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Posts posted by Pepper9187

  1. Just now, transam said:

    Sunbeam, some of us like to own high HP rides, doesn't mean we will be tearing up the streets on/in them..My fun rides had 700hp on tap and in 23 years l never got nicked or had an accident in it..We are all different regarding our fun ..????

    Agreed 100%


    I have a cb100RR fireblade (technically 954cc) back home, i hear your point, just saying it would not come to my mind to buy one in here, no freaking way !

  2. 20 minutes ago, moose7117 said:


    opinions are like r soles, everybody has one but they aren't always yours.


    in my opinion, you are an idiot !

    Oh boy, seems i hurt someone's feelings real bad !


    I way way you'r right, that was a personal opinion, so let us hear yours, i just can't wait to hear it, i mean literally.


    Would you find an Hayabusa perfectly suited for Thailand's roads and traffic conditions ?
    Or was it that i said Thai roads are overall unsafe ?

    Or maybe both things ?

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/21/2018 at 1:34 PM, Kwasaki said:

    Agree some strange people on forums IMO on riding Thailand roads, the roads are getting better as time goes on, there inexperience if they think Thailand is dangerous again IMO.

    Yes the roads are indeed getting better every year but saying "there inexperience if they think Thailand is dangerous again IMO" you are killing me dude !!

    Roads are still very dangerous, even the new good looking ones hide holes / bumps / dirt a bit everywhere, there's still millions of ways to die here and overall we can't say it's that safe.


    Anyway to answer the OP, no need for 100HP or 200HP here, no way, you need a bike with maneuverability around here, and that's not gonna happen on a bike with 150+ HP.


    I have a CB400SF here, drove it BKK to chiang mai / Pattaya / Hua Hin / Pai  etc, i wouldn't mind having the Hornet 600 (which would be my dream bike for Thailand), but the super four is so nimble, accurate, docile, i wouldn't trade it for anything like a ninja or a z900.

    Big bikes are just for the show, just like someone else asked why people buy Lamborghini or Ferrari, you don't use them in BKK everyday, you don't use them to do 250+km/h, it's just for your pride / self flattering.


    + Not even speaking about the heat, good luck driving around on a CBR1000 between March / June, the bike's heat is gonna melt your bones.


    The best practicable bike you can probably easily buy in Thailand would be the CB650 

    • Like 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    Dental, like medical, costs have increased a great deal in the last decade and it also makes a big difference in the type of crown installed (low grade or no gold is much cheaper than high grade gold) and if RCT/PIN is required that will be more thousands of baht.  

    Yep but full ceramic tooth still cost around 10K.


    I wonder what kind of crown they've tried to sell him for 25K, i guess PFM's one.

  5. On 9/10/2018 at 1:06 PM, Lakegeneve said:

    Expect Aug 2019 for the 1st part of the MRT Blue Line ext. to open (Original opening date was 2016).


    All the info that you need is in this thread, 


    Thanks !


    I've read on a press website that the section between Tao Poon and Ta phra was sheduled for opening in 2018, the rest will be opened in mid 2019.

    Any idea if it's true ?

  6. I paid about 10K / ceramic crown at the Bangkok dental hospital about like 10 years ago.

    But my teeth didn't required a lot of work on it.


    Can't believe they would charge you 25K for this now, or your teeth must in real bad shape and requiring hours and hours of works before.

  7. There's some sugar free cold tea bottles available in every 7/11 it's actually quite good. (SHIZUZOKA, comes with sugar and non sugar versions), there's a few others but i can't recall the names)


    You should avoid drinks with aspartame instead of sugar anyway, it's actually worst than sugar, not just because the controversial cancers risks but because it makes you fatter !


    Your options are limited, teas, soda, waters, milk, damn i wouldn't like to have diabetes in Thailand, what a nightmare, everything here comes with enough sugar to kill an elephant.

  8. It's written on the paper they give you in exchange of your passport and / or at the

    14 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    They actually have a sign there, saying exactly that: 'your visa must be picked up on the designated day, as the visa will otherwise be cancelled' (exact wording might be different).

    Yep exactly what i was going to say.


    There's a big sign on the right wall near the pickup counter.


    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, vi2004 said:

    So, as expected I wasn't asked for money by Thai immigration.

    But this is how you can "easily" get 20.000 THB in Vientiane - it's pricey though.
    BCEL Bank ATM will give you a maximum of 1.500.000 kip per withdrawal with international credit card or Thai debit card.

    To get 20.000 THB in kip you have to withdraw 4 times which costs almost 400 THB in withdrawal fees.

    Then you can exchange all these kip to THB at any exchange booth (without showing an ID).

    Very expensive way to get peace of mind though - including unfavorable exchange rates.



    Sorry for misleading by saying there were ATMs in the arrival area, i was quite sure there were !


    So, someone said there was currency exchange counters in the arrival zones right ? does anyone knows if they can provide "cash by card" service ?


    Not sure how to call it in English, basically it's when you give your CC / DB to a bank and they charge is like if you bought something, then give you the cash in exchange.

  10. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    Not familiar with Chaeng Wattana immigration but it would be done where you applied for your extension of stay.

    Same floor as for visa extension, just another counter.


    BTW when they say 2nd floor it's probably because in thailand they usually don't count the 1st floor, it goes from ground floor straight to 2nd floor, can be a bit confusing when you don't know !

  11. 1 hour ago, jgarbo said:

    You're running a business, possibly illegally, and the Thai officials question you? Who do they think they are? Don't they know that in your country illegal businesses are OK? Get a legal visa, type O/B, start a business. Get it?

    What are you talking about ?


    I said a similar experience happened to me, i did not say that i was in the same situation (online working), you guys should stop trying to draw your own conclusions, just read carefully and stick to the facts.


    Anyway, saying that he was working online was a terrible move from the OP, that ca be said !

  12. 1 minute ago, bkk321 said:

    I see, thanks for clarifying. many similarities to my experience but also different.

    I too did not get anything marked into my passport.

    But they went into my history extensively, i could see all photos ever take of me at immigration points and a log of entry and exit dates. He even told me where i was staying in Bangkok last time.


    Lucky for you, I dont think anything was noted on your history!!


    I think now I just can't stay without staying away for a few weeks in between TR visas. Although until now they cant have checked my history. Also big risk flying into BKK if they don't let you in.




    Weird !


    I can't tell for sure, i mean they were holding / checking my passport in front of me and weren't looking at any computer, now it doesn't mean that another immigration officer wasn't doing the background check somewhere else with my passport number ... guess we'll never know.



  13. 3 minutes ago, bkk321 said:

    Pepper 9187.....did they mark anything in your passport? Did they go through your history on the computer?


    I was asked to sit on the chairs to the right of the immigration lines.



    Nope they didn't mark anything on my passport.


    The first officer (at the counter), after checking the computer started to ask basic questions in Thai, do you have a girlfriend, where do you live ... which i answered, then she said sorry have to ask my supervisors, which questioned me at the next counter for 20 minutes, then called another "supervisor" which pulled me apart in a different place (no more counters) and asked the same questions, then called another "supervisors" which did the same all over....


    Only the lady at the counter had access to a computer, all the next "supervisors" were just trying to understand my passport w/o computer access, that's when it all went bad i guess ! I mean good luck trying to understand a 3 year old passport full of TH / Laos visa with dozens of stamps.

  14. 28 minutes ago, bkk321 said:

    I mean he physically typed it into the computer on MY record! Nothing in the passport but plenty of verbal warning about staying long time on TR. I would have preferred it in my passport.


    I think your correct about them looking for tourist history, my passport didn't reveal much....until she brought up my history.





    Yah the problem is the combination of entering with a visa exempt + old visa / stamps on the passports, it rings a bell now at the immigration.

    My case was the other was around, my passport was messy with lots of old visa and stamps, however if they would have checked carefully on their computer they would have noticed that i had only stayed in Thailand 3 month within the last 13 months, didn't care, they arrested me 2 hours and threatened me like you.


    Just that you know, since i had a similar experience (not sure whether they registered anything on their computer though) i just changed my passport which was full anyway and applied for a TR visa in an embassy, i re-entered via DMK airport with no problem at all 10 days ago, no warning, no long time waiting / computer check, no question.



    • Like 1
  15. Similar story happened to me last month (except my last 3 years history was barely 50/50 between Thailand and France, so, even worst).



    What do you mean by "he put on my record that I would leave 14.10.18 as per my onward ticket and that I was a visa runner or TR visa abuser"

    Did he stamped / wrote anything on your passport ? Was it an just a verbal warning ?


    My understanding is they have received clear instructions to pull aside anyone with "Tourists background" and trying to enter TH with a visa exempt, and even deny some.

    As long as you have a TR visa, it's fine, visa exempt seems to be a big "no no" right now.

  16. I think i have (maybe) found an answer Wikipedia is saying 2020 ?




    Aaaand another one said it's scheduled for 2018 OMG :




    THAILAND: On August 11 Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha attended the opening of a 1·2 km extension of Bangkok’s MRT Blue Line from Bang Sue to Tao Poon. Revenue services were expected to start the following day.

    The extension takes the metro line to 21 km and 19 stations, and provides an interchange with the Purple Line. The eastern section of the extension is underground, but Tao Poon station is elevated.

    A further 11·9 km elevated extension to Tha Phra with 10 stations is under construction, with opening scheduled for 2018.


  17. Just now, ryanwiley said:

    Thanks Pepper,

    Actually, the reason I put up this thread was because I was going to go to BIDC, but a colleague just went there and reported the same as what you said...she felt like the dentists were mostly concerned about how much money they could get out of her, as opposed to fixing her teeth in the best way. 


    I'm already in pain...don't need more of a headache! I'm not too concerned about price or exact location....just want to find someone with a good reputation.

    Well i would definitely avoid them then !


    Which area do you live in ? 

    If all you have is a cavity / decay (not sure how to call that in English), i'm not sure it's gona be worth the effort to travel across BKK to get a dentist that someone recommended you.


    The dentist are pretty much all good in TH, went there couple of times from the big Bangkok hospital dental clinic till the street dentist, they were all skilled, i would just avoid the big privates 5 stars hotels clinic where you never know what kind of imaginary decease they're gonna find you and charge you a couple of extra THB for that.

  18. On 8/30/2018 at 6:55 AM, Crossy said:

    Unless you're really on a tight budget I'd go for the 899 option, twice as fast as the 799 option.


    Remember, these speeds are maximums in-country, international speeds can be rather (a lot) lower. 


    Which provider is this, are you limited by the condo management as to who you can use?

    Yes and no.


    With the fiber it's still really fast (for "international connections"), you don't loose much bandwidth, ex with my AIS 100MB, test done on a FR server, i lose 1/3 of my upload bandwidth but the download one is 90%.

    (main problem would be for online gaming, you'll have a high latency if you intend to play on EU / NA servers)



    I still get 62 MBPS on new york servers.

  19. They all speak english, never seen one who couldn't (in BKK at least).


    You can just go pretty much anywhere, the prices are tight, there won't be a big difference between street dentist and hospital dentist, unless you plan to get 10 implants.

    if you don't want to take a risk just go to any big hospitals, you always have huge dental centers in any of them.

    I would just avoid Bangkok hospital dental center, had a bad experience there, not bad dentists, but it was quite obvious they were more concerned about making money than fixing my teeth the right way, bad advises and it was all in a rush, personal experience though, i'm sure plenty of guys in there had better ones.



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