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Posts posted by Toni

  1. finaly, after informing Terra in the States (because I couldn't reach them in Spain) and complaining by True (did that help??) the ban at the Spanish mail-provider TERRA (www.terra.es) has been suspended!

    Took a while but........ :D

    Great news Toni!! :o

    and now I don't have my Spanish eMail account anymore :D

  2. Every day I experience more and learn more about the computer. :D

    I am working now a very short time with Firefox on your recommendation and I can say: perfect! :o Very easy to work with and to adjust which brought me at the theme "cookies". :D

    I understood that cookies are a handy tool for when one want to surf a second time a specific site.

    Also the theme "Cyberinspector" :D is making me curious, almost every week he is commented somewhere, and I started trying out where and how to meet this guy on the World Wide Web. We met! :D

    A very educated person indeed ! Nothing anonymus, he introduces himself, or....?

    Playing around with the Firefox accessories I met him again: he left his business card in my computer. :D

    My question now is, what is he doing with the cookie he left? Does he wants to have commission on every site he controlls or will he start spamming me or what? :D

    Does somebody knows?


  3. Australian court jails woman for keeping Thai sex slaves

    MELBOURNE - An Australian court sentenced a woman to 10 years in prison on Friday for making five Thai women work as sex slaves in a brothel.

    Tang Wei, 44, is the first person in Australia to be found guilty by a jury of possessing sex slaves, under federal anti-slavery laws introduced in 1999.

    During the eight-week trial at the Victorian County Court, the prosecution said the five women were brought to Australia with the promise they would be able to work legally in the sex trade.

    Full story from The Nation here.

    found this in some forum as an ad in the middle of last year.



  4. Toni,

    1-3 can be solved with any other program, and 4 I guess refers to sub-divisions of groups of contacts, i.e. referencing your contacts in various ways.

    My recommendation would be to try Thunderbird for your contact management, just because it's popular, reliable and free. It may or may not have what you need but it covers points 1-3 and maybe 4 too.

    I haven't seen any contact management plug-ins for Thunderbird, and if you need something better for contact management you may need to look at CRM-oriented program like ACT, but that is a big step beyond an Outlook/Thunderbird type program. They aren't necessarily hard to use but you have to do a bit of work to set them up and make them useful to you, so I wouldn't recommend it if you only have basic requirements.

    Try the Sunbird plug-in for Thunderbird for your calendar and see if it meets your needs. Again free and popular, similar capabilities for stand-alone use as Outlook, and you'll be able to understand the filing system without much trouble.

    Google Calendar I find excellent but you have to be online whenever you use it. Likewise Gmail contacts have a lot of fields to use and grouping capability, maybe you'll find what you need there.

    If you need any help with these programs let me know and I'll do what I can.

    thanks all so much, I'll give it a try. Yes, Google has a nice calendar but it is giving me the fear that I don't have it in hand and I have very bad experiences with all these hugh companies with their robot-like answering staff or hiding their mail-addresses. :o Yes, I'm an idiot I know! A pity that the Google one works only by means of their data-bank!

    I keep you informed.

  5. I'm sure plenty of people have had experience with other programs of this type but you perhaps could give a little bit more info, like:

    What aspects of Outlook you are unhappy with and what 'contacts' features you need.

    You use Outlook for contacts and calendar, however am I correct to presume you use it for email also?

    Are you working alone or in a group with shared information?

    ACT is a very popular CRM package, but probably overkill for a calendar and basic contact management for someone working alone.

    Thunderbird is a great replacement for Outlook and a calendar plug-in is available, but I've not ever used anything but the basic address book with it, which AFAIK doesn't offer any functionality greater than Outlook.

    If you post a bit about how you use Outlook and what you want to do I'm sure you'll get some good info.

    I can understand that my questions has to be more clear before one can give a proper advice.

    I am not working in a group.

    Anyway, not 100% happy with Outlook because:

    1. I don’t want to be dependable of all programs from Microsoft

    2. Might be because of my stupidities but I have lost in the past several times

    information of my address book whilst saving and reloading again in a new

    computer; I don’t like the saving-procedure of Outlook

    3. After using the CD for installing and/or repairing an XP professional program my

    calendar has been changed; when I had an entry for only one day suddenly some of

    the entries are extending with one, or like last time, with a lot more days.

    4. I want to extend the possibility to make more sub-divisions in the target-groups.

    I think these are my main reasons. I don’t use Outlook’s mail option. I use WEBmail.

    I hope I gave enough info, if not, plse come back to me.

    Thanks in advance :o

  6. "A zoo is not really a bad alternative....." : my question is a bit off-topic but when I see how a zoo in Alaska has to "please" its live-stock because the invironment doesn't fit the animal:


    than I say: better being a "begging-elephant" in BKK. (to prevent angry answers about these BKK elephants: I am against this treatment as well!)

  7. I am using Outlook (not Express) as a calendar and for my contacts.

    As I am not fully satisfied about certain things, especially concerning the calendar, I am looking for a replacement for both.

    Does somebody has experience with other programms? Especially the "contacts" programm should be a bit more advanced and not too straight foreward; I need to specify target groups for example.

    As members of this Forum gave already very usefull tips concerning programms I am convinced somebody can help me again.

    Thanks in advance

  8. Be carefull with battery packs. Most new cameras, especially digital cameras are very sensitive to the voltage they are suppied with. This is why they use Lithium amd Lithium Iron batteries, they deliver the rated voltage untill just about dead then die very quickly from there. Low voltage can cause increase in current and cause problems in the power supply or the CPU.

    Another consideration is that the cameras have switches on the battery door that prevent operation when the door is open. Make sure the adaptor will work with your cmera. Needless to say these devises void most warentees.

    thanks! You are right: it is risky. But it is so anoying that the battery runs out always when one just need them. And buying a spare battery is very inconvinient due too the need of proper maintenance of unloading/loading, like a cell-phone. Anyhow, no alternative I am afraid!

  9. .

    What's wrong with this government?

    They should have been swept off the streets a long time ago.

    Those people you see with puss oozing from their stumps every 100 meters are employees of begging gangs.

    That's valuable turf and real homeless beggars would not last out there for a minute.

    And get rid of the disgusting packs of wild dogs please.

    this generalising reply for me is not worth to answer, however I could not resist only to say that your "disgusting packs of wild dogs" are caused by irresponsable "humans". When I can think of a country spic and span and wll organised I let you know!


  10. Thanks for your advice everyone. My friend decided to have her cat put down. She took him back to the original vet clinic which performed the operation and, although the vet wasn't overly keen at first, he realised it was the best thing to do. The drips were only giving him temporary relief and a few hours afterwards he was reverting back to the way he was before having the drip. He'd been this way for more than four weeks (still had not eaten or drunk anything) so it was the best thing to do even though it was hard.

    Thankyou for the information on vets with cat expertise as well as myself and quite a few others at my work also have cat's and this information will be very helpful.

    very sad to read this, my condolences! I know what they went through! I had always lots of animals and the final decision is very difficult to make. No single animal I forgot after saying good-bye.

  11. [i cannot find the proper words for my reply and when I am emotionally able to write a reaction after some days of cooling of I better don't do, I think, for my own sake! :D:D

    Toni, we are waiting for you to get angry. :D

    better not, again I can harm myself I am afraid! I have learned now to count to ten (YES!) first before (re)acting.

    but found this picture (I know :o ) with the text "don't look please; what you don't see doesn't excist".



  12. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Interestingly enough.... ALSO FOUND on the very same search page, good ol' Wattana has been doing a terrific job since Day 1.

    I had forgotten that he was the particularly ridiculous fool moron that came out with this one:


    Watana upsets women - The Nation, November 14, 2005

    Women’s groups said yesterday that they would ask Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to account for his appointment of Watana Muangsook as Social Development and Human Security Ministry in light of Watana’s call on Saturday for women to prostrate themselves at their husbands’ feet before bedtime, in line with Thai tradition.

    I knew it, he can't be that bad... :D

    Watana has no face left... that's probably why he proposed this latest horrendously bad move to treat the homeless as so much pile of refuse.

    The reason he has no face is that when he came out with the previous imbecile notion of wives, after his very own wife said it was a stupid idea and then told him to eat shit and said she would never do it...


  13. ... their "Verisign Secured" - Verify-> logo is dead --- isn't that logo supposed to take you to a Verisign verification?

    :o you tell me; you are communicating with a dummie!

    so, for the time being can only say: be carefull on buying and downloading this software:


  14. The Minister of Social Development and Human Security is preparing to set social order by clearing homeless people off the streets on the event of His Majesty's 60th ascension anniversary ceremony.

    Disgraceful and disgusting behaviour on such an occasion. For shame Minister, for shame.

    Agreed... and just to put a face to this shame:


    Mr.Watana Muangsook

    Minister of Social Development and Human Security

    and from his online bio:

    WORKING EXPERIENCES: 1982 - 1996 Lawyer hmmmmm... :o:D


  15. Looks like malware to me.

    thank you, you are making my day! :o Because my machine was a bit slow in Internet I deleted histories, cookies and Internet-files as prefetches, made a scan with your perfect recommendated-software and could produce some screen-shotes, so also thanks to your software-recommendations!!

    By the way, these reports appeared AFTER I deleted the programm(s) at Norton's warning through Norton!






  16. Minister of Social Development and Human Security to clear away homeless people from the streets

    The Minister of Social Development and Human Security is preparing to set social order by clearing homeless people off the streets on the event of His Majesty's 60th ascension anniversary ceremony.

    Mr. Wattana Muangsuk (วัฒนา เมืองสุข), the minister of Social Development and Human Security, revealed that during the event of His Majesty's 60th ascension anniversary ceremony, he has coordinated with the Metropolitan Police Bureau and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in clearing the streets of homeless people in order to beautify the city for foreign dignitaries between June 8-14.

    Mr. Wattana added that the relatives of homeless people will be notified to come and pick them up, and those without identification or relatives will be sent to temporary lodgings.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 June 2006

    I cannot find the proper words for my reply and when I am emotionally able to write a reaction after some days of cooling of I better don't do, I think, for my own sake! :o:D

  17. somewhere in General Topics somebody wrote "might be you can search" in above mentioned site or "might be this site can be usefull" or something like that to check-out somebody after doubts about a certain person.

    Curious as I am I down-loaded, can always be usefull in this world of croocks no? but I am not very convinced about the effectivity of this site, however, I must admit that I was not able to make a long study of its work. Furthermore I found a page with ski- resorts in Europe, I really am not looking for when I buy such software, either addresses, not very uptodate, from Banks.

    What me however worried more is that Norton informed me about a lot of spyware after down loading.

    :D Are they using the down loaders/clients also as a source for their files?? :o

    What do you think about this matter or am I too suspicious??


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