play the "oops i did not see" card, the situation is already pretty bad, don't want to be stuck another 2 hrs at the immigration when i'll leave with everyone looking all the stamps / visas again ...


    29 minutes ago, BritTim said:

    Visa exempt entries by air are very risky when you have many previous such entries. The combination of that and some extended previous stays was enough that they wanted to use their discretion under 2014 orders to deny you entry. I am glad you made it in. Avoid visa exempt entry by air in the future.

    Definitely gonna avoid any case of VOA in the future, that was the first in years, i usually always come with a tourist visa, did not had the time to get one (booked my flight last week), that's why i had a paid outbound ticket BKK to KL on August 29 ?

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